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"Culture" newsreels and historical clips

Path to the rising 1984

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:44:58, published: 8/18/2014

Reel №5

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Rytkheu YS - Soviet, Russian and Chukchi writer, novelist, Honored Worker of Culture of Poland.

Our region № 13 1991

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:17, published: 6/6/2017

Reel №1

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... beginning of the holiday in the city of Murmansk., Filmoteka: a holiday in the cities., Says the Minister of Culture of the RSFSR Yulia Solomin about the holiday of unity and diversity of Slavic cultures.

Service in the church.

Says S.Stankevich about the possibility of agreement and unity.

Writer Rasputin ...

The folk culture of the Eastern Slavs. Woodland. 1989

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:53, published: 6/15/2014


National culture

Traditions and customs

Educational films

Culture and Arts

National culture


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Culture of production at oil products supply enterprises 1987

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:26, published: 7/20/2019

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Foreign news footages № 9 1986

News, 13 parts, duration: 0:27:45, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №2 Beijing, China - The signing of a cooperation agreement in the field of education and culture between China and Sudan

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Beijing, China - The signing of a cooperation agreement in the field of education and culture between China and Sudan

Nikita Mikhalkov, interview 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:45, published: 3/18/2016

Scene №1 Nikita Mikhalkov, interview

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Nikita Mikhalkov says about the situation and the situation in the culture of the countries of the former USSR.

George Soros, Boris Berezovsky - a press conference. 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:16, published: 10/5/2015

Scene №1 George Soros, Boris Berezovskiy- press conference.

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Round table.

At the table, George Soros, representatives of science, culture and Boris Berezovsky.

George Soros, speaking to journalists.

Dance of 16. 1936

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:42, published: 11/23/2020

Scene №1 Dance of 16.

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Students of the physical culture Institute named after Stalin rehearse a dance for the X Congress of the Komsomol.

Bread and song. 1980

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:36, published: 6/4/2018

Reel №1


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... Smolin in the barnyard, at the sawmill.

Small village hospital Kupala.


Vocational School.

High school.

German lesson.

Palace of Culture. O. Borovikova teaches classes drama club.

Men sing ditties.

Children's choir rehearsal.

Children's choir sings.

Conducts NG Kobycheva.

Rehearsal ...

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... "Sitting" on stage.

Ensemble members drink tea samovar, sing old Russian song.

House of Culture.

Seeing the army. V. Smolin on the grain field.

Harvester Works.

Cleaning grain.

Meeting hudsovet Palace of Culture.

Holiday "Farewell to winter."

The VII Winter Olympic Games. 1956

Documentary, 9 parts, duration: 1:27:47, black-white, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №9


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... square to honor the winners.

Meeting opened by the Chairperson of the Moscow City Committee for Physical Culture and Sport Pushkov.

Speakers: Deputy Chairman of the All-Union Committee on Physical Culture and Sport Peslek Captain yard hockey team "Stargazer" Arbatsky, Honored Master of Sports Vladimir Bobrov ...

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... Bobrov.

At the Kiev station meet other members of the Seventh Olympic Games.


Deputy Chairman serves Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports Postnikov.

In response, the AP acts Kolchin.

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