You found 292 newsreels for query "Traction"

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Foreign newsreels №3579 1973

News, 3 footages, Duration: 0:12:10, Published 9/21/2013 1:11:43 PM

Scene №2

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Ключевые слова


Osteochondrosis 1983

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:48, Published 2/28/2017 11:56:58 PM

Reel №2


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Massage of the collar area.

Dry traction in cervical osteochondrosis.

A woman with a neck collar after the stretching procedure.

Traction in lumbar osteochondrosis.

Underwater stretching of the spine.

Physical therapy classes..

Operating room, spinal surgery.


Electrical equipment tramcars 1986

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:04, Published 2/27/2017 7:52:05 PM


The training film shows the device of the traction motor.

Reel №1


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The design of traction engines of tram cars.

Electric motor of tram car T3.

Traction engine.

Components of the traction engine.

Cartoon explaining the operation of the traction engine.

Engine generator.

The location of the engine in the car.


Reel №2


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The control lever.

The safety pedal is pressed, the brake pedal lock is removed, the starting pedal is pressed.

The passage of current through the electrical circuit of the car.

The accelerator crosspiece is set in motion, with the help of which the current in the traction motor circuit is constantly maintained and the car rides.

The location of the accelerator in the car.

A cartoon explaining the operation of the accelerator.

The speed of the car depends on the accelerator.

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The principle of operation of the accelerator.

After the acceleration of the car, the driver releases the starting pedal and the car continues to move by inertia.

When the starting pedal is released, the control controller shaft is set to its original position.

Cartoon explaining the gradual reduction of current in the traction motor circuit.

Operation of an electric circuit when moving by inertia.

Pressing the brake pedal.

There comes an electric braking of the car.


Saving energy for traction 1979

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:48, Published 9/8/2016 10:16:40 AM

Reel №1


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Depot shop.

Elimination of wear of collector plates.

The master repairs the brush apparatus.

Setting up the switching of traction motors.

Testing of repaired engines.

Instrument readings.

Turning of wheel pairs.


Russian hunters and anglers 1988

Movie, 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:07, Published 1/31/2014 9:31:26 AM

Reel №2


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Customers in the store.

Two hunters go into the forest.

Birds in the sky.

Hunting on traction.

Turning black grouse.

Hunting with a decoy duck.

Bird carcasses hung on the wall.


One day in Barrow depot 1977

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:14:26, Published 11/10/2015 12:44:32 AM

Reel №1


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Construction of a hardware workshop.

Depot workshops.

Production line for repair of starting connections.

Production line for disassembly of traction engine shields.

Mechanization in storerooms.

An upgraded machine for boring motor-axial bearings.

The electric locomotive is under repair.


Highway Patrol №1 issue from 31.05-01.06 2000

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:12, Published 7/12/2023 4:02:00 PM

Reel №1


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Operational filming of the search.

Seized weapons.

A fire on the street of the Pilot Babushkin.

The Losinoostrovskaya traction substation of the Mytishchi power supply station of the Moscow railway caught fire.

Clouds of black smoke and an open fire.

Fire extinguishing.

Fireman (synchronously).


Soviet Karelia №7 1959

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:11, Published 10/24/2019 3:43:07 PM

Reel №1


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Drying hay in the farm Antikaynena.

4. Operation of the Amphibian all-terrain vehicle winch on rafting operations.

5. Fighting forest fires with the help of aviation (Obogrelov, Rachkov, Markin).

6. The transition to diesel traction-the prospect of the Kirov railway (driver Borovkov, instructor Voronin, driver Chernov and his assistant Kukhorev).

Manufacture of conveyor belts 1986

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:51, Published 3/2/2017 10:34:54 AM

Reel №1


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A cartoon explaining the operation of the conveying unit.

The main components of conveyor belts are the core, which perceives the traction forces and rubber linings of the working and non-working sides.

The plates protect the core from the effects of aggressive environments of air and water.

The core or traction frame is assembled from steel cables on rubber-wire belts.

Tapes, depending on the operating conditions, are made of various types and two types of general and special purpose.

"M" - frost-resistant.

"T" - heat resistant.


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The control panel.

The rubberized fabric is wound into a roll and fed for duplication.

Core assembly.

Assembly of the traction frame.

Reel №2

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Production of traction frame.

Lining the frame with a rubber compound.

Three-roll calender.

Central control panel.

Cooling conveyor and rolling device.

Rubber bands are vulcanized in hydraulic presses.

The vulcanization mode depends on the formulation of the rubber compound and the thickness of the conveyor belt.


Landing aircraft to minimize II category 1980

Movie, 6 parts, Duration: 0:57:24, Published 4/16/2014 10:13:18 PM

Reel №3


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The landing strip is visible through the fog.

TU-154 aircraft.

The fundamental basis of the on-board automatic control system of the TU-154B aircraft is a combination of trajectory control systems and automatic control of the ACS, the main element of which is the autopilot.

This basis is supplemented by a traction control, a second-round care calculator, as well as built-in monitoring and alarm systems.

The whole system is given the name ABSU-154-2.

A cartoon explaining the location of the control system on the aircraft panel.

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On the left navigation console, when landing, the trajectory control system corresponding to the operating mode is switched on, as well as the power supply of the care computer.

On another console there are means of checking the built-in control of the STU and the care calculator, as well as traction machines.

On the right side are the controls of the traction machine.

The traction control is activated in the preparation mode even before the flight.

At the beginning of the pre-landing maneuver, it is necessary to make sure that the power is turned on and that the automatic machine operates, that on the speed indicators of the USSI type continuously monitors the movement of the indexes of the movement of the arrows.

After that, the built-in control system of the machine is checked.

