You found 42 newsreels for query "virus"

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"virus" newsreels and historical clips

Life of the cell and its interaction with the virus 1976

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:28:48, published: 8/11/2014

Reel №3

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Panorama of Petri dishes.

Laboratory assistant at the centrifuge.

Viruses (animation).

Models of herpes viruses, influenza, tobacco mosaic (animation).

Various viruses (animation).

The cell is damaged by a virus (under a microscope).

Animation:The penetration of the virus into the ...

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... the cell.

Synthesis of viral protein.

Self-assembly of new viruses.

Cell death from virus (microscope).


Penetration into the enterovirus cell (animation).

Penetration into the adenovirus cell.(animation).

Cells under a microscope.

The effect on the cell of mixoviruses.

Cells under a microscope ...


Introduction to the biochemistry 1969

Documentary, 4 parts, duration: 0:36:28, published: 2/19/2015

Reel №4

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... (animation).

The rabbit is injected with a foreign protein.

Plants damaged by the virus.

The flu virus under an electron microscope.

Polioma virus.

An adenovirus model.

Tobacco mosaic virus.

Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria.

The scheme of the" work " of the bacteriophage (animation).

scientists ...

Peak hour № 1 12/01/1994 1994

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:22:11, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1

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... immunodeficiency virus (AIDS).

Describes how a little bit of HIV did not get infected by cutting glass bottles that were broken in the laboratory and containing particles of the virus.

Karamov's laboratory was the first in the USSR, and then in Russia, to engage in the detection of the virus (since 1985) ...

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... 1985).

A topic is raised about the possible artificial origin of the virus.

The scientist speaks of several theories of the origin of the virus and its subsequent mutations.

Participants of the program discuss the case of AIDS infection in Elista through untreated medical instruments.

Later, incidents were ...

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... Karimov cites statistical data of immunodeficiency viruses infected, in particular, mentions newborns from parents who are carriers of HIV.

The scientist considers the existing measures to prevent the fight against HIV inadequate.

Explains how the virus spreads and what precautions should be taken to ...


Offensive against viruses 1970

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:08, published: 12/26/2016

Reel №1


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... conversation).

Herpes virus-the causative agent of keratitis ( figure).

The virus is under the microscope.

The structure of the cell (animation).

The structure of DNA (animation scheme).

A cartoon scheme of protein synthesis in a cell.

Cartoon diagram of the structure of the virus.

The scheme of virus penetration ...

Reel №2

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The spread of the virus in the body (animation).

A scientist in the laboratory.

Studying viruses in the laboratory.

The building of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

R. Salganik (synchronously) on ways to fight viruses.

Laboratory experiments ...

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... Drugs for fighting viruses.

Patients at a doctor's appointment.

Checking the patient's vision(synchronous conversation with the doctor).

A child is at a doctor's appointment.

Continuation of research in the laboratory.

R. Salganik (synchronously) about plans for the future to combat viruses.

Science and technology № 10 1971

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:08, published: 12/4/2017


1. Made by Ilyichevites - about the creation of a new motor for cooling machines.

2. The mantle of the virus - about the discovery of the influence of an altered virus on the body, which is important for practical medicine.

3. The safety curve-about a new device that allows you to determine the culprit

Reel №1

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... with a drawing.

Rotating rotor.

2. The mantle of the virus.

Photo of the virus under a microscope.

Cartoon diagram of the virus penetration into the cell.

Laboratory of the Institute of Virology.

Preparation of the chicken plague virus.

The plague virus infects mice.

Cartoon scheme of the" work " of antibodies ...

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... antibodies.

Laboratory mice in jars.

Mice are injected with an altered chicken plague virus.

3. The safety curve.

Accident on the road.

A device that allows you to determine the culprit of the accident.

Graph of the tire's grip on the highway.

Testing the device in the laboratory.

4. Details in the shirt ...


Foreign news footages № 61 1988

News, 29 parts, duration: 0:45:54, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №25 Computer viruses in the UK.

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Computer viruses in the UK.

Foreign news footages № 52 1989

News, 21 parts, duration: 0:35:00, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №14 E virus in the UK.

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E virus in the UK.

Science and technology № 5 1971

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:54, published: 12/4/2017


Kolomna Diesel Locomotive Plant, which made it possible to use the machine park more fully.

2. Discovery No. 89-about the discovery of the nature of the virus, will help the search for new tools in the fight against infectious diseases.

3. I am a robot-about a radio-controlled robot secretary created by a

Reel №1


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... 89.

Laboratory of the Institute of Virology.


Cells attack viruses.

A scientist looks through an electron microscope.

The virus is under the microscope.

The virus attacks the cell (animation).

The antibodies kill the virus.

Scientists at the Institute of Virology are discussing something.

Experiments ...


Foreign news footages № 29 1989

News, 26 parts, duration: 0:43:03, published: 11/27/2012

Reel №25 Arctic seals virus threatens the British coast.

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Arctic seals virus threatens the British coast.

Reproduction of viruses and antiviral immunity. 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:47, published: 2/24/2017

Reel №1

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Laboratory of Virology.

Viruses under an electron microscope.

Views of St.

Petersburg (engravings).

Portrait of D.I. Ivanovsky.

Various viruses under the microscope.

The structure of the virus.

DNA reproduction of genomic viruses (animation).

Reproduction of RNA of genomic infectious viruses on the example of ...

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... of the influenza virus (animation).

Reel №2

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Budding and virus exit from the cell on ultrathin slices.

Human oncovirus under the microscope.

Reproduction of oncovirus (animation).


Accumulation of type C oncoviruses (micrographs).

The mechanism of tumor formation (animation).

Antiviral immunity (cartoon scheme).

Formation of killer T-lymphocytes ...


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