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"piglets" newsreels and historical clips


Footage, 6 footages, duration: 2:52:47, published: 12/12/2023

Scene №6 Подсобное хозяйство воинской части, свинарник, птицеферма

the pigs.

Sick piglets in separate compartments.

The colonel holds a piglet in his arms, talks about the subsidiary farm and the position of an economic officer.

Piglets sleep in sawdust.

A sow.

The colonel is walking down the aisle, stroking piglets, talking about animals.

Grown-up piglets in the pen.


Pigs in stalls.

Sows with piglets.

Boar Vasya.

An ordinary man enters the enclosure to a sow, picks up a piglet, talks about the specifics of working with animals, about service in a subsidiary farm.

A soldier transplants piglets into a separate pen.

Piglets in a pen with lamp heating.

Subsistence farming factory "Aktyubinskselmash." 1983

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:44:16, published: 12/26/2015

Reel №1

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Steppe landscape.




Lambs in the stall.

Shepherd K.Sarsenbayev (synchronously).

Queens are launched to the lambs.

Lambs suck their mother.

Edilbaevskaya breed of sheep.

The piglets are huddled together and sleeping.

Piglets suck their mother.

Piggy (synchronously).

Cows of the ...


Please love and respect 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:05:51, published: 3/20/2017

Reel №2


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... Semirechensk and Kemerovo breeds.

Piglets suck milk from the mother.

Pigs and piglets in cages.

Panorama of one of the pig-breeding complexes.

Vets are on a routine inspection of pigs.

The pigs in the pen.

Remote automatic control of the pig breeding complex.

Pigs at the trough.

Piglets suck milk.

Weighing and ...

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... and registration of young pigs.

An employee of the complex distributes piglets at the teats of the pig.

Piglets suck milk from the mother, a veterinarian examines pig.

Distribution of the grown-up will ask for pens.

Starlet № 40 1985

Newsreel, 6 parts, duration: 0:52:58, published: 6/23/2017

Reel №3


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... with pigs.

Piglets with a hedgehog.

The cubs are near the hole.

Wolves and pigs.

Fox in the grass.

Owl on the tree.

Piglet and fox in the clearing.

The grown pigs on the glade are looking for food, digging the earth with their noses.

Wild boars eat the acorns in the autumn forest.

Piglets lie in the ...


Reel №4


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... different breeds in cages.

Pig feed piglets.

Pig breeding complex (PNRM.).

Pigs in pens.

The control panel of the automated complex.

Automated feed for feeders.

Pig feed piglets.

The vet examines the piglets.

The pig farm worker keeps all the piglets fed.

Piglets run through the premises of the complex ...

Self-sufficiency at the farm 1971

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:09:46, published: 6/6/2018

Reel №1


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... is "Measures for the further development of the economy".

Interactive map of the state farm, with designated livestock farms.

Photo of a pig with piglets.

Interactive map of the state farm, with designated livestock farms and feedlots.

Photo of state farm buildings.

The buildings are on the territory ...


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... sows.

In the house there is a pig with piglets.

An employee of the farm is watching the piglets in the house.

In the house there is a pig with piglets.

Piglets get out of a small door outside of the house, to the feeder.

Large - the face of a farm employee.

Piglets eat from the feeder.

Pigs graze in the ...

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... the meadow.

On the way UAZ.

A veterinarian gets out of the car.

Piglets in the meadow.

The veterinarian dials medicine into a syringe, gives injections to piglets.

The big pig squeals.

A herd of piglets is running across the field.

Houses for sows, pigs run around.

The territory of the farm, a pennant ...



State farm, livestock farm, sow, pig, piglets, veterinarian

Agroferma in Latvia 1987

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:41, published: 10/13/2015

Scene №1

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Poultry: chickens.

Pig: pig with piglets.

Sausage shop ..

Dairy farm products.

Panorama № 21 1990

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:06, published: 1/19/2018

Reel №1

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... state farm named after Commissioner Belyshev (synchronously).

Piglets in the pen.

V.I. Gusev is one of the former tenants of the state farm named after Commissioner Belyshev (synchronously).

Piglets at the feeder with milk.

A sow with piglets.

Village street.

A man puts grain in bags.

Women clean up in ...


Soviet Ural Mountains № 16 1983

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:55, published: 3/24/2023

Reel №1


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... the factory.

Factory shop.

Bags on a conveyor belt.

3. Pig breeding complex of the Gornouralsky state farm.

Piglets at the watering trough.

Piglets suck a sow.

The veterinarian examines the piglet.

Pigs on the range.

4. Construction of greenhouses.

Cucumber seedlings in the greenhouse.


Harvesting ...


First Five-Year Plan 1930-1934

Footage, 4 parts, duration: 0:06:31, black-white, published: 6/8/2016

Reel №3

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Work farmers in the fields. Piglets.

MI Kalinin, speaks with collective farmers.

Farmer drinking tea.

Carousel in the village.


Rehabilitation programs for people suffering from drug dependence 2003-2005

News, 5 footages, duration: 0:30:10, published: 12/7/2017

Scene №3 The life of the community of the rehabilitation center for former drug addicts in the village of Erino, Novosibirsk region

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... boards.

The men carry the finished wooden frames to the barn.

Puppy in the yard.

Personal subsidiary farming: a rabbit in a cage, a piglet in a stable.

A man is feeding a piglet.

A dog on a leash.


Herbs with garlic, onions, other herbs.

Greenhouses on beds.

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