Car - the second century (1987)

Movie №38699, 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:54
Studio -
A. Uljyanov
Camera operators:
I. Kaminskij
Text authors:
L. Tarnoruder
L. Nechayuk
Sound mixer:
N. Kuznecov
Others authors:
G. Desenko


The film is dedicated to the problems of urban road transport related to the increase in the number of cars on the roads.

Reel №1 Car - the second century

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Panorama of the city transport interchange at the entrance to Moscow (top).

Types of squares and streets of Moscow, moving with him in the car (above).

Car parking on the square of the Belorussky railway station.

Passengers put their suitcases in the trunk of a taxi.

The family gets into the car.

Game footage: a vintage car driving down the street, children running after it.

Newsreel of the 1920s: automobile traffic on the streets of Moscow.

AMO's truck pulls out of the garage.

The first Soviet AMO trucks on Red Square in 1924-1925.

Limos at the retro car parade.

The process of assembling a truck at the plant named after him.

Likhacheva (accelerated image).

The chassis of ZIL trucks leave the shop gate.

Truck on the test site during the test.

Loading of cars on the ship.

Road transport on the streets of the city.

The traffic light warning light is on.

The truck driver looks out of the cab.

Cars are stuck in traffic.

A truck with a raised hood is standing in the middle of the road, the driver fixes the problem.

A driver and a passenger push a taxi with a stalled engine.

The taxi driver on the side of the road changes the wheel, the passenger looks at the clock.

Passengers stand at the broken bus.

People on the street look at the cars that were wrecked as a result of the accident.

Loading a broken car into the back of a truck.

Traffic police patrol cars go out on the trails.

The emblem of the traffic police on the facade of the building, cars on the street of Moscow.

The traffic inspector checks the driver's documents.

The traffic inspector looks under the hood of the car.

The driver signs the protocol.

Carrying out technical inspection of cars at the post of technical diagnostics of the traffic police.

View of the glass booth of the traffic controller at one of the intersections.

Traffic lights at intersections and pedestrian crossings.

Traffic police officers monitor compliance with the speed limit on the streets of the city with the help of special equipment.

One of the radars installed over the highway.

Sections of road traffic on the monitors of the citywide system "Start".

The traffic police officer on duty answers the phone call, calls the address.

Sections of the roadway on the screens of the Start system monitors, an interactive map of Moscow.

Cars are stuck in traffic.

Hands of drivers giving sound signals.

Panorama of a traffic jam on one of the streets of Moscow (top).

A round table meeting dedicated to the problem of traffic jams in Moscow.

The representative of the Traffic Police Department Pankov speaks about the relevance of traffic safety issues in Moscow (synchronously).

The participants of the" Round Table " talk about the connection between safety and the intensity of urban traffic, about the features of the Moscow transport system (synchronously).

Automobile traffic on the streets of Moscow.

Traffic controller in the booth, cars start moving through the intersection.

Cars drive over potholes in the asphalt.

The representative of the road services Semenov talks about the features of Moscow's highways, the communications laid under them, about the work on putting the road surface in order, about the reasons for the poor technical condition of the roads (synchronously).

Road transport moves to the tram tracks.

Cars run over the manholes of wells.

The driver is driving a car.

The place of road works, fenced with barriers.

The truck slams to a stop in front of one of the barriers.

Cars go around the place of road works.

Repair of the road surface manually.

Laying of asphalt with the help of special equipment and ice rinks.

Drawing road markings.

Piles of asphalt dumped on a wet road.

Laying asphalt in winter with a violation of technology.

Snow removal equipment on the streets of the city.

The bus stop is littered with snow, the passenger who left is moving through the snowdrifts.



Shooting locations:

Moscow [820]


Summer [824]

Reel №2

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The head of the Heads of the APU Lapin speaks at the" Round Table " about the peculiarities of Moscow in the organization of traffic safety and the problems that arise in this case (synchronously).

Automobile traffic on the streets of Moscow, types of overpasses and transport interchanges.

Panorama of the transport interchange at the entrance to Moscow (top).

View of a section of the Moscow Ring Road consisting of two lanes(top).

Types of multi-lane highways in the Baltic Republics.

The driver is driving a car.

Entrance to the underground pedestrian crossing.

View of a road junction in the Baltic States (top).

Automobile traffic on the streets of Moscow.

Drivers on the streets of the city talk about ways to solve the problems of urban traffic, about mutual respect for drivers and pedestrians, about the discipline of road users, the need to increase the number of gas stations and expand the trade in spare parts (synchronously).

