You found 66 newsreels for query "snowfall"

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"snowfall" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign news footages № 10 1989

News, 25 parts, duration: 0:41:51, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №14 Snowfall in Afghanistan.

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Snowfall in Afghanistan.

Foreign newsreels № 1418 1967

News, 23 footages, duration: 0:29:21, published: 10/12/2020

Scene №3

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Snowfall and snow drifts.

Foreign news footages № 39 1983

News, 14 parts, duration: 0:22:12, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №11 USA: Heavy snowfall in western states.

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USA: Heavy snowfall in western states.

Foreign newsreels № 3361 1973

News, 15 footages, duration: 0:23:42, published: 11/13/2020

Scene №7

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China-Snowfall in Northern China-Report from Beijing.

Foreign news footages № 86 1987

News, 19 parts, duration: 0:33:49, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №10 Snowfall in the east and fires in the western U.S..

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Snowfall in the east and fires in the western U.S..

Reel №1

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On the Iran-Iraq war.

Environmental problems.

Hungarian airline "Malev" - 40 years.

Snowfall in Europe.

Freestyle competition.

Foreign newsreels № 3369 1973

News, 24 footages, duration: 1:20:23, published: 6/22/2016

Scene №19

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The consequences of snowfall in Kansas city, Missouri: fallen trees, broken wires.

Scene №20

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Consequences of snowfall in Nebraska, Omaha: problems on the roads.

Delays in the airport.

The fire in the hotel "loyal".

Fire fighting, evacuation of victims.

Foreign newsreels № 3302 1973

News, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:31, published: 6/7/2014

Scene №1

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... Pagoda.

Speech on the street, the audience.


Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Supermarket (department store): products, price tags, buyers.

Wads of money.


Home life.

People cry.

Horse races.


Pandas (toys).

Press conference.

Universal News № 21943 1933

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:06:56, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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Heavy snowfall in Denver.

All roads are covered with snow

Furriers strike in New York.

Acceleration strikers

Washington High relief in the Rockies

British Prime Minister MacDonald in Washington

Cubs reared cat

The huge fish, caught by a fisherman in Canada


American tourists visiting the ...

On the alley of heroes 1969

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:59, published: 2/5/2018

Reel №1

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Volgograd, bas-reliefs with images of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Snowfall over the Alley of Heroes, Eternal Flame.

School, children on break and in class.

Oath of the children's guard of honor.

The tower of the Volgograd station.

Honor guard on the Alley of Heroes.

Residents of Volgograd ...

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