You found 4039 newsreels for query "Counter-offensive at Stalingrad (Operation "Uranus")"

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Sniper Chekov is alive! 1964

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:12:33, Published 4/27/2021 12:11:02 PM

Reel №2

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Места съемки:


Reel №1

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Места съемки:


Frontline newsreel of the great Patriotic war 1941-1945

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:09:11, Published 8/3/2019 4:56:57 PM

Scene №1 Frontline newsreel of the great Patriotic war


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A Soviet cameraman is shooting from the plane.

Views of the destroyed Stalingrad (top).

Ruins of Soviet cities, sculpture of children on the square of Fallen Fighters in Stalingrad.

Seeing off the Red Navy men who go ashore to participate in the battles in the land theater of operations.

The Red Sailors go down the ladder, get into the boats, say goodbye to their comrades and to the ship.

The vessels enter the bay of Novorossiysk.

View of the part of Novorossiysk.


Места съемки:

Crimea [981] Stalingrad [947] Moscow [820] Poland [177] USSR [863]

A Great Battle on the River of Volga 1962

Movie, 8 parts, Duration: 1:12:31, Black-white, Published 9/7/2015 5:48:38 PM


The film tells the story of the Battle of Stalingrad during the Great Patriotic War.

Reel №6


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Scouts are watching the enemy.

The officers at the observation post monitor the enemy positions.

Panorama of the front edge of the Soviet defense.

Artillery begins firing at German troops before the start of the offensive at Stalingrad on November 19, 1942.

A salvo of rocket-propelled mortars.

Shell bursts on German positions.

Soviet planes are flying.


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Soviet planes are flying.

Tanks and infantry in the steppe go on the attack.

Meeting of the advanced units of the South-Western and Stalingrad fronts in the area of the village of Sovetsky.

Map of the encirclement of the German troops at Stalingrad and the further offensive of the Soviet troops.

Newsreel of November 1942: German planes are flying.

A Soviet anti-aircraft battery is firing at enemy aircraft.

A burning German plane crashes.


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Street view in Stalingrad.

Soviet mortar men are moving to a position on the street of the city.

Street fighting in Stalingrad, attacking Soviet troops.

Map with a plan for the encirclement and destruction of the German group at Stalingrad.

Newsreel of January 1943: Marshal of Artillery Voronov N. N. and General Rokossovsky K. K. during a meeting.

Soviet parliamentarians signal with a white flag.

The bugler gives the signal.


Места съемки:


Reel №2

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Newsreel 1942: German troops advancing on Stalingrad.

There is a German infantry.

Persons passing soldiers.

German tank column moving.

Soviet gunners shelling German troops.

Fighting in the South-West direction.

Attacking German tanks and aircraft.


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German armor and infantry moving across the steppe.

The Soviet commander signals the missile tank units.

Rocket in the sky.

Soviet tanks and infantry in the Kuban go to the counter.

Soviet infantry attacks.

Flying Soviet bombers.

German planes dropped bombs.

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Soviet aircraft bombed the enemy.

Wounded Soviet officer commanding the mortar battery.

Flyers Party and government bodies with an appeal to the people of Stalingrad.

Newsreel 1942: residents of Stalingrad build fortifications.

Sappers build concrete fortifications.

Construction of wood-earth emplacements.

Gates factory "Red October".

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The workers in the factory shop.

Tanks come out of the gates of Stalingrad Tractor Plant.

Map of the German advance on Stalingrad.

Newsreel 1942: fighting on the approaches to Stalingrad.

German troops occupied positions at the railway line.

German officers watched Stalingrad with binoculars.

Soldiers Stalingrad battalion of the national militia to put forward battle positions.

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Small unit is on the street.

Residents of Stalingrad tankers escorted into battle.

Soviet troops are in position at Stalingrad.

Места съемки:

Stalingrad USSR

Reel №5

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Newsreel of 1942: German troops are fighting in the street near the factory "Red October".

Soviet soldiers take up a position at the destroyed wall.

Soviet soldiers are moving forward.

Soldiers are fighting among the ruins of Stalingrad.

The machine gunner changes the disk of the machine gun.

The submachine gunner is firing.

German soldiers watch from behind cover.

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Street fighting in Stalingrad.

Panorama of a part of the destroyed city block.

German planes are flying.

Bombs explode on the positions of the Soviet troops.

A German bomber is diving.

View of a part of the destroyed quarter.

Sentry on duty at the gate of the Stalingrad power plant.

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Internal view of the engine room of the power plant.

A power plant worker hides in a special bomb shelter.

The entrance to the bomb shelter.

View of a part of the power plant equipment.

