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"scenery" newsreels and historical clips

Mountain scenery 1970-1979

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:07:00, published: 9/7/2019

Scene №1 Mountain scenery


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... Mountain river, snow-covered coast.

The branches of the trees against the sky.

The snow areas of the thawing earth, dry last year's grass.

Mountain scenery near the roads.

Snow in the rocks.

Mountain, shooting with the camera movement from top to bottom.

Top view of the river in the gorge.

Mountain range ...


Mountain scenery 1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:21, published: 6/27/2016

Scene №1 Mountain scenery

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... the mountain river.

View of the river in the foothills.

View of the mountains and adjacent plains.

View of the village in the foothills and mountain scenery.

Rocks in the gorge overgrown with grass.

Types of a mountain stream, the water runs over the rocks, mountain landscape.

River View in the foothills ...


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... mountain lake.

Horse runs.

View channel shoaled River in the foothills of the (top).

Running on the bed of a mountain river water panorama of mountain scenery.

Horses grazing on the lake.

Natural scenery 1985-1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:07:13, published: 7/26/2019

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Work decorators kinopavilonov 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:07, published: 8/21/2015

Scene №1 Work decorators kinopavilonov

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The Story about Penguins. 1958

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:36, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


A scenery film about life of penguins in Antarctica.

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The artist in the theater 1967

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:15, published: 7/22/2016

Reel №1

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Preparing the scenery for the next performance.

Sketches for plays, fragments of sketches.

The exhibits at the Exhibition of decorative art.

The views and the panorama of the halls of the Arena, where the exhibition took place.

Fragments of scenery by Golovin for Mikhail Lermontov's "Masquerade" staged ...

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... of the hall of the Manege, which includes decoration.

Sketches of scenery Golovin.

Quote on the wall of one of the halls.

Sketches of scenery created by artists Andreyev for the play "Cain" staged by Stanislavsky.

Sketches of scenery for the ballet Stravinsky's "Petrushka".

The pictures Kustodiev to ...


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... of the scenery of Stenberg for the play "Negro" on the play by Yu.


Sketches of scenery for "Mystery-bouffe" Mayakovsky.

The drawing made by Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Models of scenery for productions of Meyerhold.

Scheme of the performers and audience in the theater Okhlopkova, layouts scenery for the ...

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... the play "the Iron flood" and "colas breugnon".

The layout scenery with the play "Lysistrata", performed by Rabinovich.

Scenery for plays performed by Rabinovich.

Models of scenery in the plays of Ostrovsky and Sun.

Ivanov's "Armored Train 14-69".

A scene from the play "armored Train 14-69".

Reel №2


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... House" is made Shifrin.

Sketches of scenery V. Dmitriev in the plays by Gorky and Chekhov.

Decoration Ryndina to the "Optimistic tragedy" and "don Carlos".

The scenery Ryndina, Dmitrieva and M. Leskela to various performances of the play "hamlet".

Illustrations and scenery for productions of the play "the ...

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... Union republics of the USSR.

Sketches Petritsky to "Sorochintsy fair".

Sketches of the scenery, created by the artists Saryan, Virsaladze, Salahov, by Lapina.

Types of halls of the exhibition.

Sketches of scenery for the play "Boris Godunov", made Zolotarev.

Sketches for the play "Crime punishment", ...

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... Sokolova.

Sketches for the play "Romeo and Juliet" and the Opera "Khovanshchina" performed by a young artist Leventhal.

The scenery for the play "Katerina Ismailova".

The scenery for the play "Life of Galileo" the play by Brecht and "the cavalry".

Sketches for the ballet based on the poem by A. Blok "the ...


Mountain scenery (rocks, rivers, waterfalls, meadows) 1975-1985

Footage, 6 footages, duration: 0:06:23, published: 7/8/2019

Scene №5

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The forest, the branches of the trees.

View of the road, on the road going car.

The scenery along the side of the road, shooting out of the car.

Signs 1991

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:13, published: 4/15/2014

Reel №1 Signs

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... Goncharov.

Recording artist.

The zodiacal cards.


Natural scenery.

Interview with K. A. Pine.


Maps and charts.

River landscapes.

Vintage barometer.

Alternation: says K. A. Cedar, the natural scenery.

NS Says.


The scenery around the abandoned Church.

Says K. A. Kedrov.

A view of the ...

Chekhov Moscow Art Theater 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:20, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Chekhov Moscow Art Theater

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Theater stage, installation of scenery.

Moving parts of the scene, the stage floor control mechanisms.

Theater director O.Efremov explains how to use the new spar theater

Control panel scenic machinery.

Lighting equipment.


Railroad 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:56, published: 7/6/2019

Scene №1

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... platforms, landing-landing passengers).

The scenery along the railway tracks (rivers and bridges, forests, country towns).

Repair platforms, boxcars on sidings, power lines, garages and warehouses.

Railroad tracks, passing trains and the natural scenery (taken from the cab).

Landing passengers in cars ...

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