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"s chamber" newsreels and historical clips

Parliamentarians of the GDR in the Soviet Union. 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:22, published: 11/10/2012


Visiting delegation of the USSR People's Chamber:

meet the delegation at the airport,

reception in the Supreme Soviet of the USSR,

laying of wreaths at the Mausoleum,

on the grave of the Unknown Soldier,

Seen ZIL.

The stay of the delegation in Ukraine:

meeting in Kiev with the first secretary of the


About the visit of Delegation of the People's Chamber of the GDR to the USSR.

Reel №1

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... flags of the USSR and the GDR; taxiing aircraft - MS.

Out of the plane member People's Chamber of the German Democratic Republic, led by a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the SED, the Chamber President Horst Sindermann.

Of welcoming the President of the Supreme Soviet of Nationalities ...


Soviet Sport № 3 Our Olympians. At higher speeds. Boxing: USSR-USA. Feast of horsemen. 1980

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:24, black-white, published: 3/25/2014



Winner - P. Rulev - on a pedestal. 3 syuzh.

Match between Soviet and American boxers.

In the ring appear K. Safin and R. Shannon, S.

Konokbaev and D. Chambers, A. Koshkin, and E. Green, R. and A. REMOS Filimonov, D. Kruss, and V. Savchenko. 4 syuzh.

The parade of horse-CSKA sports complex in honor

Reel №1


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... The referee declares the winner of the C. Safina.

In the ring boxers first welterweight - S.

Konokbaev and D. Chemberz.


Konokbaev with a trainer in between rounds.

D. Chemberz with the coach.

Judge declares S.

Konokbaeva winner.

Athletes in the ring the second medium-weight AA Koshkin and E. Green ...




End-test nuclear-powered "Russia". 4syuzh. - Items in collective service centers in Lithuania. 5syuzh. - Conductor of the Lithuanian Chamber Symphony Orchestra S.


Reel №1

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... Completion of tests nuclear-powered "Russia".

4. Paragraphs service centers in the collective farms in Lithuania.

5. Conductor of the Lithuanian Chamber Symphony Orchestra S.


The materials for the film about the work of the Director A. Y. Tairov 1926-1980

Footage, 5 footages, duration: 0:29:51, published: 7/16/2020

Scene №1 Theater Tairov

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... Alisa Koonen and A. Y. Tairov s during the celebrations in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Chamber theatre.

The face of the artist Bogorodsky F. S., gives a congratulatory speech.

The faces of the participants of the meeting.

The types of the auditorium of the Chamber theatre during the solemn Assembly ...

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... Presidium and parts of the auditorium.

Tairov accepts congratulations from theatrical figures and actors.

A. A. Yablochkina congratulates the staff of the Chamber theatre's 40th anniversary.

One of the invited Actresses acts of congratulation to address the street (synchronously).

The Chairman of the meeting ...

Scene №2


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... role of Commissioner.

Panorama of the building of the Chamber theatre in 1926.

Playbill "the Hairy APE".

Scenes from the play, staged in the Chamber theatre, the actors ' faces in makeup.

A scene depicting the boiler room of the ship.

Actor Zenin S. S. in the role of Robert Smith-Janka.

Scene №4

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... Of A. N. Vertinsky. makeup and costume of Pierrot.

Portrait of V. E. Meyerhold in theatre costume.

The costumes and scenery for the performance of Chamber theatre "Egyptian nights", set in 1934.

Portrait of Alice Koonen in the role of Cleopatra.

Fragments of performances of "Egyptian nights" and "Alcazar" ...

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... x/film with the participation of A. G. Koonen

Photos of scenes from plays staged at the stage of the Chamber theater in the 1930-ies.

The monument to A. S.

Pushkin in Moscow.

View of the Theater.

Of A. S.

Pushkin on Tverskoy Boulevard in the 1970-ies.

Panorama of the Tverskoy Boulevard and in the winter ...

Conference on the Draft Law "On Commercial Secrets" 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:29:58, published: 5/17/2013

Scene №1 Conference on the Draft Law "On Commercial Secrets"

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Press conference.

We discuss the bill on "trade secret."


Alexander G. Chesnokov, vice president of the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation;

SS Samykina, executive director of the Council for Security business;

Vladimir Arsentievich Rubanov, chairman of the security business,

Deputy ...

Materials on the film "the Compass of history" 1988

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:45, published: 3/30/2020

Scene №1 Chamber Shcherbakov

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Chamber Shcherbakov in a dilapidated condition, next to a fence, lay the pipe, dirt.

General view of the building.

Masonry building with potholes and cracks.

Fox Toenende Wochenschau № 46 1936

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:11:55, published: 8/21/2015

Reel №1


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... residence.

The parade of troops.

Guests and Benes in the box. 4. Campaign winter help.


The march through the streets of SS units with a piggy bank in his hands.


Soldiers SS children ride horses, play the harmonica.

Oliver Platz.

Reel №2

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... the "march on Rome".

On the historical road to Rome, old front-line soldiers are walking.

With them are Mussolini, the honorary president of the Chamber, SS Oberfuhrer Lenich, Gauleiter Bole, and other guests.

Rally on Cathedral Square.

Mussolini's speech.

7. November 9-memorial day.

Munich, monuments ...


Our region № 35 1968

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:43, published: 10/24/2016


RSFSR., (In Moscow, Volgograd, Gorky, Kazan)., The ensemble "Archer", the jazz orchestra of Brom, cinematographers, historian S.

Faltyan, pop singer R.Cortez, the Prague Chamber Orchestra, etc., says violinist Yu.


Reel №1

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... RSFSR., (In Moscow, Volgograd, Gorky, Kazan)., The ensemble "Archer", the jazz orchestra of Brom, cinematographers, historian S.

Faltyan, pop singer R.Cortez, the Prague Chamber Orchestra, etc., says violinist Yu.


Panorama of Prague at night.

Vltava at night.

The Church of St.


Panorama ...


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... sing while crossing the Volga-Don Canal by ferry.

Close-up of the historian S.


Interview with the soloist of the ensemble "Archers".

Performance of the ensemble.

A television camera captures the performance of a chamber trio, winners of several music competitions.

Members of the delegation visited ...

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... to the fallen defenders of the motherland in Volgograd.

Interview on Mamayev Kurgan by the Czechoslovak historian S.


Panorama with birch trees.

The pop singer Rudolf Cortez sings.


Faltyan is driving in a car on the bank of the Volga.

Panorama of the Volga embankment with the monument to V. ...


Reel №2


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... with the concert audience.

Posters of the days of Czechoslovak culture in the RSFSR.

Interview with the Soviet violinist Yu.


The Prague Chamber Orchestra is playing.

Panorama of the orchestra musicians.

The audience at the concert enthusiastically listens to music.

View of the stage from the ...


In My Chamber 1987

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:13, published: 11/10/2012

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Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin 1915-1922

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:29, published: 8/26/2019

Scene №1 Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin

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Shalyapin Fedor Ivanovich -- Opera and chamber singer

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