General view of the damaged power plant building.

Repair of tanks in the southern part of Stalingrad.

Tankman on the tank tower.


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Map of the combat situation on the Stalingrad front by November 1942.

Newsreel of 1942: view of the Moscow Kremlin.

Views of the Red Square part.

Map of the operation to encircle the German troops at Stalingrad.

Newsreel of 1942: a signalman at a radio station.

The faces of the soldiers.

Commander of the Stalingrad Front Eremenko A. I. presents awards to soldiers and officers who distinguished themselves in battle.


Места съемки:

Stalingrad Moscow USSR Ural

Volga lights №4 1984

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:55, Black-white, Published 7/7/2018 10:11:15 AM

Reel №1


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The faces of the guests - the survivors of the massacre of members of the pioneer organization and the parents and relatives of the victims of the pioneers.

Introduction in the hall of the banner of pioneer and Komsomol organizations of the school.

The portraits of the dead pioneers.

Newsreel 1942: the fighting at Stalingrad.

Red army soldiers stand on the balcony of the house red flag.

Pioneers of the school saluted.

Banners make the hall.


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One of the surviving members of the underground organization M. F. of the Clergy ties a ties of the young pioneer.

School children handed guests flowers.

The young pioneers saluted.

Map of the fighting at Stalingrad.

Horsemen riding along the river Bank.

The village children around the campfire during the grazing horses in the night.

The clergy remembers about his underground activities and mark how he escaped from the Nazis, the massacre of his comrades (synchronously).


Места съемки:

Republic of Kalmykia [744] Stalingrad [947] Saratov region [801] Volgograd region [773]

Volga lights №7 40 years of the Battle of Stalingrad 1983

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:52, Black-white, Published 2/5/2018 11:29:00 AM


Issue devoted to the celebration of the 40th anniversary of victory at Stalingrad.

Reel №1

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Monuments to the heroes of the Stalingrad battle.

Fragments of the diorama "battle of Stalingrad".

The guide tells the students about the battle of Stalingrad, the students greet guests-veterans.

Newsreel 1942-1943: street fighting in Stalingrad.

Calculation of anti-aircraft guns firing at German planes, falls burning plane.

Soviet troops are fighting on the outskirts and the streets of Stalingrad.

"Pravda" newspaper with a call to defend Stalingrad.

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Military brass band played, veterans on the station platform awaiting the arrival of their comrades.

Meeting a wagon train, veterans hugging each other, photographers and film are shooting.

Veterans go on the platform, talking to each other.

One of the participants of the battle of Stalingrad V. O. Chumachenko talks about his fighting way (synchronously).

The texts of the reports on the situation on the fronts, published in the Newspapers.

Fire boat "Damper" on a pedestal.

Photo of the sailors of the Volga flotilla.


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Panorama of the burning of Stalingrad in September 1942.

Burning spilled on the Volga oil.

Veteran of the Volga flotilla H. M. Eraut talks about his participation in the battle of Stalingrad (synchronously), is interspersed with newsreel footage of the crossing of troops over the Volga with ships of the Volga flotilla.

View of one of the halls of the Museum, a veteran tells students about the fighting in Stalingrad.

The faces of the veterans and school students, listening to their stories.

The issue of the newspaper in the printing press.

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The newspaper "Vecherny Volgograd", dedicated to the 40th anniversary of victory at Stalingrad.

Volgograd newspaper articles dedicated to the heroism of Stalingrad.

Reports in the Newspapers about the beginning of the Soviet offensive at Stalingrad.

Chumachenko tells about the beginning of the offensive at Stalingrad, frontline everyday life and the victory at Stalingrad (synchronously), front photos Chumachenko.

Newsreel, 1943: the red army sets a flag on the balcony of one of the houses of the liberated Stalingrad.

Gunner zacherley svol guns.

View of the square in Volgograd during the celebrations in honor of the 40th anniversary of victory at Stalingrad.

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Soldiers of guard of honor in the ranks.

View the rostrum with prominent speakers.

The ceremony of laying wreaths to the Eternal flame.

Panorama of the solemn event at the foot of Mamayev Kurgan (at the top).

A veteran of the 62nd army A. V. Tsygankov talks about reaction of American astronauts on his story of fighting the 62nd army at Stalingrad (synchronously), the photograph of an American astronaut Stafford during your stay in Volgograd.

Snippets of the ceremony of laying wreaths at the military memorial on the Mamaev Kurgan.

Veterans kneel at one of the mass graves.


Lower Povolzhie №30 1979

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:51, Black-white, Published 2/26/2019 1:14:31 PM

Reel №1


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A shepherd on horseback drives sheep.

