You found 1104 newsreels for query "Courts and prosecutors"

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Prosecutors 1982

Movie, 5 parts, Duration: 0:45:33, Published 3/24/2023 7:15:20 PM


Routine chronicle prosecutors.

Reel №3


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Yu.A. Zverev discusses with the head of the investigative part of the USSR Prosecutor's Office G.P. Karakozov the arrests of other members of the criminal group.

Prosecutors talk about how they came to the investigation.

Operational meeting at the Volgograd District Prosecutor's Office.

Senior Assistant Prosecutor G.S. Korobteva talks about the investigation of the case on the protection of the rights of minor children.

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Interrogation of the accused in the case of deprivation of parental rights.

The inspector for minor children tells about the living conditions of children in a family undergoing a case of deprivation of parental rights.

Neighbors testify in court.

Closing speech of the senior assistant prosecutor in court.

Interrogation of a minor teenager in the prosecutor's office.

Confrontation in the case of embezzlement in the artel.


Investigative Department of the USSR Prosecutor's Office. Investigative Department of the Volgograd District Prosecutor's Office. The Volgograd District Court.

Reel №1 Prosecutors

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They say the defendant, the prosecutor VP Antonov.


Marx Avenue (Ryad) in Moscow.

Visitors to the prosecutor's office.



Investigator A. Zverev.


Ключевые слова


Reel №4

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Prosecutor Yu.A. Zverev conducts a confrontation between N.L. Kocharovsky and his accomplice Litvak.

During the confrontation, the question arises about the construction of N.L. Kocharovsky's dacha and the use of stolen funds.

N.L. Kocharovsky's dacha.

Interview with the builder of the cottage.

View of the house.

Unfinished swimming pool.

The winter sun shines through the branches of the trees.


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The interrogation by the prosecutor Kraikina Kolesnikov, accused of the murders.

The accused makes a confession.

At a meeting of prosecutors in the case of the murderer, prosecutors are instructed to conduct an investigation into the guilt of officials guilty of Kolesnikov's illegal parole, which led to the commission of new murders.

The accusatory speech of the prosecutor of the Voronezh region Gorshenev Yu.M. at a court hearing considering the crimes of Kolesnikov and his accomplices.

Close-ups of the meeting participants.

The convicts are taken away by a paddy wagon.

Ключевые слова

The court session


Investigative Department of the USSR Prosecutor's Office. The Investigative Department of Voronezh. The Court of the city of Voronezh.

theme №1 04/05/1996 1996

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:37:48, Published 7/13/2020 2:08:15 PM

Reel №1

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fragment of the feature film "The meeting place can not be changed".

Survey of passers-by (1992 replay): "Do you believe in the fairness of the verdict?".

In the studio: the question of the procedure of proceedings in the courts is being discussed; justice of removal of judgments and sentences.

The issue of bribery of judges is under consideration.


History of the judicial system in Russia.

Drawings and engravings of court sessions in the Russian Empire.


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Hall of the court session.

Car to transport the defendant.

Engravings from the history of the times of Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great.

The building of a modern city court.

In a studio:

The results of four years: the work of the Arbitration and Constitutional Courts, the appearance of a jury trial.

The need for judicial reform: the problems faced by judges.


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Charge and defense.


Synchron: Alexander Dzyban - a judge of the Moscow Regional Court.

Questions from the audience: the chairman of the Moscow City Court Svetlana Marasanova.

The meaning of 69 articles is explained.

The problem of overcrowding in detention centers.



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Plot: Judicial systems abroad.

Court in Italy.

Cities in America.

Court in the USA, England.

The mishaps of American justice.

American prisoners.


Anatoly Kucherena is a lawyer. Pashin Sergey is a judge. Ankudinov Oleg - the public prosecutor.

So That It Won't Be Very Painful 1988

Movie, 5 parts, Duration: 0:45:33, Published 11/10/2012 1:01:58 AM


About the woman-scientist N.N. Garkalina's fate, her struggle through law court with the administration of Khabarovsk.

Reel №3


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A militia car, a prisoner is being guided.

The People’s Court building, a panorama of the windows.

Vladimir Safonov and Nelly Garkalina at the Court Session, she is speaking.

A witness in the Court.

Baikova’s apartament .

Olga’s granddaughter is drawing.

A hand is turning over album pages.


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Vladimir Safonov is speaking about the conflict.

The Court building .

A judge is reading out Vladimir Safonov’s application against Garkalina.

Olga Baikova, Vladimir Safonov and Nelly Garkalina are present in the Court.

Nelly Garkalina is speaking.

Khabarovsk, street trading .

Nelly Garkalina is walking along the street.

Reel №1


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The beginning of the session of the People’s Court of the Kirovsky District of the cityof Khabarovsk.

A wagon is coming up to the Court building; the militiamen are getting out from the wagon.

Cars by the Court building.

The defendant Nelly Garkalina is in the court.

