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"rowing" newsreels and historical clips

Leningrad chronicles № 24 1960

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:14, published: 9/16/2019

Reel №1


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... Ukrainian hopak on an open stage.

Preschooler Misha Lazarev performs a solo part in a dance.

The audience applauds the young artists.

Participants of the rowing competitions are nominated for the start.

The crew of the "deuce" consisting of Yu.

Tyukalova and A. Berkutova at a distance.

Tyukalov and Berkutov ...



Tyukalov Yurij Sergeevich -- rower, rowing coach, architect, artist

Berkutov Aleksandr Nikolaevich -- rower, rowing coach

Rowing and canoeing. Olympics - 80 1981

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:46, published: 3/3/2014

Reel №1 Rowing and canoeing. Olympics - 80


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Panorama of a part of Moscow (from above).

The face of a rower on a two-man kayak during overcoming the distance.

Participants of competitions in rowing on two-person kayaks pass the distance.

Rowers on single kayaks during the Olympic regatta in Moscow.

Participants of the Olympic regatta in the intervals ...

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... first.

The President of the International Olympic Committee, Lord Killanin, presents Parfenovich with the first Olympic award for winning in single rowing.

Parfenovich is on the podium.

The state flag of the USSR is raised on the flagpole.

Two-man kayak competition on the Krylatsky Canal.

The deuce of ...


Reel №2

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Participants of the two-man canoe rowing competitions at the start of the thousand-meter race.

The Romanian pair of rowers-Ivan Patsaykin and Tomase Mionov rush forward.

Patsaykin and Mionov bypass their rivals.

Patsaykin and Mionov are leading in the race.

Patsaykin and Mionov are the first to cross ...

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... cross the finish line.

Four kayakers from the GDR at the start.

The contestants will start.

Crews of fours pass the distance, types of the rowing channel during the competition.

View of the leaders ' kayak (from above).

The crew from the GDR leads the race and finishes first.

Crews of rowers on the water ...


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... Lyubenov.

Lyubenov wins the race, Postrekhin throws an oar.

The judge's boat follows the rowers on the rowing channel in Krylatskoye during the next stage of the competition.

View of the part of the rowing canal in Krylatskoye (from above).

Leningrad chronicles № 22 1961

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:05, published: 9/16/2019

Reel №1


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Installation of turbo generator parts.

View of the turbo generator during assembly.

Panorama of one of the fields of the Lenin collective farm.

Row-to-row processing of legumes and corn crops, the face of a tractor driver.

Liquid fertilization of sugar beet seedlings with fertilizers.

Laying hay in ...


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... production of commemorative medals for participants of the World Youth Forum.

Ready-made medals.

Obverse and reverse of the medal.

Participants of the rowing competitions in Kavgolovo pass in formation during the opening ceremony of the competition.

Cups intended for the winners.

The competition of women's ...



Yakovlevich -- statesman

Mozalevskij Anatolij Vasiljevich -- state, economic and political figure

Golovanov Oleg Sergeevich -- rower, rowing coach

Polyakova Nina Sergeevna -- rower, rowing coach

Rowing and Canoeing. The Olympic Games-80. 1981

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:52, published: 11/14/2012


The opening of the Olympic Games. Rowing and Canoeing on an artificial row channel in the Moscow district of Krylatskoe.

Reel №1


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... plan, departure.

Moscow - LS.y plan from a helicopter (with area Luzhniki Olympic facilities).

Rowing canal in CU.ylatskom - LS.y plan, departure.

Along the shore of the channel are athletes - plans.

Rowing regatta participants prepare for the competition, check out the boat, by car wheeling paddle ...

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... Training heats eight athletes Romanian athletes USSR and other countries - different plans.

Panorama of sports flags - MS.edny plan.

Spectators gather for rowing competitions in CU.ylatskom - LS.y plan, removed from the top point.

The stands filled with spectators - LS.y plan.

Preliminary swim male swing deuces ...


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Interview with the president of the International Federation of rowing T. Keller (simultaneously in English) - CU.upny plan.

T. Keller and others bear paddle boarding, sail - MS.edny, CU.upny plans.

Weathervane - CU.upny plan.

Coast rowing canal - LS.y plan, athletes are boarding - MS.edny, CU.upny plans ...

