You found 11 newsreels for query "timelapse"

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"timelapse" newsreels and historical clips

Roscosmos, archive. Extravehicular activity (EVA), spacewalks 2018-2022

Footage, 26 footages, duration: 4:48:37, published: 3/28/2023

Scene №7

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Oleg Artemyev and Denis Matveev, general plan, shooting from the ISS (timelapse).

Scene №8

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Oleg Artemyev and Denis Matveev, general plan, shooting from the ISS (timelapse).

Scene №9

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Oleg Artemyev and Denis Matveev, general plan, shooting from the ISS (timelapse).

Scene №2

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... head part on the platform of the transborder gallery.

Timelapse: moving the platform along the transborder gallery.

The rail platform with the head part is transported to the assembly shop.

Lifting and moving the head part with a crane.

Timelapse: connecting the head part to the rocket.

The combined ...

Scene №6

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Timelapse: a rocket in the launcher, hitting the MBO (shooting from below).

Scene №7

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Timelapse: the arrival of the MBO on the rocket, different plans.

Roscosmos, archive. Preparation and launch of the Progress MS-17 spacecraft 2021

Footage, 5 footages, duration: 0:34:24, published: 3/29/2023

Scene №3

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... Connecting rocket parts (normal shooting and timelapse).

Moving the assembled third stage around the workshop using a crane.

The head fairing.

Specialists at work, moving the first and second stages around the shop with a crane (normal shooting and timelapse).

The rocket is on the installer.

Scene №5

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Baikonur, Yuzhny shopping center, shooting from a copter, timelapse.

Panoramas, flights over the antenna, over the steppe.

Removal of the Soyuz-2.1a launch vehicle, delivery to the launch pad.

Rocket launch (another one) in the distance.

Saturn ground complex, antennas/dishes.

Leninsk, panoramas of the ...

Roscosmos, archive. Preparation and launch of the Soyuz-2.1B launch vehicle 2021

Footage, 6 footages, duration: 0:11:12, published: 3/29/2023

Scene №1

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... "Vostochny", upper stage "Frigate".

Preparation of the upper stage.

Transportation of the "Frigate" on the shop floor using a crane (normal shooting and timelapse).

Scene №2

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... the steps, transportation of the second stage using a crane.

Assembly of the second and third stages, movement of side blocks (normal shooting and timelapse).

Scene №3

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MIC, workshop, slipway.

A bunch of devices of the "OneWeb" series ("corn").

Knurling of the head fairing.

(normal shooting and timelapse)

Scene №1

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... satellite in his hand.

Transportation of the rocket to the launch pad with an escort.

Passage through the gate of the MBO (mobile service tower).

Timelapse: verticalization of the rocket, reduction of the columns of the upper power belt, the rocket is on the launch pad, clouds are running, it is cloudy ...


Scene №3

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Construction of a combat (starting) calculation.

Removal of the rocket from the workshop, alternating between the usual shooting and timelapse, shooting on the ground and from the copter.

The copter flies around the launch pad, the rocket is brought to the MBO.

Verticalization of the rocket, the copter ...


Scene №5

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... of the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle with One Web spacecraft.

Timelapse: The MBO is moving away from the rocket.

View of the starting table.

Flame in the flue, rocket launch (normal shooting and timelapse).

The rocket rises into the sky.

Timelapse, shooting from below: opening of the upper power belt, the ...

Scene №7

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... rocket to the launch pad.

Rocket verticalization (shooting from the ground and from the copter); fog, floodlights.

Mixing farms (normal shooting and timelapse, raindrops on the camera lens).

Scene №8

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... bus to the RSC Energia building.

The hall for the preflight press conference.

Astronauts in the MIX.


Astronauts climb into the ship.

Timelapse: the general plan of the workshop, the ship and the launch vehicle in the stocks vertically.

Astronauts leave the ship.


Astronauts communicate ...

space environment № 212 28.11.2018 2018

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:42, published: 7/18/2022

Reel №1


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... flight in January;

- Robot assistant "CIMON" on the ISS;

- The grouping of GLONASS satellites will be replenished with new K-2 series devices;

- Timelapse from the ISS, launch of the Soyuz-FG carrier rocket with the Progress MS-10 transport vehicle.

A theatrical performance at the Cosmonautics Museum ...


space environment (№ 275 ) 18.03.2020 2020

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:20:02, published: 8/5/2022

Reel №1


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... camera finds dwarf planets;

- Correction of the ISS orbit;

- A new spot in the Sun;

- The Saturn-like exoplanet 1SWASPJ1407b has been discovered;

- Timelapse of the large Orion nebula over Mount Etna.

Chronograph: 55 years of the first spacewalk.

The Y.A. Gagarin CPC is 60 years old.

The question about ...


Spring Marathon 1996

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:28:35, published: 7/24/2014

Reel №1

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Vasily Rumyatsev plays guitar and sings.

Dawn, view of the parking lot (timelapse).

Rumyantsev's room - a panorama of a carpet on the wall, a guitar.

Large - the face of Rumyantsev.

Rumyantsev is making an ad for the "dating" column in the newspaper.

Carpool, Rumyantsev goes through the territory, communicates ...


space environment (№ 313 ) 20.01.2021 2021

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:12:58, published: 8/12/2022

Reel №1


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... due to too hard ground;

- Astrophysical observatory "Spectrum-RG" continues the third survey of the sky;

- Earth, northern lights and starry sky, timelapse from the ISS;

- Announcement of Oleg Artemyev's interview for the Russian Cosmos magazine.

Chronograph: 60 years ago, six candidates for cosmonauts ...


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