You found 3934 newsreels for query "museum"

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"museum" newsreels and historical clips

Enisei River's Meridian № 1 Keepers 2002

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:07, published: 3/29/2023


Issue devoted to the opening of the Krasnoyarsk regional museum after 14 years of renovation.

Historical note

In 2001, the Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum was recognized as the best museum in Russia.

Reel №1

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... View of the museum from the opposite bank of the Yenisei River.

View of the museum from under the bridge.

On the sidewalk are people on the road going cars.

Pictures from the life of the ancient Egyptians to the top edge of the walls of the museum.

Clock Tower.

People come to the museum.

View of the ...

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... at the entrance.

People in the museum.

Museum exhibits.

Cargo ships at berth.

View of the bridge over the river.

The museum building.

Pictures from the life of the ancient Egyptians to the top edge of the walls of the museum.

People in the halls and corridors of the museum.

A woman considering exposure ...

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... exposure.

Newlyweds at the entrance to the museum.

Models of old ships and aircraft.

Fleece festive costume exploratory working on a mannequin, among other exhibits.

Dial hours.


Scarecrow woolly rhinoceros.

The skeleton of a mammoth.

Tells V.M.Yaroshevskaya.

Museum exhibits.

Rock paintings.

The dark room ...

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... glasses.

Miniature bust "Mefistofele" under a magnifying glass.

Mannequin in national dress.

The corridors of the museum.

Woodcarving. V.I.Privalihin makes mannequin.

An employee cleans the museum showcases.

Mannequins in clothes shamans under the starry sky.

Tells V.I.Privalihin.

Shamanic paraphernalia. ...

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... Children in the hall of the museum.

The corridors of the museum.

Ancient burial ground with parts of the skeleton.

Young people on the tour.

The museum is changing light bulbs on the ceiling.

Tells V.M.Yaroshevskaya.

Newlyweds at the columns at the entrance to the museum. V.M.Yaroshevskaya.

Newlyweds ...

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... Newlyweds on free trips to the charity event.

A group of pupils rises on the porch of the museum.

View of the museum with the water, the water floats floe.


Museums and exhibitions

Culture and Arts


Yaroshevskaya VM - Director of Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum.

N. Makarov - Head of the Department of Archeology and Ethnography Museum.

Privalihin VI - Senior Fellow at the Museum, the candidate of historical sciences.

Gorky Museum 1968

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:00, published: 3/11/2021

Scene №1 Gorky Museum

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame


Museums and exhibitions

Persons of arts

Culture and Arts



A. M. Gorky Literary and Memorial Museum

Lenin Museum 1971

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:57, published: 3/26/2021

Scene №1 Lenin Museum

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Museums and exhibitions

The revolutionary events of 1917

Culture and Arts


Kizhi Museum 1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:55, published: 12/29/2015

Scene №1

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Museums and exhibitions


Culture and Arts

School Museum. 1983

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:35, published: 10/9/2015


The film is dedicated to the organization of school museums.

Reel №1

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... Students examine the museum.

Pathfinders go to places of military glory.

The guide leads a tour.

Lenin Museum in Gorky.

Pioneers sing a song.

Monument to 26 Baku commissars.

Veteran holds a conversation.

Rural School.

2h. - Village Settlement.

Playground school museum.

At the table was going ...

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... going to the museum board.

Students work on the tractor.

The student conducts a tour of the museum.

Says the director of the school number 29. Guide tells.

Chronicle: The ruins of Leningrad.



Rural settlements.

Guided work.

Out of school education.


Reel №2

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... village.

The exposition of the school museum of military and labor glory.

Meeting of the Museum Council (synchronously).

Schoolchildren repair a tractor.

Tolyatti School Museum.

Meeting with veterans.

The exposition of the museum.

The student leads a tour of the museum (synchronously).

The workshop of the ...

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... automobile plant.

Memorial obelisk in honor of the deceased pupils of the Moscow artillery school.

