You found 716 newsreels for query "vegetables"

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"vegetables" newsreels and historical clips

Exhibition vegetables 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:23, published: 9/5/2018

Scene №1 Exhibition vegetables

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The boy is riding a horse.

Exhibition of vegetable crops: potatoes, cabbage, carrots, radishes, tomatoes (tomatoes), onions, garlic, cucumbers.

Vegetables on the tables are large.

Vegetables, spices 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:20, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Vegetables, spices

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Vegetables in the diet 1989

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:03, published: 11/10/2015


The film informs about the role of vegetables in the man's nutrition.

Reel №1

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... spoon of vegetable puree.

Family at the dinner table.

Panorama of a table with various vegetables.

Large - cut melon.

A boy eats a melon.

Children are eating at the table.

Panorama of a table with various vegetables.

A woman chooses and puts vegetables in a basket in the store.

Photos with vegetables and ...

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... and dishes from them.

Vegetables on the counter-showcase in a vegetable store.

A woman in the kitchen is sauerkraut, a small child is sitting next to her on a chair.

Large - a woman puts caputa and carrots in a barrel.

A large barrel of sauerkraut.

Sellers of sauerkraut in the market.

Large - sauerkraut ...

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... sauerkraut on the scales.

There are various vegetables on the counter at the market - beets, carrots, onions, greens, radishes.

Vegetable store - carts, containers, shelves and showcases with vegetables and herbs.

People with baskets in the supermarket.

Smoking chimneys of factories.

Street, traffic.


On ...

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... On the counter of the market there is a mountain of cabbage heads.

There are vegetables in the basket.

On the counter - radishes, greens.

Beets, pumpkins, squash.

Employees of the company tune the piano.

Employees work at desks in the office.

People with baskets in the supermarket stand in line at the ...

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... the checkout.

Large - a woman puts a bag of tomatoes in a basket.

Two men with shopping - one has meat, the other has vegetables.

People on the street.

A man in a room, in a chair with a newspaper.

Big - there is a hockey match on TV.

A man is in the dining room, picking up food on a tray.

People are ...

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... content of different products.

Reverse shooting - a man puts food on a tray.

Large - on the table is a plate with vegetables and lean meat.

The man is eating.

Photos with sliced vegetables and healthy dishes.


Vegetables, greens, vegetable store, supermarket

Equipment for fruit & vegetable shops 1985

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:05, published: 10/4/2016


The film tells about how vegetable stores should be equipped for proper storage of vegetables and convenience of customers

Reel №1

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Large - hand plucks peaches.

Tomatoes on branches in the garden.

The woman picks the peppers, puts them in a bucket.

City street, panorama of a vegetable shop window.

Potatoes are transported on a special loader, poured into the compartment.

Large - potatoes are falling.

The packer at the base packs ...

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... containers with vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, etc.), price tags for the goods hang on the containers.

Nearby there are carts with vegetables and herbs (also with price tags).

Panorama of carts with cabbage, greens, carrots, beets, onions, tomatoes, etc.

The trading floor of a vegetable store - customers ...

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... price tags on the greens.

The general plan is a hall of a vegetable store, a counter with herbs, carts with vegetables.

Large - red currants are placed in the package.

The utility room of the vegetable store - employees pack berries, herbs, vegetables and fruits.

A woman packs apples with a mesh container ...

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... boxes with vegetables.

Large - thermometer on the refrigerator.

The hall of the vegetable store - there are packaged vegetables on the counter, there are containers with pickles.

Panorama of beautifully decorated counters in the store - with greens, tomatoes.

It shows how the counter for vegetables is mounted ...

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... mounted, how the layout of vegetables takes place.

The buyer near the cash register with vegetables - the seller weighs the goods on an electronic scale.

The seller weighs apples, punches the goods.

Large - vegetables and greens in a basket, the buyer puts the goods in a bag.

Panorama of containers with ...

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... the city, on the vegetable ruin square - vegetables and fruits are laid out on the counters and nearby, there is a queue of buyers.

Different shots with an assortment of vegetables and fruits, with customers, etc.

Large - on the counter cabbage, lemons, watermelons.

Sale of vegetables, herbs and fruits ...

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... are carnations on the counter, a man buys a beautifully packaged bouquet of carnations.

