Mongolia Is a Nice Country (1987)

Movie №9453, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:36
Ramazina L.
Camera operators:
Kuznecov I.
Kalinovskiy E.


The film reflects the deep historic roots of the friendship between the USSR and Mongolia, developing economic and scientific ties.


Soviet-Mongolian relations: economic and scientific contacts (House of Soviet Science and Culture in Ulan Bator), communication in agriculture (agronomy, livestock), physics (solar energy), the relationship of the Academies of Sciences, restoration of temples. Communication in: politics, medicine, culture, military science, aerospace, mining, metallurgy.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Landscape of Mongolia - the hills, the clouds - LS., PNRM.

Mountain, river - LS., PNRM.

Flowers - CU.

Grazing camel - LS.

Lizard on the sand - MS.

PNRM. with sand dunes on a herd of camels - MS., PNRM.

River, meadows - LS., PNRM.

The hills, the eagle soars in the air - LS.

PNRM. from heaven on the monument of Sukhbaatar in Ulan Bator - LS., PNRM., MS., hitting.

The building of the People's Hural - MS., Departure.

Avenue in Ulaanbaatar - LS.

People on the streets - CU., MS.

Newsreel, 1921



Negotiations between the representatives of the Soviet Republic and Mongolia.

The Soviets and the founder of the MPR Sukhbaatar sign documents.

The instrument of friendship (in Mongolian) signature.

[_] Picture: Mongolian delegation met with VI Lenin.

Old Ulan Bator, street, passing vehicles.

Yurt, doors, children play on the floor.

A man rides a horse through the street.

On the bridge is moving locomotive.

Animation: Portrait of Sukhbaatar against moving train.


Old Irkutsk.

Photo: Sukhbaatar and Mongolian representatives.

Newspaper in Mongolian.

Picture: Sukhbaatar with employees of the newspaper.

Old Town Kyakhta.

[_] The plaque on the house where he was the first Congress of the Mongolian People's Party.

Room in the house-museum of Sukhbaatar.


Photo: Sukhbaatar speaks to members of the Mongolian Revolutionary Party.

Portrait of Sukhbaatar.

Photos: Meeting MS Gorbachev Mongol leader J. Batmunkom - MS., CU.

The sculpture "shaking hands» - MS. PNRM.

People on the streets of Ulan Bator - MS., Hitting.

PNRM. with the Soviet and Mongolian flag on the house of Soviet science and culture - LS., PNRM.

Soviet and Mongolian representatives speak at the opening ceremony, cut the ribbon - MS.

Removes Mongolian operator - CU.

Hands cut the ribbon - CU.

Exhibition stand with photographs on the life of the USSR - are different.

Visitors to the exhibition - CU.

The current layout of the irrigation installation - CU.

Field with irrigation system - LS.

Operate the tractor in the state farm "Darkhan» - LS., CU., PNRM., MS., Departure.

Agronomist Enhzhargal (girl) goes on the field, Soviet engineers and VI Marchenko Vyunichenko instruct Enhzhargal before going into the field - MS., CU.

Tractor in a field tractor in the cockpit, there are agronomists - MS.

Darkhan city, Laboratory Research Institute of Plant Industry and agriculture: technician turns on the device, PNRM. for laboratory and instrumentation - MS.; employees at work - MS., CU., departure.

Showroom Darkhan Research Center - LS.

Sheaves of grain - CU.

Visitors agronomists studying the samples of bread - MS., CU., PNRM.

Experimental field - LS., PNRM.; Agricultural Institute staff and Soviet specialists in the field - different.

The assembly line worker at a bakery with bread - CU.

PNRM. the pipeline, the bread falls out of form - CU.

A loaf of bread from the oven and drop moving through the pipeline - MS., CU.

Mongolian landscape: clouds, field - LS., PNRM.

Inspects sheep herder - LS.

By yurt is a herd of camels - MS.

Family breeders led by 63-year-old D. Tserenzhaa (meeting) - MS.

Camp, the camels lie - LS.

Shepherds move on the bike to another camp - MS.

