You found 263 newsreels for query "thread"

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"thread" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign newsreels № 3302 1973

News, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:31, published: 6/7/2014


Japan - "Threads end of the year, light and dark."

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Arachne's thread. 1987

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:22, published: 3/6/2017


The film tells about the history of silk, cotton, wool and linen threads about the origin of weaving and the production of modern fabrics.

Reel №1

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The painting depicts a Greek girl Arachne, spinning thread.

The image of Athena and Arachne turned into a spider.

A spider weaving its web.

Paintings depicting the daily life of primitive people.

A flock of sheep in a meadow.

Grazing camels.

View the mulberry tree.

The leaves on the branch of a mulberry ...

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... caterpillars eat the leaves of the mulberry tree.

Caterpillar produces a thread-Shelkovenko and builds around itself a cocoon.

The cocoons of caterpillars.

The human hand is wet cocoon and begin to unwind.

Stone, suspended on a silk thread of the cocoon, the filament holds the stone.

Drawings depicting the ...


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The process of pre-treatment of cotton.

Bales Packed with cotton on the conveyor belt.

The process of machine processing of cotton fibers and create threads.

Reel №2

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... steaming the cocoons.

The process of unwinding the cocoons.

A worker weaving factories at the machine.

The work of spinning machines.

Spinner eliminates thread breakage.

Inspection of the spinner machine in the process.

A worker weaving at the machine shop.

The work of automatic looms, the view of the shop ...


Scout camp in Anapa 2009

Footage, 15 footages, duration: 1:49:40, published: 5/25/2021

Scene №11 Everyday life of scouts in the forest camp

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Teenage girls of the older groups make candles by hand.

Thread threads on wooden and wire forms.

Pour molten wax.

Teenagers of the older groups build a structure of logs and stones.

Want to know everything № 138 1981

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:35, published: 2/21/2014

Reel №1


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... the theremin.


The thread stands vertically, secured only by the lower end.

The thread is secured with small bows.

Architect V. Kalichuk your project with the use of a stretched filament.

Various structures based on tightly stretched threads.

Construction based on stretched threads in Space (figure).


Carved house in Chaplygin, Lipetsk region. 2012-2013

Footage, 27 footages, duration: 0:11:22, published: 2/5/2016

Scene №19

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Deer head on the wall, thread volume.

Science and technology № 4 1964

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:30, published: 12/4/2017


medicines by scientists of the Institute of Chemistry and Plant Substances of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences.

"Nylon wool".

Production of wool thread from nylon thread.

"The anniversary of the Russian Book".

A story about the creation of the first printing press and the production of the first printed book

Reel №1


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... process of extracting alcoloids.


"Nylon wool".

Sweater and jacket.

Wool and nylon thread.

Machine with nylon thread coils.

Animation - making woolen thread from nylon thread.


Thread on the reels.

A device with light bulbs.

The hand flips the switch.

Spools of yarn and yarn ...


Weaving mill 1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:14:50, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Weaving mill

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Shop factory.

Spools of thread on a lathe.

Work looms.

Factory equipment.

Carved house in Chaplygin. 2012-2013

Footage, 29 footages, duration: 0:05:43, published: 2/5/2016

Scene №10

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Front of the house from the side, visible thread porch trim on the windows.

Where Threads Of The Plot Lead 1983

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:46:58, black-white, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1


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... Plovetskoy street passing cars with diplomatic number - MS.

Passing cars on the highway - MS., PNRM.

Against the background of the web NDP: "Where do the threads of the plot» - LS.

Poland's security staff are the second secretary of the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, Peter Berg - MS.

Photo: P. Berg - CU., Hitting ...


Azerbaijan 1975

Footage, 5 footages, duration: 0:12:41, published: 8/17/2022

Scene №5 Khynalyg village

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Driving on a rural road.

Rila Monastery (Bulgaria) ?

Women spin a thread.

Women weave a carpet.

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