Cosmonaut G. Grechko speaks about the need to manufacture high-quality and cheap cars (synchronously).

The exhaust gases of cars on the street.

Automobile traffic on one of the sections of the Leningrad highway.

The traffic police officer checks the truck engine for the level of harmful exhaust gases with the help of special equipment.

A car inspector stops a car that has just been serviced for inspection at a mobile diagnostic center.

Conducting diagnostics of exhaust gases.

The indicator shows the high toxicity of the exhaust.

The traffic inspector checks the driver of the minibus with regional numbers, asks questions.

The sign of the Moscow wholesale base for the trade of manufactured goods.

Checking the documents of truck drivers delivering goods to the center of Moscow, the inspector asks the driver questions about the route, the purpose of the trip and the nature of the cargo (synchronously).

Truck in the backyard during unloading.

Trucks on the streets of Moscow.

The traffic police inspector checks the documents of the bus driver going to Moscow from the region, asks questions about the route of the trip (synchronously).

The traffic police inspector asks questions to drivers traveling to Moscow from other regions (synchronously).

Ducks in a pond by the side of the highway.

The traffic inspector talks to drivers about dirty cars.

Children play ball in a clearing on the river bank, the driver washes the car from the river.

Oil rainbow streaks on the surface of the water.

Automatic car wash in one of the taxi companies in Moscow.

Personal service cars at the entrance to the institution.

Drivers answer questions from a traffic police officer about their work on personal official cars, talk about long downtime (synchronously).

Cars at the entrance to the state institution.

Automobile traffic on the streets of Moscow.


Grechko Georgij Mihajlovich -- pilot-cosmonaut



Shooting locations:

Moscow [820]


Autumn [826]

Reel №3

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The participant of the" Round Table", Honored Doctor of the RSFSR G. S. Livshiits, speaks about the problems of the work of driver commissions and medical services for drivers, about the need to create automobile medicine (synchronously).

People who pass for a license pass a driver's medical commission.

A man at an ophthalmologist's appointment.

The doctor makes notes in the chart.

Drivers have to undergo a medical examination.

The doctor makes notes in the chart.

People are waiting in line to pass the driver's commission.

The doctor puts stamps and seals on the driver's personal card.

Medical examination of civil aviation pilots using diagnostic equipment.

Doctors remove and process the received data.

Pilots in the cockpit.

Urban transport on the streets of Moscow.

The representative of Glavmosgortrans A. M. Ulyanov speaks about the peculiarities and difficult working conditions of drivers of urban passenger transport, the city's unwillingness to increase the rolling stock, the problem of training drivers (synchronously).

Buses on the streets of Moscow, boarding and disembarking passengers at bus stops.

Drivers are selected from the cabs of the buses.

A torn side of a bus as a result of a collision with a tanker truck.

An announcement about the invitation to work for bus drivers and car mechanics.

Theoretical and practical training in a driving school.

Future bus drivers get on the bus before a practical driving lesson.

Practical exercises on the site.

Passing an exam on the rules of the road.

Drivers who do not pass the exam, leave the class.

A female driver takes an exam on the rules of the road.

Passing the driving test.

Bus and truck drivers break traffic rules.

The passengers of the bus, clutching the railing when braking.

Traffic jam on one of the city streets as a result of a traffic accident.

Broken cars in the penalty parking lot of the traffic police.

The representative of the Ministry of Road Transport of the RSFSR, V. N. Ivanov, talks about ways to reduce the level of accidents on highways, to improve transport culture, and the need for mutual respect between drivers and pedestrians (synchronously).

The driver of a broken car "votes" on the side of the road.

Pedestrians try to cross the road.

View of the intersection (top), drivers turning right, do not let pedestrians pass at the crossing.

The permission signals of traffic lights are lit.

Drivers do not give way to pedestrians, violating the rules.

People cross the roadway in the wrong places, the traffic police inspector detains a pedestrian-violator.

Boarding and disembarking of bus passengers.

The bus pulls up to the bus stop.

View of the part of the Moscow River in the city center, car traffic along the embankments (from above).

View of a part of Gorky Street (from above), traffic of cars and pedestrians.

Cars on one of the city streets.

The traffic police inspector on duty picks up the phone.

Sections of the roadway on the screens of the "Start" system monitors.

View of part of the garden ring (from above).

Cars pass by.

A traffic inspector with a radar in his hand.

Automobile traffic on the streets of Moscow, types of transport interchanges (top).



Shooting locations:

Moscow [820]


Summer [824] Autumn [826]

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