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Victory Parade 1945

Movie, 6 parts, Duration: 0:49:12, Black-white, Published 6/27/2014 4:08:43 PM

Reel №4

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Troops on Red Square.

People stand under umbrellas at the guest bleachers.

Young drummers, students of military music school open the Victory Parade.

A general view of Red Square.

Marshal Rokossovsky KK rides past the mausoleum.

VM Molotov, Stalin IV, SM Budyonny, KE Voroshilov from the rostrum of the Mausoleum welcome the passing troops.

People at the guest bleachers applauded.

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Marshal KA Meretskov Red Square is at the head of the regiment of the Karelian consolidated dandy.

Bearers carrying banners parts of the Karelian front of them is a combined regiment.

A general view of Red Square during the parade (at the top).

People at the guest bleachers.

The Red Square is combined regiment of 3 Byelorussian Front.

Molotov, Stalin, Budyonny welcome troops from the rostrum of the Mausoleum.

It takes a combined regiment of the Leningrad Front led by Marshal LA Govorov People applauded.


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Types of Red Square during the parade (at the top).

Spectators watch the parade.

The Red Square is combined regiment of the 1st Baltic Front, led by Army General Bagramyan IH

View of Red Square during the parade (at the top).

On Red Square is combined regiment of 3 Byelorussian Front.

Military orchestra performed "Jaeger March" (synchronous).

There is a division of soldiers.


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It takes a combined regiment 2 Byelorussian Front headed by Colonel-General baht.

The British military and naval attache talking among themselves.

There is a combined regiment 2 Byelorussian Front.

2 Byelorussian Front pilots go to the parade.

Stalin and Zhukov welcomed troops from the rostrum of the Mausoleum.

Colonel-General VI Chuikov It is headed composite regiment 1 Byelorussian Front.

It takes a combined regiment of 1 Byelorussian Front with banner front-line units.


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Marshal Konev misses mausoleum headed composite regiment.

Those women guest on the podium.

It takes a combined regiment of 1 Byelorussian Front.

A general view of Red Square during the parade (at the top).

There is a combined regiment 4 Ukrainian Front, led by Army General AI Eremenko Marshals Govorov, Rokossovsky, Vasilevsky welcome troops from the rostrum of the Mausoleum.

It takes a combined regiment 2 Ukrainian Front led by Marshal Rodion Malinovsky Go representatives of the Kuban Cossack units.

Molotov, Stalin, Voroshilov, Kalinin welcome troops from the rostrum of the Mausoleum.


Reel №1

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A general view of Red Square with aligned on it for the Victory Parade of troops (from the top).

General view of the Red Square and the fountain on Calvary.

Types of Red Square for the parade lined with troops (from different points from the top).

Kind of military units, built on the Red Square (above).

Fountain on Calvary.

Guests, representatives of the working people of Central Asia are at the guest bleachers.

Pass the military.


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Admiral takes a cloak in her hand.

Passes General Rotmistrov PA Guest on the podium directed AY Vyshinsky Passage of foreign diplomats.

AM Vasilevsky, Konev IS and other Soviet military leaders sent in troops standing on the square.

A general view of Red Square before the parade (at the top).

The troops are on the Red Square.

It should be combined regiment of the Karelian Front.

Marshal KA Meretskov It is in charge of composite regiment.


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Those officers parade participants.

Consolidated Regiment of the 1st Baltic Front.

Army General Bagramyan IH headed composite regiment.

Those participants in the parade.

The general is in charge of building tankers.

Person Marshal Vasilevsky AM Those participants in the parade.

Consolidated Regiment 2 Byelorussian Front.

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Are bearers 2 Byelorussian Front.

Colonel General PI Baht headed composite regiment.

Those participants in the parade.

Consolidated Regiment 1 Byelorussian Front.

The pilots stand in formation.

The face of Colonel-General VI Chuikov The ranks are representatives of the Polish combat units.

Marshal Konev IS headed composite regiment 1 Ukrainian Front.


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Those tankers participating the parade.

4 Consolidated Regiment Ukrainian Front.

General of the Army AI Eremenko headed composite regiment.

Those participants in the parade.

Marshal Rodion Malinovsky headed composite regiment 2 Ukrainian Front.

Are bearers.