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... plans.

Storm clouds in the sky - CU.upny plan.

Against the background of the rain weathervanes - LS.y plan.

Rostrum rowing canal in the rain - LS.y plan.

The spectators in the stands with umbrellas - LS.y plan.

Start of final arrival pairs, women's pairs - MS.edny, LS.y plans (removed rocking).

On the ...


Reel №2


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... MS.edny, CU.upny plans.

Athletes share icons - MS.edny plan; smiling athletes - MS.edny, CU.upny plans.

Scoreboard with Olympic bear - MS.edny plan.

Rowing channel Helicopter - LS.y plan.

The French city of Nice (autumn, winter) 2001

Footage, 12 footages, duration: 1:48:47, published: 2/20/2018

Scene №8 Merchant rows of Nice.

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City streets, shop windows.

Lanes with trading rows: food, clothing.

Street cafes.

Showcase of a flower shop

The facade of the Orthodox church.

Vitaliy Vulf leaves the courtyard.

Foreign newsreels № 6484 1980

News, 1 part, published: 2/9/2016

Scene №13

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Gerard d'Aboville is a French public and political figure, traveler, writer, initiator of solo rowing crossings across the ocean, member of the Council of Paris (2008-2014), president of the Association of Maritime and River Heritage.

Soviet Sport № 10 1982

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:56, black-white, published: 3/25/2014


Championship of the USSR People's rowing in Dnepropetrovsk.

Non-standard sports equipment for physical education classes at a Moscow school.

Hang Gliding.


1. National Championship of Traditional rowing.

2. Lessons physical education in the 811th Moscow school.

3. Hang gliding

Reel №1

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1. Pond, swans.

Vacationers boating - different plans.

Emblem Union competitions for traditional rowing.

Athletes carry the boat to the water.

Athletes in the boat, set the oars.

Panorama of the city of Dnepropetrovsk - removed from the river side.

Cost competitors.

Flag-raising event.

Arrival ...


Soviet Sport № 13 1955

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:11, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


European Rowing Championship in women near the capital of Romania - Bucharest, on Lake Snows.

Training of masters rowing in Moscow.

Training athletes-athletes in Moscow at stadium "Dynamo".

Football match at the stadium "Dinamo" between teams "Dynamo and the Central House of the Soviet Army.

Reel №1

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1. European Rowing Championship in women near the capital of Romania - Bucharest, on Lake Snows.

2. Training of masters rowing in Moscow.

3. Training athletes-athletes in Moscow at stadium "Dynamo".

4. Football match at the stadium "Dinamo" between teams "Dynamo and the Central House of the Soviet Army ...

Soviet Sport № 10 At the Olympic level. In a small town. Graces Cup challenge. 1973

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:17, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


1. 56th European Championships in rowing.

2. European Championship in equestrian eventing.

3. Sportobschestvo "Yyud" ("Strength") in Estonia.

4. USSR Cup in Rhythmic Gymnastics.

Reel №1

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... and other structures of the new rowing canal in Krylatskoye.

Waving flags of the participating countries of the 56th European Championships in rowing.

Opening ceremony - held drummer; parade teams.

Athletes lower the boats on the water.

Fans in the stands.

At the rowing canal boats float-four, two-piece ...

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... two-piece boats, boat-eight, single boat - different plans.

At the opening ceremony to the President of the International Rowing Federation T.Keller.

Journalist works.

T.Keller, who took part in the race veterans coming out of the boat after the competition.

Swim, boat, two and four-oar.

The government platform ...


Soviet Sport № 6 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:56, black-white, published: 3/25/2014


perform synchronous jumping on a trampoline.

Sportswomen-member team of the USSR for training on rowing in a boat-eight.

The coach discusses the results of training athletes.

Moments of competitions in rowing.

Reel №1

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1.Razlichnye moments in sports competition: the skaters on the ice, a basketball game, rowing competitions, gymnastics, synchronized swimming, a sports parade.

Coaching basketball team of the USSR.

Coach instructs athletes (synchronously).

Training - different plans.

2. International competitions in ...

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... Synchronized trampoline.

3. Participants of the USSR team in rowing at the workout.

Training of the USSR national team rowing among women.

Coach and athlete looking video training, discuss the results.

Athletes in training in the boat-eight.


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