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"Stalin" newsreels and historical clips

Masters kolkhoz prosperity. 1936

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:12, published: 12/28/2015


A film essay about the work of a team of loggers, about the assortment of industrial stores, about the legendary non-stop flight along the "Stalin route"

Reel №1


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... airfield.

Stalin's arrival at the Shchelkovsky (Chkalovsky) airfield.

Stalin with Kliment Voroshilov and other members of the government passes by the formation of pilots.

In the frame - the pilots.

In the frame - Stalin and Voroshilov.

Stalin communicates with the pilots.

The plane is on the tarmac.

The propeller ...

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... Belyakov.

View of a flying plane in the sky (taken from the cockpit of another plane).

Stalin, Voroshilov and other members of the government at a solemn event on the occasion of a non-stop flight.

Planes in the sky.

Stalin on the podium.

The plane lands on the tarmac, people are running to it.

Chkalov's ...

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... Chkalov's meeting - a crowd of correspondents, photographers, etc.

Chkalov on the airfield near Stalin and a group of people.

Chkalov is greeted by enthusiastic people on the streets of Moscow.

Chkalov's car and a motorcade of cars are driving, people are waving their hands, greeting the heroes, leaflets and ...



Chkalov V. P. - sovetskij lyotchik-ispitatelj, kombrig, Geroj Sovetskogo Soyuza

Joseph Stalin

Voroshilov K. E. - sovetskij voennij, gosudarstvennij i partijnij deyatelj

Kalinin M. I. - sovetskij gosudarstvennij i partijnij deyatelj, predsedatelj Prezidiuma Verhovnogo Soveta SSSR


Industrial goods store, loggers, pilots, airplane, non-stop flight "Stalin route"

Science and technology № 12 1949

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:11, published: 11/20/2017

Reel №1

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Stalin Prize, automatic machines, manual tea harvesting, locusts, universal glue BF.

I. V. Stalin at the Potsdam conference 1945

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:45, published: 9/13/2016

Scene №1 I. V. Stalin at the Potsdam conference

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General view of the conference room.

Stalin I. V., during one of the sessions of the conference.

Stalin and conference participants stand up from the table at the end of the next session.

Stalin and Truman and Attlee moved into the garden and sit in wicker chairs, chatting with each other behind the ...

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... William Leahy, the Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain E. Bevin, Secretary of state Byrnes, D., and V. M. Molotov

Face Belina and Admiral Leahy.

Stalin and Truman sitting in a chair.


Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich - statesman and political figure

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov-statesman and political figure

Harry Truman-American statesman and political figure

Byrnes, James Francis -- American statesman, diplomat

Attlee Clement Richard-British statesman and political figure


Stalin's funeral 1953

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:37, published: 2/23/2013

Scene №1 Stalin's funeral

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Portrait of Stalin on the building of the Column Hall of the House of Unions.

Turn to the House of Unions.

Artist painting Stalin in a coffin.

Wreaths sneaked past the coffin, are people.

Red Square, filled with people.

Wreaths at the mausoleum.

The inscription on the Mausoleum "Lenin. Stalin", an honor ...

Visit of Anthony Eden to Moscow 1935

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:26, published: 9/30/2016

Scene №1 Visit of Anthony Eden to Moscow

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I. V. Stalin in the Kremlin welcomes Eden A.

Eden shakes hands with Litvinov, M. M. and Molotov V. M.

Eden, Stalin, may im, Molotov, Litvinov during talks in the Kremlin on March 29-30, 1935, Eden and Stalin.

Eden, accompanied by the May is on the platform before departure from Moscow to Warsaw on March ...


Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich - statesman and political figure

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov-statesman and political figure

Litvinov, Maxim Maximovich -- state and political figure, diplomat

May Ivan Mikhailovich-statesman, diplomat

Anthony Eden-British statesman and political figure, diplomat

Burial of the body of Stalin IV the mausoleum 1953

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:46, published: 4/24/2015

Scene №1 Burial of the body of Stalin IV the mausoleum

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... take the coffin IV Stalin on his shoulders and carry him to the mausoleum.

View of the Red Square, the cameramen.

Sneaked coffin of Stalin.

General view of the mausoleum, on the podium are members of the Politburo and foreign guests front of the mausoleum set the coffin of Stalin.

GM Malenkov, Beria ...

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... Beria LP, KE Voroshilov, NS Khrushchev, AI Mikoyan, Suslov, MA, AB Aristov will wear the coffin of Stalin in the mausoleum.

Politburo member will wear a coffin in the mausoleum.

View of the wall of the mausoleum with funeral wreaths, coffin are entered into the mausoleum.

View of the Red Square mausoleum ...