Those participants in the parade.


Reel №6


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Motorcyclists ride past the mausoleum.

View of Red Square during the passage of motorcyclists (above).

Military and children in one of the guest bleachers.

Light armored vehicles opened parade of armored vehicles.

Persons of foreign military attaches.

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Light armored vehicles drive past the mausoleum.

On Red Square are nominated trucks with paratroopers.

View of Red Square during the parade (at the top).

Foreign military attaches are watching the progress of the parade.

Trucks with paratroopers in bodies passing by the mausoleum.

The audience at one of the guest bleachers.

Self-propelled artillery units move along Red Square.


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Armoured Vehicles moving on a bridge over the Moscow River.

View of Red Square with remaining on it combined military orchestra (above).

View of the guest floor (top).

Combined Military Band is on the Red Square, completing the Victory Parade.

Firework in the night sky over Moscow.

People in the Red Square in the spotlight.

General view of the Kremlin during the salute.


Victory Parade 1945

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:10:53, Published 1/25/2013 1:53:09 AM

Scene №1 Victory Parade

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Victory Parade 1945

Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:01:32, Published 12/6/2023 6:20:38 PM

Scene №1 Victory Parade

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Victory Day parade on Red Square.

The passage of troops.

Stalin, IV, KE Voroshilov, Molotov, VM, SM Budyonny on the mausoleum.

Scene №2 Victory Parade 1945

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Under the umbrellas are on parade came from Moscow.

Stalin and Molotov on the mausoleum.

By Red Square, passing motor-vehicle, which took place on the roads of war: the tractors, "Dodge" with cannons, military trucks, "Studebaker", mounted with "Katyusha" - different plans.

Marshal Ivan Konev and other military leaders on the mausoleum.

By Red Square, passing trucks and GAZ ZIS with military equipment and soldiers - different plans.

Victory Parade 1945

Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:01:10, Published 12/18/2014 8:50:36 PM

Scene №1 Victory Parade

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Troops on Red Square, top view.

Troops on Red Square.

Soldiers and officers from the banners are in the parade.

Rows of soldiers.

The first rank Battalion captured banners.

Personal standard of Hitler on the cobblestones of Red Square.

Kremlin Clock shows the time - 9 h. 53 min.

Scene №2 Victory Parade

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Victory Parade 1945 1945

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:10:55, Published 2/23/2013 11:53:53 AM

Scene №1 Victory Parade 1945

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Troops in Red Square - removed from the top point.

On the mausoleum of Lenin are - Stalin, Budyonny, KE Voroshilov, Molotov.

Military equipment and troops in Manezh Square - different plans.

Parade participants listened to the speeches of Marshal Zhukov - different plans.

Stalin on the mausoleum were listening to the Zhukov.

Listen to the generals and flag bearers.

Zhukov at the microphone.

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Listen to the troops - different plans ..

Kalinin, and Budyonny K.Voroshilov on the mausoleum.

Zhukov said, listen G.M.Malenkov and Beria.

Parade participants listen anthem of the Soviet Union - the different plans.

To the foot of the mausoleum throw Nazi banners.

Stalin on the platform.

Guest Mausoleum.

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Military Parade - different plans.

Fireworks on Red Square.

The Victory Parade 1984

Movie, 6 parts, Duration: 0:47:43, Black-white, Published 4/15/2023 12:12:16 PM


A restored film of 1945 about the Victory Parade held in Moscow in June 1945.


The film about military parade in honor of the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in World War II June 24, 1945 at the Red Square in Moscow. Training troops for the parade. Guests come to platforms, among them: I. Papanin, U.S. Ambassador Averell Harriman. Participants of the parade: the combined regiments<br/>Commissariat of Defense Regiment, a regiment of the Navy, military academies, schools, part of the Moscow garrison, combined orchestra. Accepts parade Zhukov. Parade commander Marshal KKRokossovsky. Among the participants of marshals, generals: PA captain, Meretskov, Govorov, Vasilevsky, PI Batov, Chuikov<br/>(synchronously). Past Lenin's tomb are the troops fronts: Karelia, Leningrad, Ukrainian, Baltic, Belarus and others. The men abandoned the German flag. Parade technology. Salut.


