You found 7837 newsreels for query "Military exercises and maneuvers"

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Such a Soldier Is Invincible (Apprenticeship "Zapad - 81"). (West-81) 1981

Movie, 5 parts, Duration: 0:46:03, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM


parade of Red Army. They're coming tanks on maneuvers in 1936. Personnel of the Second World War: Moscow's military, soldiers being taken guns, crossing, shooting Katyusha rockets, the storming of the Reichstag. HQ "northern". The commander of the Belarusian Military District, Army General EF Ivanovo sets<br/>challenges sailors and paratroopers. Ships at sea. At the command post of the "southern" Commander of the Baltic Military District, Colonel-General Postnikov. At the command post exercises the supreme leadership of commanders, leaders of the republic, foreign guests, including: DF Ustinov, NV Ogarkov<br/>assault. There is fighting. Marshals of the Soviet Union DF Ustinov, and NV Ogarkov riding troops after the end of exercise. Stands Dmitri Ustinov, and congratulated the participants of the exercises. The parade of troops.


parade of Red Army. They're coming tanks on maneuvers in 1936. Personnel of the Second World War: Moscow's military, soldiers being taken guns, crossing, shooting Katyusha rockets, the storming of the Reichstag. HQ "northern". The commander of the Belarusian Military District, Army General EF Ivanovo sets<br/>challenges sailors and paratroopers. Ships at sea. At the command post of the "southern" Commander of the Baltic Military District, Colonel-General Postnikov. At the command post exercises the supreme leadership of commanders, leaders of the republic, foreign guests, including: DF Ustinov, NV Ogarkov<br/>assault. There is fighting. Marshals of the Soviet Union DF Ustinov, and NV Ogarkov riding troops after the end of exercise. Stands Dmitri Ustinov, and congratulated the participants of the exercises. The parade of troops.

Reel №1

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Military equipment, standard-bearers, sailors and Marines on the field looking after the maneuvers


Commands, refer to the troops, Marshal NV Cinders gave a report (synchronously), Defense Minister Marshal DF Ustinov receives a report advocates (synchronously).

Detour troops NV Ogarkov and Ustinov.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

Footage of the establishment of the Red Army.

Newsreel 30's.:


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Maneuvers in the Soviet Union in 1936

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Landscapes of Belarus.

Preparing for the exercises: flying helicopters, riding tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled guns.

Headquarters of the "northern", said the commander of the Red Banner of the Belarusian Military District Army Ivanovsky (synchronously).

Reel №5


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DF Ustinov congratulates exercise participants.

Commander of the Order of awarding military paratroopers Uporova A. and L. Manohe.

Warriors make banners in the hall of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, greeting the 26th Congress of the CPSU (synchronous) (Moscow).

Parade after exercises "West-81": passing BMP, fly planes, run tanks, artillery, self-propelled guns, "Katyusha" rockets pass.

LI Brezhnev speaks during the anniversary of the Armed Forces of the USSR (synchronously).

Girls and veterans presented with "bread and salt" exercise participants.

Woman treats soldiers apples pioneers presented them flowers.


Reel №3


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Fired rocket launchers, rocket artillery.

Tank off, take off the air.

A pilot in the cockpit.

The military at the controls.

The missile hits the ground, the explosion.

On television, the missile hit the target.

Tanks are on the field, shoot, go through the fire.


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Troopers Uporov A., L. Manoha and others on the plane.

Out of the plane takes off technique on parachutes down.

DF Ustinov and other commanders in the command post.

Commanders exercise and foreign observers monitoring the landing of troops.

Young Men Are Maturing 1976

Movie, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:36, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM

Exam readiness 1930

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:22, Black-white, Published 11/10/2012 12:33:16 AM

Soviet Army Guardsmen 70s 1974

Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:03, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM

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Playing a military band.

Marching troops.

View of the area from the trees.

Soldiers Guard infantry company of lieutenant G.Andreeva in a museum of military glory.

Photo. G.Andreev with subordinates.

Meeting with veterans of the Young Guards Taman Division Kazaevym and Paritsky.

The tour of the museum, the museum exhibits.


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The crew sits in the APC. Tree branches.

Senior lieutenant G.Andreev runs nightly exercises.

Scoreboard stopwatch.