Both of her lamps should go out in 10-15 seconds.

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Now it is possible to connect the couplings of the actuator of the traction machine with the wiring from the ores to the engines and turn on the speed control mode.

In this mode, the automatic stabilizes the speed by acting on the thrust of the engines, and through it on the position of the arrows of the USI devices.

It keeps the arrows from diverging from the indexes, now fixed.

When it is necessary to change the speed, the pilot rearranges the indexes.

There is a discrepancy, the machine eliminates it by changing the thrust until the instrument speed takes the value set by the indexes.

From this moment on, the difference signal no longer enters the machine, but signals about the current values of pitch and longitudinal acceleration are still being sent.

If they start to change, the USI devices will not have time to react to this, because the machine will immediately change the thrust.

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His teams in such cases are ahead of a possible change in speed.

In the control mode, the traction automaton can solve, in addition to the task of speed stabilization, the task of accelerating the aircraft at the command of the departure computer.

The computer's power is turned on when preparing for an automatic landing approach.

Then the built-in control of the care calculator is checked together with the STU.

Switching the care calculator to the preparation mode occurs automatically at the moment of capturing the glide path.

Two signals are received at the input of the calculator: a constant value corresponding to the deviation of the elevator, which is necessary to start the departure maneuver, and a variable value corresponding to the current pitch.

The calculator continuously calculates their algebraic sum in order to give its next value to the autopilot at the time of switching on the care mode.

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You can start automatic departure for the second round, for example, by manually transferring the ores to the take-off position, while the traction machine will turn off, and then the contacts of the care calculator will work.

You can also use any of the care buttons on the steering wheels, in this case, the calculator issues two commands simultaneously.

One to the steering unit, the aircraft goes to climb.

The second command to the traction machine is to transfer the ores to the take-off position, the aircraft accelerates.

The traction machine, switching to the preparation mode, moves the indexes.

Now the care calculator, receiving information about the current pitch and instrument speed, calculates for the autopilot the pitch increment necessary to stabilize the speed value that is permissible with the flaps fully released.

You can stop automatic care by switching to manual pitch control, you can also press the reset program scoreboard button on the left navigation console or turn the handle to lower the autopilot lift.


Reel №4


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Checking the general serviceability of the ABS.

It begins with the inclusion of the traction machine in the preparation mode and is performed using the troubleshooting console.

Checking the operation of the ABSU in the automatic withdrawal mode for the second round.

Checking the serviceability of the built-in control system of the STU traction machine and the care calculator.

The ABSU serviceability signal is lit.

Pilots in the cockpit of the aircraft.

The commander gives instructions to turn on the traction machine.

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The co-pilot reports that the ores are uncoiled.

The inclusion of the traction control machine in the speed control mode is preceded by a check of its built-in control, this is done at the very beginning of the pre-landing maneuver.

The commander instructs to prepare the ABSU for automatic entry.

During automatic approach, continuous monitoring of the ABS operation is the duty of the co-pilot.

It should be ready in case of ABSU failure to switch to manual control via the failed channel.

The co-pilot reports that the ABS serviceability indicator is lit.

The co-pilot is entrusted with speed control.

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The traction control is also used in the director approach mode.

This improves piloting and approach accuracy.

In the director mode, piloting is carried out by the co-pilot.

The duties of the aircraft commander remain the same as with automatic entry.

In the conditions of the minimum of category 2, the success of the approach is ensured not only by the serviceable action of the ABS, but also by the clear and well-coordinated work of the entire crew.

The commander controls the actions of automation, evaluating them according to the readings of instruments and the behavior of the aircraft, while the role of the aircraft commander is particularly important.

Big commander.

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The commander's dialogue with the co-pilot.

The flight mechanic reports the readings of the instruments.

The principal features of the crew's work are most clearly manifested after entering the glide path.

The flight engineer controls the operation of the traction machine.

The navigator controls the accuracy of the aircraft's movement, reports to the commander about the passage of control points, then about the flight altitude by barometric, and below 60 meters by radio altimeter.

The commander visually observes the appearance of the landing strip.

The landing team.


Reel №2

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Checking the reliability of disabling the autopilot by overpowering, which allows you to check the serviceability of the command alarm.

Switching on and off the traction machine and monitoring the corresponding signals.

Checking the ABS operation in automatic control mode, in particular when leaving for the second round.

This check is performed using the troubleshooting console.

Checking the health of the built-in control system.

Let's consider the main features of the distribution of responsibilities between crew members when landing in conditions of a minimum of category 2 in automatic mode.

In such conditions, continuous monitoring of the ABS operation is necessary.

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This is the duty of the co-pilot.

It must be constantly ready, in case of ABSU failure, immediately switch to manual control mode via the failed channel.

The commander of the aircraft, controlling the flight parameters and the operation of the ABSU, usually turns on the traction control and controls the speed.

Note that the traction control is also used in the director approach mode.

In the director mode, piloting is carried out by the co-pilot, so the duties of the aircraft commander remain the same as with automatic approach.

In the conditions of the minimum of category 2, the success of the approach is ensured by the clear and well-coordinated work of the entire crew.

In the automatic control mode, it is necessary to continuously evaluate the actions of the ABSU according to the readings of the instruments and the behavior of the aircraft.


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Crew work.

The principal feature of the crew's work is most clearly manifested after entering the glide path.

This refers to the distribution of responsibilities between the commander of the aircraft and the co-pilot.

The flight mechanic controls the operation of the traction machine, and also reports to the commander about the flight altitude by barometric, and below 60 meters by radio altimeter.

Instruments on the control panel.

The commander observes the appearance of the landing strip.

Note the transience of what happened at altitudes from 60 to 30 meters.


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