Map of the German offensive on Stalingrad (animation).

Newsreel of 1942-1943: panorama of the burning bank of the Volga.

Soviet troops are fighting in Stalingrad.

Red Army soldiers in firing positions among the ruins of houses.

The sniper is firing.

A resident of Stalingrad takes out a double bass from a burning house.


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Portrait of the front-line cameraman Avenir Petrovich Sofyin.

Photos of Sofyin during the Great Patriotic War.

Sofyin's certificate of awarding the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad".

Diploma of the winner of the State Sofyin Prize for the shooting of the film "Stalingrad".

The text of the gratitude to Sofyin from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I. V. Stalin for his participation in the storming of Berlin.

Post-war photos of Sofyin during the filming of newsreels, texts of certificates for his state awards.

View of the memorial to the participants of the Battle of Stalingrad.


Места съемки:

Saratov region [801] Republic of Kalmykia [744] Volgograd region [773] Stalingrad [947]

Военная кинохроника 1943-1945

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:26, Published 12/2/2022 12:05:57 PM

Scene №1 Военная кинохроника

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Места съемки:

Stalingrad [947] Paris [850] Germany [84]

Thrice Red Banner 1985

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:29, Published 6/15/2014 11:21:42 PM

Reel №2

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Newsreel of 1941: the offensive of the German troops.

People at the burning house.

German infantry and tanks on the march.

A Red Army soldier throws a grenade from a trench.

Burning German tank.

Soviet troops are fighting, burning German tanks, portrait of senior political officer A. Barbashov.

A Red Army unit breaks through the village.


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Division veteran Vladimir Mayborsky, who repeated the feat of Alexander Matrosov, talks with young soldiers, tells about his feat.

The faces of Mayborsky and the soldiers next to him, photos of soldiers and officers of the division during the Great Patriotic War on the walls of the museum.

Newsreel: the Soviet offensive on Stalingrad.

Soviet tank on the street of Stalingrad.

Hoisting the red banner on one of the city buildings.

Rocket artillery is firing.

The faces of the soldiers.

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Tanks and infantry on the offensive.

Soldiers pull a truck out of the mud.

Gunners and infantrymen climb the mountain with ammunition on their shoulders.

Soviet artillery fires in the foothills of the Carpathians.

Photos of soldiers and officers of the Red Army.

A motorized rifle company passes through the parade ground.

Vladimir Mayborsky gives a parting speech to young soldiers.


Volga lights №15 1994

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:25, Black-white, Published 7/9/2018 7:38:55 PM

Reel №1


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The types of gateways of the Volga-don shipping canal.

The court go through one of the gateways.

The monuments on the banks of the don to the heroes of the great Patriotic war.

The monuments on the mass graves of Soviet soldiers who died in the battle of Stalingrad.

Newsreel: the attack units of the red army during the counterattack in the area of Kalach.

Panorama of Kalach in November 1942.

Relocation of tank units of the red army.

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Soviet units cross the bridge.

Abandoned and damaged German trucks.

Parade in Kalach units of the South-Western and Stalingrad fronts as they connect.

The ceremony of laying wreaths at the mass grave of the Soviet soldiers.

The name of the deceased on one of the monuments.

Red face 26 tank corps at the funeral of their comrades.

The worker talks with the old man.


Volga lights №16 Volgograd, May 9 1985

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:48, Black-white, Published 3/12/2018 4:16:31 PM

Reel №1


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Children at the fence of the embankment considering the ship "N.F. Vatutin".

View of one of the obelisks.

Elements for festive decoration of streets for the 40th anniversary of the Victory.

Newsreel 1942: Union troops of the Stalingrad and southwestern fronts near Kalach.

View of the monument "Connection fronts" in Pyatigorske Volgograd region.

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Meeting of veterans-participants of Stalingrad battle at the railway station in Volgograd.

Veterans gather for a rally.

Newsreel 1942: the panorama of the burning of Stalingrad summer 1942.

Street fighting in Stalingrad in November-December 1942.

A plaque on the wall in honor of soldiers of the 64th army, do not miss the German troops to the Volga.

Veterans laid flowers and wreaths at one of the monuments.

Veterans students ties a pioneer tie, and pin, Komsomol badges.


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At the monument the choir performs oratorio, choral Director conducting.

The honor guard at the steles with the names of the fallen defenders of Stalingrad.

Veterans through the memorial.

The names of the defenders of Stalingrad on one of the steles.

Veterans walk past the graves, they leave flowers.

The choir performs oratorio.

The types of the ceremonial meeting at the Museum-panorama "Stalingrad battle", the speaker at the microphone.


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