Alternation: crew members, the movement of military equipment for the landfill, shooting and explosions.

Winter dawn sounds the last post.

The soldiers read newspapers.

Soldiers lunch.


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Eternal Fire, soldiers laid flowers on the grave.

A monument with the names of the characters.

Corner of the Hero of the Soviet Union I.I.Laara.

Training of soldiers to the upcoming exercises, classes led by Major wings.

Winter dawn.

All the post.

All guards spread out on the snow guns.

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Soldiers wiping snow.

Cook distributes food.

Soldiers breakfast.

Briefing before the exercise.

Crews flee for their cars.

The soldier looks out of the hatch.

A column of armored personnel carriers on the road.

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Tank units.

Commanders watched the exercises.

Aircraft in the sky.

Thundering explosions.

Tanks pass through the forest belt.

Alternating: the crews of combat vehicles, tanks firing on the landfill.

The infantry in camouflage suits.


Soviet Army The Distinguished rank - a Soviet Soldier 1983

Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:38, Published 11/10/2012 12:53:01 AM


About the life and military training of Soviet soldiers, who do military service in the motor-rifle unit.

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Soldiers remove helmets before a military monument.

Yellowing crown.

Political lessons.

Unit commanders are preparing for joint military exercises.

All patrols the area.


Soldiers dismantled weapons and ran out of the barracks.


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The infantry goes on the offensive.

Explosions at the airport.

Helicopter shot through the cockpit.

Summing up exercise.

Rows of soldiers, commanders down the line.

Sergeant Romanesque.

Those crew.

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The commander announces gratitude, the soldiers saluted.

Photos of soldiers at the flag.

Playing a military band.

Marching infantry squads.

APC on the track, the crew looks around.

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Motorized Sports festival in part.

Fleeing soldiers, Marines.

Playing a military band.

Alternation: soldiers are an obstacle, face fans orchestra.

Awarding of honors.

Tug of war.

Presentation of prizes.


Norms of civil defense 1981

Movie, 3 parts, Duration: 0:26:03, Published 7/18/2014 5:16:39 PM

Reel №1

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Chronicle of the 1920s - civil defense exercises people under the guidance of an instructor learn to put on gas masks, Red Army soldiers in gas masks, practice actions during a gas attack, work out standards, etc.

Modern chronicle 1970-1980 - factories, factories, workers in workshops, production process, ships, a column of KAMAZ trucks, a space rocket at the start, people on the street.

Chronicle of the 1960s - rocket launch, nuclear explosion.

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Locators, antennas, rocket launchers.

A military man at the control panel.

A military plane takes off.

Military aircraft in the sky.

People on construction cranes.

People on the streets of the city.

People near the announcement of classes on Civil Defense (GO).


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A sign on the wall - "Delivery of standard number 20 - preparation of a syringe and introduction of an anti-pillbox".

Working out the standard - doctors teach how to inject correctly and safely.

General view of the office where classes take place.

The educational campus of the GO - simulated conditions of the nuclear destruction center, there are exercises - fire extinguishing, debris analysis, removal of victims, etc.

Personnel with the implementation of different standards.

Panorama of the GO training campus.

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On the screen is a diagram of the standards of Civil Defense (GO).

Working out the analysis of debris after the explosion.

Close-up - a hand with a stopwatch.

Students of the 9th grade, under the guidance of a military instructor, disassemble an improvised blockage.

Another group is dismantling the blockage.

People put on gas masks, climb into the shelter through the emergency manhole.

A large sign - "Standard number 14 - removal of the victim from the littered shelter."


Civil defense - work nationwide 1979

Movie, 5 parts, Duration: 0:46:58, Published 5/29/2014 1:15:44 AM

Reel №2

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Peaceful Winds over the Baltic Sea 1976

