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"war" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign newsreels № 2555 1971

News, 19 footages, duration: 0:28:51, published: 9/21/2013

Scene №2

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Menor L.D. -- Lieutenant General of the United States Air Force, veteran of World War II and the Vietnam War.

Sajmons A.D. -- Colonel of the US Army Special Forces, veteran of World War II and the Vietnam War.

Guided By Courage. 1979

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:10, black-white, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1


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... gets an accordion and plays.


Photos, drawings, cartoons, museum exhibits.

Adults and children on trips.

Photos in the hall of the Second World War.

Article about the heroism V.V.Talalihina.

The wreckage of downed Nazi plane V.V.Talalihinym.

Adults and children are considering the plane.

Photos and ...



the First World War, the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War, Lieutenant-General, Chief Military Adviser in China, a senior lecturer of the Academy of the General Staff.

NM Khlebnikov - Soviet military commander, member of the First World War, the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War, Colonel General

Reel №2


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... Sergeant Sinev.

Victory Banner.


Victory Banner, panorama photo.

The ceremony of changing the guard of honor.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

A quote from the speech of Soviet Defense Minister Ustinov on the background of the frame shift of honor.


Popkov VI - Flying ace, a veteran of World War II, Lieutenant General Aviation, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Kantariya MV - Sergeant, the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Soviet Ural Mountains № 15 "...Holy War " 1985

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:09, published: 9/1/2014

Reel №1

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Sing war veterans at the table.

Order of the "Victory".

Veterans frontline teams N.Minzaripova North Urals Bauxite Mine.

Newsreel of 1941-1945: Work at the mine.

Photos of the workers.

Veterans of the talk at the table.

Street Sverdlovsk.

Photo: wires to the front.

Newsreel: go to the Soviet soldiers ...

Daily News / A Chronicle of the day № 41 No - war. 1986

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:04, black-white, published: 3/25/2014


Anti-war demonstration in Moscow.

Participants of the demonstration are posters, give interviews (synchronously).

Speakers: Yuri Zhukov, GT coast, E. Gvarisko.

Krylov, professor of Peoples' Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumba, give interviews (synchronously).


Students are interviewed

Reel №1

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1. Anti-war demonstration in Moscow in SC "Olympic".

Participants of the demonstration are posters, give interviews (synchronously).

Speakers: Yuri Zhukov, GT coast, E. Gvarisko.

2. Krylov, professor of Peoples' Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumba, give interviews (synchronously).

Classroom ...

Star Wars 1987

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:24, published: 11/14/2012


Opinions Soviet and American public and politicians about the program "Star Wars" (SDI): Reagan, Bovina, Chalforta (England).

Scheme of the missile shield.

Speech by M. Thatcher on SDI speech of ordinary people.


About the elaboration of the Star Wars Program in the USA.

Reel №1

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... Alexander Bovin – a political observer of “Izvestiya” newspapers is talking about American nuclear weapons.

An animated version of strategic defense – “star wars”.

USA. Washington: the White House.


The US President – R.Reagan is speaking about strategic defense.

Members of the film crew: A.Bovin – film ...

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... of defense shield – “star wars”.

Pictures from the American feature film “On the next day”.

American people of different age are speaking about “star wars” outside.

Front page of the “Week news” newspaper.

The head of the organization responsible for implementing “star wars” program – General James Abrahamson ...


Reel №3

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Animated cartoons about star wars.

USA. A missile flies up.

Sky scrapers.

The film producer P.Mostovoy is looking.

The American writer Normann Maider is speaking about “star wars”.

Tape recorder is on.

The cameraman Y.Orlov is working.

An object of the film camera.

The professor of the Harvard University ...


War Babies 1988

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:47:13, published: 11/10/2012


history of the USSR the eyes of children 30-x - x 40-city, mass repression, arrests of relatives, the Great Patriotic War, the occupation of the stories of children survivors of war.

Memories of the boys - the sons of the regiment.


About the difficult fate of children during the Great Patriotic War (Soviet people’s participation in World War II in 1941-1945).

Reel №1

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BK Kiselev shows a photograph of the war years, says (synchronously home) - MS., PNRM.

Said L. Hachkuruzova houses (simultaneously) - MS.

Photo 11-year-old Luda Hachkuruzovoy, her family - MS.; Family VS Nozhkina - CU.

Says VS Nozhkin houses (simultaneously) - CU.

Says AA Popkov (synchronous) - CU ...


Reel №2


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... Nazis residents of Rostov-on-Don - CU.

A plaque in memory of the boy Cherevichkin Vite,

was shot by the Nazis - MS., PNRM.

Children's drawings of the war years - CU., PNRM.

Yard - MS., PNRM.

Pigeon, pigeons on the roof - LS., CU.

Boy-pigeon - MS., CU., PNRM.

Doves in the sky - MS., PNRM.

Document ...


Reel №3


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English class: A. Popkov in class, high school student said at the board (synchronous) - CU., MS., PNRM.

VS Nozhkin playing the accordion in the war songs

Indoor (synchronously) - MS., hitting, CU.; says (synchronously).

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Soviet soldiers help children get out of basements. ...


Prelude war 1943

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:12:40, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1

USA. Propaganda newsreels and documentary.

Frames, symbolizing war.

Parade US troops ahead of the orchestra, the flag flies.

The explosions on the ground, with the aircraft flying bombs.

At sea, the ship is burning undermined.

The bombings in London, in the dark, the lights of fires, lights silhouette ...