Feet of camels - CU.

D. Tserenzhaa and her granddaughter go riding.

Next comes the camel - MS. PNRM., LS.

Shepherd on horseback near a flock of sheep - MS.

D. Tserenzhaa, her daughter, her husband and granddaughter make out things, establish a yurt - CU., MS.

Women are the foal; shorn sheep, milking mare - MS., CU., Hitting.

D. Tserenzhaa talk and her husband, Zhimeehuu, standing next to a camel (Honhongorsky somon Yuzhnogobiyskogo aimag) - CU.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Camp shepherds - LS.

Family D. Tserenzhaa dinner - different.

Solar panels on the tent, receiver - CU., PNRM.

Physics Institute of the Mongolian Academy of Science: Scientists hold solar panels - CU., Departure.

Laboratory - MS., PNRM.

Lab with equipment, records - MS.; Person - CU.

Radio and solar panels - CU.

Storefront, PNRM. out - CU.

PNRM. home - LS.

Scientists at the Research and Experimental Center for Applied Microbiology and Enzymology - CU., PNRM.

Laboratory assistant at work - CU. PNRM.

The device - CU., Departure.

Finished drugs - MS., CU., PNRM.

Medicine "Pankinsin", a diploma and a gold medal, received for its manufacture - CU., PNRM.


Old Ulan Bator.

Religious items.

Life of the poor: a sick woman, a woman with a child with a yurt.

Dancing shaman.

Mongolians are looking at the shaman.

[_] Pasture for horses - LS. (Evening).

The building of the Monastery of peace and joy - MS.

The decorations on the church - CU., Departure.

Temple in scaffolding - PNRM.

Restorers at work - MS., CU.

Pass the church-museum staff - MS.

Newsreel 1961

UN building, waving flags, flags them MS.edi Union and Mongolia.

[_] Street Ulaanbaatar - MS., Departure, PNRM.

Square - MS., PNRM.

The museum building, VI Lenin - CU.

The new area of ​​the city - LS., PNRM., Hitting.

The factory building - MS., CU., PNRM.

PNRM. from the house of the old building - MS., PNRM.

Women on the streets - CU.

Baasanhuu ophthalmologist (a woman) at home, cooks in the kitchen - MS., CU.

Hands make dumplings - CU.

Baasanhuu in his office: he takes the book, sits down, writes - MS., CU.

Book in English - CU., PNRM.

Baasanhuu passes on the street - LS., CU.

Hospital Ophthalmology Hall - MS.

Baasanhuu examines patient - MS., CU.; Conducts operations - CU., LS., PNRM.

Surgical Department - LS.

Moscow: CU.eml-LS. (With motion along the promenade).

Kalinin Avenue, go passers - MS., CU.

PNRM. the Spasskaya tower CU.asnuyu area - MS.

By CU.asnoy Square are Mongolian artists - LS., CU. (Summer).

Mongolian artists ballet rehearsal, talk - CU.

Mongolian artists are awarded certificates, they applaud, consider certificates - MS., CU., PNRM.

Leningrad: Monument to Peter I - LS.

Pick up the Mongolian artists - MS., CU.

Isaac's Square - LS.

Poster Folk Ballet Company of Opera and Ballet of the MPR - CU.

A fragment from the National Ballet performed Mongolian artists - MS.

The audience applauded - CU.

Mongolian artists receives flowers - CU., PNRM.

The House of Friendship in Moscow - LS.

Poetess Rimma Kazakova and Chairman of the Presidium of the USSF VV Tereshkova talking with Mongolian representatives - CU.

Presidium meeting, PNRM. on the PDP (in Russian and Mongolian) - MS., LS.

At a meeting dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the LS.estva Mongolian-Soviet friendship, serve R. Kazakova and representatives of the USSR and the MPR, listeners applauded - Various.

Mongolian flag - CU.

Building - MS.

Politburo member, Secretary of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party that Namsrai speaks of friendship with the Soviet Union (synchronously in Mongolian) - CU., LS.

