You found 10925 newsreels for query "seaport building"

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"seaport building" newsreels and historical clips

City Open House 1991

Documentary, 4 parts, duration: 0:39:16, published: 8/11/2014

Reel №1

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... freeway.

Buildings on the streets of the old and new town.

Construction of buildings.

Signs of foreign firms on the office building.

The building, rooms and other facilities and more commercial banks.

Border customs office at the border with Hong Kong.


Loading ships.

Building enterprises ...


Soviet oil 1939

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:30, published: 6/25/2020

Reel №1

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The oilfields.

Oil production.


Loading oil.

Ships at berth in sea.


Streets, buildings, traffic, pedestrians.

Life, life, the rest of the townspeople.

The Olympic Is Awaiting Guests. 1979

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:31, published: 11/14/2012


Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow.

Remote control.

Journalists at the press center.



People on the streets of the city.

Construction of the building.

Guide to the tourists. 2h. - The machine at the service station.

A nurse in the surgical room.

Patient x-rays.

Interviews Safonov.


Cooks at

Reel №1


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... International Federations, Mr.

Keller said about the preparation for the Olympic Games in Moscow (simultaneously in French) - CU.

Universal sports hall building "Friendship» - LS.

Stadium "Luzhniki» - LS., Hitting.

Electronic boards in the stadium - MS.

The new automated system of "Olympics", the staff ...


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... carts - CU.

The car with the word "Olympics» - CU., PNRM.

Ship "Maxim Gorky" and others of the Court in Leningrad seaport - MS., Departure.

The building in Moscow - MS.

The building of the hotel "Cosmos", etc. - CU., MS.

The lobby and interior of the hotel - LS., PNRM.

Hotel room - MS., PNRM.

Number ...


Building a skyscraper Chrysler Building 1940-1949

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:03, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №1 Building a skyscraper Chrysler Building

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Building a skyscraper Chrysler Building in New York.

Cosmonautics. Movement on Earth and in space 2019

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:06, published: 11/22/2022

Scene №1 Cosmonautics. Movement on Earth and in space

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Unmanned trams may appear in Russia.

Ust-Katavsky Car Building Plant is a multi-profile enterprise.

In addition to trams that look like high-speed trains, rocket engines are being created here for almost the entire line of domestic products operating off the Ground.

The propulsion systems that are being ...


the Ust-Katavsky Carriage Building Plant named after S.M. Kirov.

Slepov O.V. - Chief Designer, Head of the Experimental design Department of the Ust-Katavsky Carriage Building Plant named after S.M. Kirov.

Mikheev V.N. -- Director of the museum of Ust-Katavsky Carriage-building Plant named after S.M. Kirov

Enisei River's Meridian № 5 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:00, published: 3/18/2015


1. "Dudinka seaport."

2. "He lives in the village Lopatino Peter Arsentevich Lihverov ..."

Reel №1

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1. Dudinka seaport.


Port staff solve problems timely unloading of ships.


Icebreaker is paving the way for ships.

V.N.Martynov assistant captain.

The crew in the cockpit.

A man on a snowmobile.

Icebreaker ice crumbles.

The crew of the icebreaker in the wheelhouse.

Things are on the ...


Abandoned building 1994-1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:22:04, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Abandoned building

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... iron pipes and structures, an unfinished building.

Passing cars on the street neighborhood.

He runs a dog abandoned territory.

People at the bus stop.

He says residents of the area of ​​the inconveniences associated with construction of the unfinished building of the supermarket.

Interview with representatives ...

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... representatives of the district administration against the background of the building.

Filming inside the unfinished building

Leningrad chronicles № 14 1978

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:50, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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Leningrad seaport.

The head of the Leningrad seaport (synchronously).

Information and computing center of the port.

Loading operations in the port.

Meeting of the coordination group of the transport hub.

Editorials of central newspapers.

The foreman of the dockers (synchronously).

Freight trains on the ...

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... The foreman of the complex team of drivers (synchronously).

The foreman of the enlarged crew of dockers (synchronously).

The head of the Leningrad seaport (synchronously).


The meeting of the regional asset in Smolny.

Speakers: Head of the Baltic Shipping Company Trunov.

The head of the Oktyabrskaya ...


Leningrad chronicles № 26 The sea gate of the country. 1974

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:10:19, published: 10/24/2016


The issue is dedicated to the work of the Leningrad Seaport and its 50th anniversary.

Reel №1

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... the sailing ship "Kronverk" at the Neva embankment.

Views of the night Neva River, ships pass under the raised bridges.

Panorama of the Leningrad seaport at night.

Types of port crane, cargo loading on ships.

Cargo transportation on the territory of the port.

The passenger liner departs for the next ...

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... work, the ship of the Leningrad Shipping Company at sea.

The ship "Nadezhda Krupskaya" is approaching Gdansk.

Ships at the berths of the Leningrad seaport.

The head of the Baltic Shipping Company B. A. Yunitsyn talks about the number of ports and countries visited by the shipping company's ships, about ...


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... of the container in the hold.

The driver in the cab of the crane.

Cargo transportation on the territory of the port.

Deputy Head of the Leningrad Seaport A. S. Kazakevich speaks about the port staff, the port's cargo turnover, the over-fulfillment of the cargo handling plan (synchronously).

The docker ...



City of Vladivostok.


The city of Nakhodka.

Construction of residential building workers house-building plant in Ship Repair Association.

Director of the Association VI Nebello at a construction site.

Resident of the city RI Cote gives an interview (synchronously), glues wallpaper in their new apartmentapartment.

Family Room Cat in the small-family residences.

Dorm rooms.

Interview VI Nebello (synchronously).

Far East.

Meeting at the seaport of the floating factory "Vasily Blucher." Delivery of products plavzavoda - cans, herring in oil "to the warehouse" Dalrybsbyta.

Warehouses "Dalryba.

The range

Reel №1

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1. City of Vladivostok.


The city of Nakhodka.

Construction of residential building workers house-building plant in Ship Repair Association.

Director of the Association VI Nebello at a construction site.

Resident of the city RI Cote gives an interview (synchronously), glues wallpaper in their new ...

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... new apartment.

Family Room Cat in the small-family residences.

Dorm rooms.

Interview VI Nebello (synchronously).

2. Far East.

Meeting at the seaport of floating fish processing plant "Vasily Blucher." Delivery of products plavzavoda - cans, herring in oil "to the warehouse" Dalrybsbyta.

Warehouses "Dalryba ...


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