The film about military parade in honor of the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in World War II June 24, 1945 at the Red Square in Moscow. Training troops for the parade. Guests come to platforms, among them: I. Papanin, U.S. Ambassador Averell Harriman. Participants of the parade: the combined regiments<br/>Commissariat of Defense Regiment, a regiment of the Navy, military academies, schools, part of the Moscow garrison, combined orchestra. Accepts parade Zhukov. Parade commander Marshal KKRokossovsky. Among the participants of marshals, generals: PA captain, Meretskov, Govorov, Vasilevsky, PI Batov, Chuikov<br/>(synchronously). Past Lenin's tomb are the troops fronts: Karelia, Leningrad, Ukrainian, Baltic, Belarus and others. The men abandoned the German flag. Parade technology. Salut.

Reel №2


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In charge of the parade Marshal Rokossovsky on horseback.

Chimes on the Spasskaya tower.

Marshal Zhukov, the taker of the parade, is riding out of the Kremlin gates on horseback.

Zhukov is receiving the report of Rokossovsky, in charge of the parade.

Stalin and Budenniy on the Mausoleum tribune.

Marshals Zhukov and Rokossovsky are making a detour of the troops by frontage.

Zhukov is greeting the troops.


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Fanfarists are blaring.

Titles "From Marshal of the Soviet Union Zhukov".

Zhukov is speaking.

Parade participants are listening.

Reel №4

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Troops lined up for the parade in Red square.

Guest platforms.

Drummers are passing by.

In charge of the parade Marshal Rokossovsky on horseback is approaching the Mausoleum.

Stalin, Molotov, Budenniy, Voroshilov on the Mausoleum tribune.

Those on guest platforms are applauding.

Standard-bearers, generals and Karelsky front units are passing by in Red square.


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Commanders and members of the government are standing on the Mausoleum tribune.

The 1st Byelorussian front troops headed by Marshal Sokolovsky are passing by.

Composite Polish Regiment headed by Zhimersky is passing by.

Guests of the parade are watching.

Marshal Konev and generals of the 1st Ukrainian front are passing by the Mausoleum.

Stalin, Budenniy and others are on the tribune.

Standard-bearers of the 1st Ukrainian front are passing by.


Reel №1


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The Red square.

Troops are lined up for the parade.

A fountain near Cathedral of Saint Basil the Blessed.

Guests of the parade (members of the Supreme Soviet, generals, admirals, Socialist Labour Heroes etc.) are coming to guest platforms.

Members of diplomatic corps and military missions are coming to guest platforms.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Papanin, armoured troops Marshal Rotmistrov, Ambassador of the USA to the USSR Harryman and other guests are coming to guest platforms.

Marshals are walking in Red square toward lined up troops.


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Stalin and members of the government climb the Mausoleum tribune.

Guests are applauding.

Joseph Stalin, Budenniy, Molotov, Nikita Khrushchev, Shvernik, Zhdanov, Bulganin and others are standing on the tribune.

Troops and machinery are lined up for the parade.

The first Victory Parade 1945

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:02, Published 6/6/2014 6:13:38 PM

Scene №1 The first Victory Parade

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Marshals Zhukov and Rokossovsky.

Beetle sits on the horse.

Zhukov and Rokossovsky riding on horseback in the Kremlin before the parade.

Zhukov and Rokossovsky go to Red Square.

Troops marching on Red Square.

Motorcyclists on Red Square.

Carts on Red Square.


Victory Parade in Berlin 1945

Footage, 2 parts, Duration: 0:12:23, Published 6/18/2013 7:31:31 PM

Reel №2 Victory Parade in Berlin

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Reel №1 Victory Parade in Berlin

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Materials on the film "Victory Parade" 1945

Footage, 11 footages, Duration: 0:03:39, Published 6/17/2020 1:56:00 PM

Scene №1 Materials on the film "Victory Parade"

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Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov sits on the horse, goes to the Red square.

Fanfaristy play the beginning of the parade.

Beetles leaves from the Spassky gate.

Rokossovsky commanded the parade, on horseback and Zhukov toured the troops.

Ключевые слова

Marshals Of The Victory

Preparations for the first Victory Parade 1945

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:11:47, Published 6/6/2014 6:13:22 PM

Scene №1 Preparations for the first Victory Parade

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