The pictures of Nelly Garkalina of different years.

A fragment from the feature film “Zolushka” [“Cinderella”].

Fragments from the feature films “Kak zakalya las stal” [“How the Steel Was Being Hardened”] and “Kommunist” [“Communist”].


Reel №5


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A fish gasping for breath.

Nelly Garkalina is speaking.

The employees of the Pacific Scientific Research Institute are leaving the premise and walking along the corridor.

The building of the People’s Court.

A judge is speaking.

Vladimir Safonov is entering the Institute building .

Nelly Garkalina is speaking in the street.


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A patient is being guided to the operating room.

A hand giving a bottle of vodka.

A queue for vodka.

The defendant is being guided into the Court Hall.

Nelly Garkalina.

Shots from feature films:

The final of the film “Communist”.


Volga lights №3 This old, old, new court 1994

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:11:21, Black-white, Published 7/11/2018 3:44:07 PM


The issue talks about the use of the jury in the practice of law of the Saratov regional court.

Reel №1

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Illustration to the novel by L. N. Tolstoy's "Resurrection".

The views and the panorama of the courtroom in Saratov.

The Chairman of the Saratov regional court Galkin I. A. says the introduction in court practice, trial by jury, requirements to the jurors and their responsibility (synchronously).

The judge in the mantle comes to the courtroom, all rise.

Jurors take their seats, the faces of the jurors.

Lawyer Salesin V. I. tells about the reasons for the choice of defendants jury (synchronously).

The Prosecutor read the indictment.

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The face of the court clerk.

The judge listens to the indictment.

Behalf of the jury during the reading of the indictment.

The defendant sit in the corner behind the table.

The judge asks questions to the defendant.

The faces of the jurors.

A relative of the victim and wipes his tears.


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Silicon says about the prohibition to inform the jury about the crimes earlier committed by the defendant, the unwillingness of society to the introduction of the jury (synchronously).

View of the snow-covered roof of the building.

Illustrations to Tolstoy's story "Sunday".

One of the jurors spoke about his attitude to the proposal to enter the jury about the reasons for the initial backlash, on the necessity to renew the assize court in the domestic legal practice (synchronously).

A female juror talks about his positive attitude towards the introduction of the jury (synchronously).

The judge comes into the courtroom, jurors sit on the seats.

The lawyer Romanov S. Yu tells about the premature introduction of jury trials in modern Russia, on a small number of acquittals due to the lack of trial by jury, the role of the lawyer in trial by jury (synchronously).


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The judge Tsarev speaks about the need of restructuring of the public perception of the court's role and judicial activities (synchronously).

Fragments of a trial with a jury.

Jurors come to the courtroom and seated in their places.

Jurors interviewed about their feelings during the court process and adjudication (synchronously).

The faces of the jurors.

Galkin says the introduction of trial by jury as to justifying itself as (synchronously).

Relative approach the defendant in the courtroom after the verdict, the guards removed them.

Reel №1

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The road along the fence, PNRM. for concrete fence with barbed wire.

The building where the assembled members of the Emergency Committee.

View of the jail, "Sailor's Silence".

Interview Prosecutor General Vladimir Stepankova (synchronously) on the investigation of criminal case participants putsch.

Volume of the criminal case on the table and bookshelves.

Boxes with videotapes.

Pass along the corridor.



Stepankov VG - Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

Reel №2


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PNRM. from the street to the KGB building on Bolshaya Lubyanka.

Photos from the criminal case: a gathering place for participants in the conspiracy.

View of the KGB building on Lubyanka Square.

Interview investigator for particularly important cases of the General Prosecutor Valery Kostyleva (synchronous and behind the scenes) on remand.

The article in "Who needs these speculations and lies?"

Video recording from August 14, 1991 speech at the microphone Anatoly Lukyanov (synchronously) on the Union Treaty.

Title of the article in the newspaper "Pravda" on August 20, 1991: "Statement by the President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR."



Stepankov VG - Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. Lukyanov AI - Soviet and Russian statesman

Lower Povolzhie №26 Let life triumph! 1961

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:00, Black-white, Published 3/27/2018 7:27:05 PM

Reel №1


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Chairman of the regional court Anoshin causes the accused Yegorova.

Yegorov said about the reasons for the creation of the sect, trying to read a sermon (synchronous), people's faces in the audience.

People laugh at the words Egorova, a panorama of the courtroom.

Members of the sect at the microphone to testify, the view of the court.

Former member of the sect, a student of the medical Institute, L. Alekhine speaks about the activities of the sect, the methods of involvement in the sect, new members, about their participation in the activities of the sect (synchronously).

The court clerk records the testimony Anokhina.

Neighbor Kostyukova Kisina tells about tells about the strange behavior of a neighbor, the activities of the sect (synchronously).


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The defendant Kostyukov and Starostin at the microphone in the courtroom.

The Prosecutor Onipko asks Kostyukov.

Defendants Egorov and Muravlev testify, faces Egorova and Muravleva.