... factories in the rear

USA. Map of the USA. US troops on the march.

Vice President Henry Wallace delivers a speech in New York on May 8, 1942: "This is a war between the free world and the world of the slave."

The commandments of the world and humanity from the Koran, Confucius, the Bible of the Declaration ...

... Lincoln.

Paintings and sculptures on the military theme.

Washington Monument to the soldiers of the army, who died in the Valley Forge in the Civil War 1777-1778 gg.

US Flag, swinging bell, it embossed inscription: "Freedom."

The White House, Capitol Building, the Statue of Liberty

The other side ...



USA, China, Czechoslovakia, World War 2, the soldiers, the destruction of France, the North Sea, attractions, transport, water, explosion, the cathedral, the BBC, weapons, population, military machinery, tanks, artillery

Poland, Greece, the USSR, Yugoslavia, World War 2, Albania, explosions, Air Force


military equipment, weapons, paratroopers landing, monuments

US, World War 2, the troops Gos.deyateli, celebrities, world war 2, Gos.simvolika, propaganda, sculpture, monuments, Gos.uchrezhdeniya army

Germany, Italy, 2 World War, the Germans, the population Gos.deyateli, personalities, parade, army

Reel №3


... and Japan, renouncing war as an instrument of national policy.

By the Sea Treaty in the US London destroy their ships.

Map of the USA, the reduction of the army to 136 thousand people / about, as in Romania, where 2,000,000 people /.

Kosyumirovannoe rally in the US against the war.

Newspaper "Pathé ...

... "Pathé News" is conducting a survey of people in the street. "If war starts in Europe, what shall we do?".

Interviews with people.

Demonstration, transporant: "No foreign plight.

The economic crisis in the United States.

Roosevelt at the table.

The headlines in the newspapers: "Congress passes the law ...


Reel №6


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... quoted G.K.Marshalla, chief of staff of the US Army: "The triumph of democracy can only be achieved with the full defeat of the German and Japanese war machines


US, Japan, China, the war, the Air Force bombing, women, children, city, invasion, Gos.simvolika, troops, navy, refugees, population, military equipment, military leaders, personalities

US Gos.deyateli, personalities, War, Ethiopia, Navy, Air Force, wounded soldiers, the Suez Canal, generals, monarchs


monarchs, photos, Italy

US, Japan, Italy, Germany, Gos.deyateli, personalities, army, war, troops

Civil war 1919

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:18, published: 9/4/2019

Scene №1 Civil war

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Russian civil war




Sectors of the economy

World War 1914-1918

Footage, 9 parts, duration: 0:49:03, black-white, published: 1/14/2020

Reel №5

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Narrow Gauge Railroad.

Passing trolley, German soldiers are sitting in them.

German soldiers are building wooden barracks.

British prisoners of war in the excavation.

Next - laden trucks.

On the road passing a truck with a trailer.

On the side is a German soldier.

In the narrow-gauge railway train ...



Germany, War World, Army, railway transport, road transport, prisoners of war, military life, theater

Reel №7


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... attack.

French soldier throwing a grenade.

German soldiers with sanitary dog ​​lay in the trench.

German soldiers are wounded French prisoners of war.

French soldiers are put forward from the trenches, fleeing the attack, the bodies of French soldiers.

The field of battle, explosions.

German soldiers ...


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... firing guns.

On a country road are French prisoners of war, carried on a stretcher a wounded soldier.

Drives a German convoy.

Frames / f: German soldier drags on itself wounded French soldier.

Chronicle: the road go wounded French prisoners of war.

The soldiers charged with the stretcher-bearers in ...

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... in the ambulance.

Passing convoy of French prisoners of war.

German soldiers distributing food French prisoners of war.

On the side of the road - broken cartridge gig on the road are the French prisoners of war.

PNRM .: French prisoners of war, the Zouaves, Moroccan arrows.

Among them - awarded NCO ...

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... position.

Pass the German prisoners of war.

From the trench rises French soldier behind him - a German officer with a bandaged head, gives him honor.

French trenches.

French soldiers escorting German prisoners of war.

French trenches.

German prisoners of war are wounded on a stretcher.

French cavalrymen ...

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... cavalrymen escorting a column of German prisoners of war.

Stalag: fence, enclosed with barbed wire; on the ground by German prisoners of war sitting.

French soldiers guard.

German prisoners behind barbed wire.

German orderlies carry the wounded on stretchers.

German soldiers, medics unloaded from ...



Germany, France, War World, monarchs, personalities, army, infantry, artillery, prisoners of war, cavalry, aviation, road transport, railway transport, medicine, the Red Cross

Reel №9


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... "Reno" goes on burning wood.


Double exposure: gas mask, German soldiers are wounded on a stretcher.

A crowd of Russian prisoners of war.

Closes the shutter gun, the German soldiers to unbutton his uniform on his chest killed.

Killed a German soldier in an underground shelter.

The person ...



Germany, France, War World, army, infantry, artillery, communications, road transport, navy, air force, prisoners of war, military production, cavalry

Civil war 1918-1920

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:04, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №1 Civil war

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Flyer since the Civil War.

The smoke from the engine.

Rails - from the train.

Train wheels.

The tube is on the phone.

Hands take a gun from the drawer.

Soldiers with rifles.

Volunteers at the train.

Poster: You volunteered? "

Train departs from the soldiers.

Riders gallop along the railroad.

Shooting ...


Wars, conflicts and disasters

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