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... mausoleum (above).

Are entered into the coffin of the mausoleum.

Representatives of foreign Communist parties come to the mausoleum behind the coffin of Stalin.

Celebrating the 70th anniversary of Stalin IV 1949

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:04:01, published: 1/1/2015

Scene №1 Celebrating the 70th anniversary of Stalin IV

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... Bolshoi Theatre.

Pioneers presented to Stalin IV bouquets of flowers.

The audience applauded.

Pioneers line up at the rostrum, presidium members applauded.

Pioneers with bouquets of flowers standing in the aisle of the auditorium.

Pioneers on the scene salute Stalin.

The audience applauded.

Pioneers turn ...

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... the Presidium LM Kaganovich, Mao Zedong, Stalin and Khrushchev, NS applaud the pioneers.

Pioneers leave the stage and from the audience.

The audience applauded.

Academician IV Kurchatov applauds standing together with other viewers.

Kaganovich, Mao Zedong, Stalin and Khrushchev applauded sitting in the ...

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... listening to broadcast the solemn meeting in honor of the 70th anniversary of Stalin.

Night festive illumination on the wall of the building.

Portrait of Stalin raised to the sky.

People on the street looking at the portrait of Stalin.

People on the street listening to the broadcast of the meeting.

Festive ...


Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin - statesman and political figure

Lazar Kaganovich Moiseeevich - statesman and political figure

Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev - statesman and political figure

Mao Zedong - Chinese statesman and political figure

Igor V. Kurchatov - scientist

Scene №2

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... Ulbricht, Stalin, Khrushchev, Ibárruri applauding, standing on the podium at the Bolshoi Theatre.

AS Yakovlev aircraft designers Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan and applauding, standing in the auditorium.

Stalin sits down next to him - Mao Zedong and Nikita Khrushchev.

The audience applauded.

Stalin gives a sign ...

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... next Ibárruri, Malenkov, Beria, Voroshilov.

General view of the auditorium, all rise.

Spectators in the boxes and stalls applauded speech Shvernik.

Stalin and guests sit at the table of the presidium.

The audience applauded finish, sit on their seats.

General view of the audience.


Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin - statesman and political figure

Mikhail Andreyevich Suslov - statesman and political figure

Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev - statesman and political figure

Nikolai Bulganin - statesman and political figure

Shvernik Nikolai Mikhailovich - statesman and political figure


The funeral of Clara Zetkin 1933

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:00, published: 6/12/2013

Scene №1 The funeral of Clara Zetkin

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... ashes of K.Tsetkin niche in the Kremlin wall.

Stalin, Molotov, and other members of the government at the Kremlin wall.

K. Voroshilov, Stalin, Molotov, Ordzhonikidze and others rise to the podium of the Mausoleum of Lenin.

K. Voroshilov, Kalinin, Stalin on the mausoleum of Lenin - different plans.


Stalin I.V.

Molotov V.M.

Kalinin M.I.

Voroshilov K.E.

Ordenonaya Chuvashia № 1 1940

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:05:34, published: 6/15/2016

Reel №1

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"Dedicated To The Great Stalin".

1) 24 Dec 1939.

Elections to Local Councils of people's deputies.

2) "the collective Farm.


The collective farm.

Stalin Bernardskogo district – the winner of the all-Union agricultural exhibition of 1939.

3) "During the years of the Stalinist five-year plans" ...

Celebrating the 70th anniversary of IV Stalin 1949

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:25, published: 11/9/2015

Scene №1 Celebrating the 70th anniversary of IV Stalin

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The Presidium of the solemn meeting of employees of Justice and the Prosecutor's Office in the Hall of Columns, devoted to 70th anniversary of IV Stalin People in the audience stand up, applaud.

Members of the Bureau standing ovation.

The people in the hall applauded.

Participants in the meeting sit ...

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... presidium of the table hangs a portrait of Stalin.

Leaf wall-calendar with the date "21 December".

The teacher is in the class of female school student stand.

General view of the class, girls are at their desks.

The teacher congratulated students with the birthday of Stalin.

Girls sit at their desks.

View of ...

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... of Stalin in Gori.

Street in Vologda.

View from the house where Stalin lived during his exile in 1912.

The plaque on the wall of the house.

The interior of one of the rooms.

Kerosene lamp on the table.

The chest and the bed.

The monument to Stalin, set next to the house-museum.

Portrait of Stalin on ...

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... museum.

The guide tells visitors about the life and work of Stalin in exile.

People listen to the guide.

The painting, depicting the arrival of Stalin in exile.

People discuss the picture.

The painting, depicting an episode from the life of Stalin.

The Presidium of the solemn meeting in one of the farms ...


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