You found 62 newsreels for query "rustic"

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"rustic" newsreels and historical clips

Rustic patterns 1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:53, published: 4/19/2021

Scene №1 Rustic patterns

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High-rise buildings in Moscow, interiors 1980-1989

Footage, 6 footages, duration: 0:07:07, published: 2/14/2020

Scene №6

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Interiors rustic home.

Figures from the sand on the Trinity, p.Wolf, Lipetsk region. 2012-2013

Footage, 29 footages, duration: 0:06:13, published: 3/1/2016

Scene №26

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The interior of a rustic hut.



Foreign newsreels № 2063 1969

News, 8 footages, duration: 0:11:47, published: 9/1/2014

Scene №5

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Day trips in Wiesbaden (youth rustic hike).

Dance and stay young.

The auction for the privatization of land 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:57, published: 8/25/2022

Scene №1 The auction for the privatization of land

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Nizhny Novgorod region.

Collective farm named after the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution.


Village views.

Rustic room.

The auction for the privatization of land.

Present Viktor Chernomyrdin.

The collective farm cafe, visitors.

It's us, O Lord. 1989

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:55, published: 4/25/2023

Reel №1

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... Ruined church in Ropsha Shpan'kov starlings.

Pastor at the church walls.


Forest at night.

People in national clothes by the fire.

Rustic room.


Photos: Women embroider; the stove; at the wedding.

The film performed Izhorskie folk songs.

Our region № 18 1991

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:36, published: 5/29/2017

Reel №1

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Interview in the village., Tver region, Penovskiy district, state farm "Chaykinsky".

The village, rustic landscapes.

Stories of farmers about the loss of large complexes, the creation of small peasant farms, the lack of attention to the peasant, the lack of assistance to the city of the village.

Private part-time farm 1994-1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:17, published: 5/17/2013

Scene №1 Private part-time farm

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Interview with Alexander Nikolaevich Drogaitsev, general director of Maslovo LLP.

Share book on the table, shares of LLP.

Rustic view.

Wooden houses in the village.

An elderly woman sits on logs; an old man is stabbing wood at the house.

Agricultural machinery: there are tractors, harvesters, ...

What would that be ... 1989

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:50, published: 8/18/2014

Reel №1

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Novosibirsk region, an abandoned village Cheremshanka during perestroika in Russia.

The population of the village in a rustic store buys products - sausage, vodka coupons.

Abuse, abuse among people queuing for food.

Interview veteran Communist Party, former chairman of the kolkhoz MD Sergeyev and ...

The Beautiful Palatinate. God bless him 1910-1919

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:03:44, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1


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... distance.

Ruins up close.

Remains of ancient walls and arches



General appearance.

Street with children playing and chickens.

Rustic building.

The vineyards



General appearance.



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