The Prosecutor looking at the pictures exposing the activities of the sect.

Handwritten books and copies of the Bible sent from USA.

The pupils of one of schools of Saratov during the lesson.

Face of a schoolgirl - a member of the sect.

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Girls who were in the sect, testify, faces of girls.

The Prosecutor speaks from the podium closing.

Boys and girls while relaxing on the waterfront, a girl reading a magazine.

Face female sect members, alternate persons boys and girls, workers and students.

The couple with bouquets of flowers are on the street.

The judge read out the verdict Yegorov, Muravleva and Kostyukov (synchronously).

Panorama of the courtroom after the verdict, people applaud.


Lawyer 1984

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:29, Published 7/21/2014 5:02:26 PM

Reel №1


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Park alley.

The window of a passing trolley.

The building of the Supreme court.

Attorney A. M. Mitin and Deputy Chairman of the Supreme court L. D. Smirnov discuss the case, view documents.

Freeze frame: the lawyer and his client.

Streets Of Sverdlovsk.

Tells A. M. Mitin.

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Verkh-Isetskiy district people's court.

People judge M. A. Nugmanov reads the case file.

People in the audience.

The accused.

A. M. Mitin on the bus.

People on the streets.

Pigeon behind the fence.


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They are discussing the matter.


T. V. Gerunov.

Alternating: the participants of the court session, books and papers on the tables.

A. M. Mitin family.

The children of lawyers.

Interview with A. M. Mitin family.


Reel №2


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The Windows of the house.

The lawyer takes the child from the kindergarten.

Freeze frame: the lawyer and his client.

A fragment of the hearing, the speech of the Prosecutor Metelsky.

The word of counsel A. M. Mitina.

Freeze frame: the lawyer and his client.

Alternation: says national judge, M. A. Nugmanov, people climb the stairs.


The trial of M. Rustam 1987

Footage, 2 parts, Duration: 0:23:48, Black-white, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM

Reel №1

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Matthias Rust is led to the courthouse.

He is accompanied by his mother, father and brother.

Member of the Supreme Court of the USSR R. Tikhomirnov, people's assessors Yu.

Kletenberg and V. Kuznetsov, state prosecutor, senior assistant to the Prosecutor General of the USSR adviser of the 2nd class V.Andreev, a member of the Moscow City Bar Association V. Yakovlev, senior advisers to the Supreme Court of the USSR, secretaries T. Gorbunov and T. Pashchurenko and others occupy their seats.

During the court session: R.Tihomirnov, M.Rust, V.Andreev, T, Gorbunova.

Those present in the hall, among them the film director E. Klimov.

Reel №2

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M.Rusta enter the courtroom.

V.Yakovlev, M.Rust, R.Tihomirnov speak during the court session.

The defendant at the break of the meeting talks with his mother.

His relatives give interviews to reporters.

The correspondent of the Japanese newspaper "Minity" says.

The court is 1943

Movie, 5 parts, Duration: 0:49:31, Published 4/20/2020 12:33:16 PM

Reel №3

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Interrogation of the defendant Retslav.

The prosecutor and the judge ask questions, Retslav answers with the help of an interpreter.

Court plans, people in the hall, boxes with the press, etc.

Views of the destroyed Kharkiv.

The building of the former Kharkiv Gestapo.

Drobitsky Yar near Kharkov - in the ravine of the bodies of people killed by the Nazis.

The courtroom, the interrogation of the defendant Bulanov.

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The prosecutor asks questions, Bulanov answers.

Court plans, people's faces in the hall.

Plans with burned barracks in Kharkiv.

The interrogation of the witness Heinisch, the German commissioner in Melitopol.

The prosecutor asks questions, Heinisch answers with the help of an interpreter.

Court plans, people's faces in the hall, a box with the press.



Reel №4

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Interrogation of a witness, a German officer Kosh.

The prosecutor asks questions, the witness Kosh answers with the help of an interpreter.

The faces of the people in the hall.

The witness Bespalov gives evidence.

Kharkiv Forest Park in the Sokolniki district.

The witness Bespalov gives evidence.

The witness Jinchveladze gives evidence.

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The witness Kozlova testifies.

The ruins of a hospital in Kharkiv.

The speech of the state prosecutor.

Courtroom plans.

Large-the defendants.

General plans of the courtroom.

People's faces in the hall, people on the balcony.




Reel №2

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Says the judge.

The defendants Langfeld, Retslav, Ritz, Bulanov say.

Interrogations of the defendants Langfeld and Ritz.

The prosecutor and the judge ask questions, Langfeld and Ritz answer through an interpreter.

Court plans, benches with the accused, faces of people in the hall, a box with the press.

Pits with the bodies of people killed by the Nazis near the village of Podvorki, Kharkiv region.



Peak hour №1166 11/27/1996 1996

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:21:25, Published 2/20/2018 8:21:47 PM

Reel №1

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