Movie, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:01, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM


the Leningrad region. Military exercises of the Baltic Fleet ships and naval aviation. The sailors run the deck during the battle anxiety; boat at sea, seaplane B-12 sits in the sea and picks up the boat, people from the boat moving in the plane. Sailors tested on practical exercises. Polish sailors and<br/>Soviet sailors. Joint exercises of the fleets of the Warsaw Pact, involving surface ships, submarines, aircraft and Marines (black and white, kontratip). Command headquarters at the three cards. Ships at sea. The ship leaves from the water and moves along the ground. Joint military operations. Photos NATO


the Leningrad region. Military exercises of the Baltic Fleet ships and naval aviation. The sailors run the deck during the battle anxiety; boat at sea, seaplane B-12 sits in the sea and picks up the boat, people from the boat moving in the plane. Sailors tested on practical exercises. Polish sailors and<br/>Soviet sailors. Joint exercises of the fleets of the Warsaw Pact, involving surface ships, submarines, aircraft and Marines (black and white, kontratip). Command headquarters at the three cards. Ships at sea. The ship leaves from the water and moves along the ground. Joint military operations. Photos NATO

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In the summer of 1976 were held joint exercises friendly fleets of the Warsaw Pact, which was attended by surface ships, submarines, aircraft and Marines.

Baltic Sea coast, on the beach children playing, a fisherman mending net.

The ruins of fortifications on the shore, fragments of shells in the sand mine in the water.

Leningrad: a monument to Peter I, bridges; cruiser "Aurora", the radio room of the ship; along the waterfront are sailors.

The ruins of the fortress "Nut" (near Leningrad).

It should be a veteran of World War AG Morozov, who had fought in the fortress "Nut".

Seascape (Moonzunsky Archipelago), the lighthouse on the island.


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Field, the birds in the nest.

Bredis war veteran with his grandson lays flowers at the monument to the dead.


War veteran midshipman Sikorski on practical exercises with students, among teachers in the exam: student answers questions from the scheme.

Reel №3


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Says the son of Rear Admiral Abraham - Nahimovets.

Go to sea ships three friendly fleets, sinking the submarine.

Go teachings (planted Troopers, explosions, aircraft in the air; the men at the guns and controls; torpedo into the sea, etc.).

NATO ships that came in the exercise area.

Photos of NATO ships.

Sea; on the beach near the water should a child.

Serve my Homeland №1 03.08.2003 2003

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:03, Published 12/12/2023 3:45:31 PM

Reel №1


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The report, devoted to day of airborne troops, and the founder of the airborne troops, General V. F. Margelov.

Film and video (alternates with pictures): the testing of nuclear weapons in the USSR and the USA in the early 1960-ies.

The landing of paratroopers.

Airborne division during the exercise.

Photos Of V. F. Margelov.

Airborne forces commander Georgy Shpak spoke about the merits of V. F. Margelov in the creation of the airborne troops (synchronously).

Fighting Soviet troops during the great Patriotic war.


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GK Zhukov at the command post.

War veteran Simon Zolotov talks about the commander's qualities and organizational skills Margelov (synchronously).

Portrait Margelov.

The first airborne combat vehicle (BMD), created by order of Margelova, during a training exercise.

Landing BMD on the water.

The landing party climbs on the armor of BMD on the go.

Landing by parachute BMD.

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Colonel Alexander Margelov says about trying to create a system of landing tanks on the West, on the selection of candidates for testing on the landing BMD, talks about his participation in the landing in BMD, about solving problems posed by V. F. Margelov was. (synchronously).

Dropping the BMD with the crew from the aircraft.

Photo of defense Minister Grechko in the military.

Margelov watching the landing of BMD with the crew in January 1973.

BMD parachute.

Major L. G. Zuev and Lieutenant A. V. Margelov (the son of V. F. Margelov) in BMD during landing.

Safe landing BMD crew on Board shooting a parachute.


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Lieutenant-General A. Slyusar talks about the end of the test parachute system (synchronous).

Zuev and report to the commander Margelov airborne V. F. Margelov about the successful landing.

Margelov thanks officers.

Dropping military equipment using multi-domed parachute system centaur.

Photo Margelov, presenting the award to the officer-paratrooper.

Demonstration performances of cadets of the Ryazan command airborne school.

Cadets in the competition in tug of war.


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The plot of the exercises of engineering troops of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

Video: working the system "dragon" installation clearance area.

The engineers doing the passages between anti-tank mines.

Exercises for clearing areas with the participation of dogs.

The installation and destruction of anti-personnel mines.

The commander of the engineering troops Nikolay heart says about the work of sappers in demining activities in Chechnya, about the specifics of the bomb squad (synchronously).

Division of sappers during the exercise.


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