You found 4 newsreels for query "sleet"

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"sleet" newsreels and historical clips

Moscow 90th 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:07:54, published: 5/15/2013

Scene №1 Moscow 90th

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The streets of Moscow in the early spring - houses, drifts, puddles, sleet, go to passers-by passing cars, pieces of ice on the sidewalk cleaved; drops.

Passing tram route 39, tram stop - Passengers leave the tram, sit in a tram.

Passing trucks, cars, cement mixers.

The street is a woman with a child ...


Tonwoche № 555 1942

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:11, published: 4/15/2016

Reel №1


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... Drechsler - made model.

Women considering the presented books.


The opening of the football season.

Teams come to the stadium in the drizzling sleet, carry flags.

Sports parade at the stadium, the players draw hands in a Nazi salute.

Moments of the game.

The spectators in the stands.


Minister ...


This is Our Fleet. 1962

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:19:55, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №5


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... the surface.

Boats go system.

Sun over the sea storm.

View the nose of the submarine (top).

Officers are night watch.

The officer's face, powdered sleet.

The waves beat against the shore rocks.

Black Sea Fleet ships in the combat campaign.

The ship of the Baltic Fleet.

A submarine of the Northern Fleet ...


This crazy Fedorov 1994

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:55:09, published: 4/6/2023

Movie №1


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... Pullman-Iris Hotel in Moscow.

Says Fedorov, answers the correspondent's questions.

VDNH, monument "Worker and collective farmer".

Says Fedorov.

Wind, sleet, tree swaying.

Says Fedorov.

Evening, lights are on, a view of the buildings of the clinic and the hotel complex.

Large - the emblem of the clinic in ...


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