Museum of Military Glory of the 2nd Special Artillery School.

School guides conduct excursions (synchronously).

Museum of school No. 325Leningrad

Portrait of O. Bergholz ()her voice sounds).

D. Shostakovich at ...

Paleontological Museum 1986

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:11, published: 6/3/2019

Scene №1

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Laboratory of the Museum.

Skeletons of prehistoric animals.

Ammonites (ammonoids).

Other mollusk shells.

Bone fragments in boxes.

A painting of mammoths.

Skull of a mammoth with tusks.

The box with the remains of hyaenodon.

Researcher at the Museum stick bone.


Museums and exhibitions

Culture and Arts

oil Museum 1975

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:04:07, published: 12/16/2017


Shown the exhibits of the Museum of oil and gas extraction.

Reel №1


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... Workers turn the valve.

Map of deposits.

Layout with buildings, people around the layout.

Old photos.

People are walking down the street.


Museum exhibits.

Factory shop.

The sign "Press Center"is lit on the wall.



Museums and exhibitions

Sectors of the economy

Culture and Arts

Remains Museum. 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:09, published: 6/15/2014


Museums and exhibitions

Persons of arts

Culture and Arts



The film is about the founder of the State Museum of arts in Nukus I. V. Savitsky.

Reel №1


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... at the museum.

Photo of Savitsky during the sixth expedition.

Views of one of the settlements of the Karakalpak ASSR.

Panorama of one of the villages.

People at the yurt, the faces of the old man and children.

Newsreel: Savitsky collects exhibits from local residents for the future museum.

Handicrafts ...

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... decorations.

Interior decoration of the Karakalpak yurt.

Photo of Savitsky with his associates in the creation of the museum.

Types of streets in Nukus.

The building of the Museum of Art, opened, thanks to Savitsky.

Photos of the construction of the museum's storage facility.

The remains of an ancient ...

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... on the streets of Nukus.

Photos of Savitsky with young artists of Karakalpakstan.

Paintings and sculptures by Karakalpak artists, exhibits of the Museum of Art.

Portrait of Savitsky.

Types of streets and squares in Tashkent.

Paintings by artists A. Volkov and Nikolaev, early paintings by Danzigbayev ...

Reel №2

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Paintings by artists V. Ufimtsev, V. Markova, M. Kurzin, E. Korovai, collected by Savitsky for the museum.

View of the corridor of the museum with paintings on the walls.

Types of storage facilities of the museum and restoration workshop.

View of the Moscow street.

The daughter of the artist Alexander Shevchenko-Tatiana ...

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... K. Istomin, P. Kuznetsov, collected in the Museum of Art.

Paintings in the museum's storage room.

Watercolors and paintings by M. K. Sokolov in the restoration workshop of the museum.

Paintings by A. Sofronova, K. Redko, N. Tarasov, collected in the Museum of Art.

View of a narrow staircase in an ...

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... together with the museum staff, analyzes and examines the delivered paintings.

Restorer at work.

Piles in the center of Nukus on the site of the foundation of the museum complex, the construction of which was suspended in 1979.

Photo of Savitsky during his illness.

The sign of the State Museum of Art.

Savitsky ...

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... Savitsky in Nukus.

Visitors enter the museum.

Bust of Savitsky in the hall of the museum.

Newsreel: Savitsky in the museum's storage room examines the paintings.

Savitsky hangs the painting on the wall of the museum.

Exhibits and paintings in the halls of the museum.

Portrait of Savitsky.

Museum "Kolomna" 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:20:08, published: 5/16/2013

Scene №1 Museum "Kolomna"

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Museum expert 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:22:50, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Museum expert

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An employee of the museum tells about the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Visitors to the museum.


At a conference devoted to the examination of works of art, are the art and artists.

Interview with staff of the Tretyakov Gallery of works of art market, auctions ...

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... auctions, museum of expertise and technical basis of the museum.

Interview with a specialist on the legal aspects of the artistic expertise of works of art.

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