Panorama of the premises of a vegetable store - in the center there are baskets with vegetables and herbs, shoppers walk.

There is a small cafe in the next room, with shop visitors sitting at the tables.

An employee ...


Fruits, vegetables, greens, harvest, vegetable store, collective farm store, cafe

Agriculture № 3 1985

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:17, published: 2/10/2015


3. "Machines sort vegetables" Two technical innovations - a mechanized line for sorting off fields of carrots, cabbage.

4. "Rtveli" On the automatic control system in grapes.

Reel №2

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"Machines sort vegetables."

Cabbage field.

Mechanized cabbage harvesting.

Cabbage sorting line.

Mechanized cleaning of heads.

Loading cabbage into containers.

Laying cabbage in burts.

The operator at the control panel of the mechanized line.

Carrots on a conveyor belt.

A car loaded with carrots ...



Vegetable growing


Agriculture № 5 1987

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:27, published: 2/13/2015

Reel №1

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Vegetable growing

Processing of root vegetable crops 1994-1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:12:47, published: 9/3/2018

Scene №1 Laboratory for processing of root vegetables

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On the wide Volga № 19 Each vegetable - your time 1988

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:04, published: 6/8/2016

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Securely store potatoes and vegetables. 1982

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:18, published: 2/23/2017


About advanced technology storage of potatoes and vegetables.

Reel №1


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... ventilation are considered.

Scientists are considering a sample of a rubber finger tape that protects potatoes from damage.

Potato harvester.

Fruit and vegetable base in Malino.

Loading potatoes from the wagon to the car.

Unloading potatoes from the machine to the storage.


Vegetable storage

Reel №2


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... in containers.

Workers clean the heads from the layer of upper leaves.

Meeting with the director of the fruit and vegetable base in Boyarkino.

Alternating frames of the fruit and vegetable base.


Vegetable storage.

Volga lights № 3 Passion is vegetarian 1989

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:20, black-white, published: 2/14/2018


The issue is devoted to problems of struggle against a glut of nitrates vegetables grown in the farms of the Saratov region and impinging on the urban shelves.

Reel №1

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Cucumber on the conveyor belt.

Loading of harvested vegetables from the conveyor belt into a wooden container.

Panorama of the trading floor of one of the vegetable shops of Saratov.

The clerk lays out the goods.

Vegetables and canned vegetables on the shelves.

The shop assistant serves customers.

Customers ...

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... on nitrates in vegetables, quality control of vegetables on the way to the counter, the devices for the measurement of the quantity of nitrates in vegetables (synchronously).

Belanovich demonstrates to customers the ability indicator paper to measure the level of nitrates in vegetables, person buyers ...

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... color indicator with the data control table.

Face saleswomen and buyers, the saleswoman behind the counter.

Apples in plastic trays.

Preparation of vegetable dishes in the kitchen of the kindergarten.

Belanovich in the kitchen of the kindergarten speaks about the difference of nitrates from pesticides, ...

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... untested vegetables to kindergartens, to carry out studies on nitrates, the presentation of information to the higher authorities and the absence of visible progress in this area (synchronously).

The texts of the letters addressed to the regional Agroindustrial Committee.

Shipping of vegetables by trucks ...

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... types of vegetable stores and wholesale and retail offices, drove forklift.

The main merchandise of R. N. Bryukhanova tells about the ways of getting on base vegetables with a high amount of nitrates, conduct additional inspections of incoming vegetables (synchronously).

Sorting vegetables at the base ...

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... base.

Laboratory cabinets with a special dish.

Laboratory equipment for Express analysis of vegetables coming to the base.

Unload potatoes from the truck body.

Transportation of potatoes in wooden crates inside the warehouse.

Panorama of the market hall (above).

Buyers and sellers in the market, product ...

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... nitrates in the preparation of vegetable dishes, speaks about the dangers of aluminum cookware, the role of fermentation and pickling to reduce the concentration of nitrates in vegetables, the need for cleaning the skin (synchronously).

The process of cooking vegetable dishes in the kitchen of the kindergarten ...

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... kindergarten.

Buses carry residents to harvest vegetables.

Citizens to harvest potatoes.

A comparison of the norms of nitrates in vegetables 1964 and 1987 (animation).

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