Mongolian newspapers - CU.

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Soviet and Mongolian Flags - MS.

PNRM. with a gun in the yard of the museum building, Marshal Zhukov in Ulan Bator - MS., PNRM.

Portrait GK Zhukov, the interior of the hall - CU., PNRM.

Portrait of the Soviet military - CU.

Customers visiting the exhibits - CU.

Newsreel 1939:

GK Beetle goes to the dugout, with his head bandaged his desk.

Halkin-Gol: the commander of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army, Marshal Choibalsan with military leaders goes to KP; Mongolian horsemen galloping across the river, there are Mongolian officers.

Tanks swim across the river.

The troops are going to attack.

The soldier in a trench; explosion.

Mongolian pilot in the cockpit.

Planes in the air.

Falls burning plane

Japanese prisoners go.

Marshal Choibalsan MS.edi soldiers.

GK Beetles - CU.

[_] Photography at the Museum: GK Beetles and Choibalsan - MS.

Weapons, banners at the museum - CU., MS., Hitting.

PNRM. a newspaper photo of soldiers - MS. PNRM.

Photo: Soviet and Mongolian soldiers and officers about anti-aircraft guns, tank column

Newsreel 1939:

Mongols given presents to Soviet soldiers.

Mongols to the Soviet soldiers aircraft squadrons "Mongolian Arat."

[_] Obelisk in honor of the Soviet and Mongolian pilots - MS., Departure.

Sky with clouds - LS., MS.

Blast-off - LS.

Animation: mock spacecraft in flight - LS.

Flags of the USSR and the MPR in the spacecraft - MS.

The spacecraft in flight - LS.

Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Mongolian cosmonaut Jean Gurragcha in the ship - MS., CU.

The hand pulls the capsule - CU.

V. Dzhanibekov transmits J. Gurragcha capsule, astronauts shook hands - MS.

Radio antenna in the desert - MS. (Evening).

Riders in the Mongolian steppe-MS. (Evening).

Somone Gurvan_Bulak Bulgan aimag: family meets astronauts J. Gurragcha Gurragcha and B. Dzhanibekova: kissing, sitting in a yurt - different.

Erdenet city - LS., Departure.

Building GOK - MS.

Director of Plant EN Klimov, a meeting in the office - LS., MS., PNRM.

Ore extraction in the context of - LS., MS.

Dispatching - MS., CU., PNRM. (Work Mongolian girl and a Soviet manager).

The driver "BelAZ" in the cabin, excavator loads the rock into "BELAZ"; trucks drive up and drive off - CU., MS.

Manager on the phone - CU., PNRM.

Plant construction - LS.

Rotating machines - CU., MS., PNRM.

Computer center plant - LS., PNRM.

The staff at the computer - MS. PNRM.

Powered typewriter - CU.

Display Screen - CU.

Conveyor with ore - CU.

Mongolian students near the building of the Moscow Mining Institute - MS., PNRM.

Students (Mongolian and Soviet) with teachers in the classroom - LS., PNRM.

Mongolian students in practical courses, near the machine - different.

MPR: greet the Soviet and Mongolian workers - MS.

Rig - MS., PNRM.

Deputy of the Great People's Khural, Brigadier D. Jargalsaikhany Erdenetskogo combine the work with him greeting came to be replaced by Brigadier - master VV Tolbachev - MS.

Obelisk in honor of the Soviet-Mongolian friendship - MS.

Passes the Soviet and Mongolian youths - MS.

Erdenet city street - LS.

Parents lead children in kindergarten - MS.

Soviet and Mongolian children go with a tutor, hand in hand, play, dance - CU., MS.

Children with a trainer in the pool - LS., CU.

Sculpture Square - MS., PNRM.

The workers are on the construction site - MS.

The plant in Erdenet, cut - LS.

Tractor in a field - LS.

Avenue in Ulaanbaatar - LS.

Knitting Factory, an employee at the machine - MS., CU.

Baasanhuu surgeon with her husband on the balcony of the house - CU., PNRM.

Erdenet - LS., Departure.

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