You found 30 newsreels for query "walkway"

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"walkway" newsreels and historical clips

The museum in the village of Wolf, Lipetsk region.Trinity. 2012-2013

Footage, 29 footages, duration: 0:03:52, published: 3/1/2016

Scene №26

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Decorated walkway in the yard.

Kaliningrad 2010

Footage, 22 footages, duration: 1:16:22, published: 12/5/2018

Scene №1 St. Nicholas Convent

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... compound.


Nicholas Cathedral (former Juditten Church)


A branch of lilac.

Nuns and parishioners communicate on the bench.

Cobbled stairs, walkways.

The outer bell.

The facade of the Cathedral.


The service in the Cathedral.

Nursing corps (cells).

Victory Day 1995

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:20:24, published: 7/26/2019

Scene №2

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... rally and worship service at Mamaev Kurgan.

The people's procession.

The laying of garlands and baskets of flowers to the monuments.

The people on the walkway leading to the monument "the Motherland calls!"

The cameraman shoots the veterans.

Military at the microphone.

On the edge of the alley are the participants ...


The Heart Can Not Forget Russia. 1978

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:54:12, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №6


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... Dargomyzhsky and Balakirev - CU.

Table with personal belongings, MI Glinka, Piano - CU.

Pond in the Park of Tsarskoye Selo - MS., PNRM. on the house.

Walkway in the garden of Tsarskoye Selo, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon; bridge; pond, sculptures in the park gazebo - different.

The output of the channel ...


Tonwoche № 420 1938

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:28, published: 2/4/2015

Reel №2


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... border.

Women go on the road.

People fleeing the city, a man brings children across the river.

Refugees with things.

Across the river induce temporary walkways, car rides.

Border with Germany.

Czech folskdoyche cross the border.

Go boys, throw their hands in the Nazi salute.

Women with children.

Czech border ...


Ural Mountains' Video Chronicle № 1 Memory about the war 2000

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:32, published: 9/5/2014

Reel №1

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... river.

Russian soldiers in the trenches and on the battlefield.

There are fights, military equipment, wounded.

Ekaterinburg, Eternal Flame, a memorial walkway.

Frontline correspondent Ivan M. Demin lays flowers.

Behind the scenes sound poems Demin.

Military Photo young Demin.

Students, townspeople with flowers ...


From Your Own Works. 1983

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:12:08, published: 11/10/2012

Reel №1

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PNRM. on the green field.

Monument to the old man sitting on a rock.

At the pond wooden walkways.

Monument plowman.


View of the city from the top of Penza.

The sign "Fair-82".

Flea market, selling vegetables, baked goods.

Buyers and sellers.

View of the market square.

Market under the roof.

Meat ...


Horizon № 1 1972

Newsreel, 5 parts, duration: 0:43:11, published: 6/2/2017

Reel №2


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... head of the kangaroo.

With a baby kangaroo in the bag.

Visitors to the zoo and stroking kangaroos.

A family of kangaroos in a cage.

Visitors on the walkways of the zoo.

panorama of part of the territory of the zoo.

Panorama of Sydney harbour.

Comrade Krasin authorized 1986

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:45:51, published: 9/17/2015

Reel №3


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... boardroom conference.

Photo Chicherina.

Photos of the conference participants.

Newsreel 1922: Vorovskii VV, Chicherin and Litvinov talking, standing on a walkway.

One Hundred Kilometers to the Equator 1973

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:13, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №2

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... bulldozer et al.


Watching an old Rwandan.

On the construction of the hotel "Tourist" working masons, fitters.

Lake Kivu.

Resort Giesen, walkway along the lake.

The hotel building.

Holidaymakers at the table.

Children swimming in Lake Kivu.

Hotels stylized African hut.

Peasant thatched hut - ...


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