You found 5019 newsreels for query "honor guard"

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Soviet Army №19-1973 1973

Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:38, Black-white, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM


1. Traditions of true. 2. Toilers of the sky. 3. Roth's honor guard.

Movie №0


The battle banners of the units are being brought in.

Pioneers salute.

Military with banners on the stage.

Cadets from the Honor Guard company, brothers Alexander and Vladimir Presnyakov in the classroom.

Brothers collect and clean weapons.

Drill class - cadets march and so on.

Military band rehearsal.


Panorama of the field, birch trees.

Moscow, Eternal Flame, Red Square.

The changing of the guard is marching.

Changing of the guard near the grave of the Unknown Soldier.

Large - the faces of the Presnyakov brothers.

A wreath is laid at the grave of the Unknown Soldier, newlyweds with flowers and children approach.

Eternal flame.

Formation, guard of honor, wreath-laying ceremony.

The faces of the cadets.

Large - a wreath.

The company is marching on Red Square.

Moscow, view of the Kremlin.

Cadets walk along the embankment.

Views of Moscow - river, embankment, high-rise.


A street in Moscow.

Airfield, honor guard, arrival of a foreign delegation.

The solemn ceremony of welcoming foreign guests.

The Honor Guard company is marching.

Ключевые слова

honor guard

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1 part.

Soldiers of the Guards Tank Kantemirovskaya division.

Monument - tank kantemirovets.

Military chronicle 1941-1945 - shots with tanks, artillery and anti-aircraft guns, planes in the sky, civilians meet victorious soldiers with flowers, infantry goes on the attack, a tank division in the Carpathians, etc.

Chronicle of September 8, 1946 - tank Kantemirovskaya division on parade in Moscow.

Our days are a meeting of veterans with young tankers of the Kantemirovskaya division.

Cadets-guards in the classroom. , study the structure and principles of military equipment.


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Formation of guards on the parade ground.

Awarding the division with the jubilee badge of honor of the Central Committee of the CPSU. In the frame - Marshal Grechko AA and Army General Epishev AA Grechko congratulates the guards.

Grechko presents the award to the division command.

The guards applaud.

The Guards are marching.

Part 2.

Planes in the sky.


Farewell to the NS Alliluyeva 1932

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:43, Published 3/18/2015 6:20:36 PM

Scene №1 Farewell to the NS Alliluyeva

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The coffin of NS Alliluyeva installed in the Hall of Columns.

People walk past the coffin, women stand in the honor guard.

People stand in the honor guard at the tomb.

Alliluyeva in a coffin.

Women stand beside the coffin.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

At the grave stand GK Ordzhonikidze KE Voroshilov Ordzhonikidze and Voroshilov in the honor guard.

Yaroslavsky EM standing in the guard of honor.

Face Yaroslavsky.

People come and go in the honor guard.

A woman is standing in the honor guard.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The man in the guard of honor.

A military guard of honor.

Faces of the people standing in the honor guard.

Tomsk MP standing in the guard of honor.

People walk past the coffin, standing guard of honor.

People stand in the honor guard.

People stand at the tomb Alliluyeva.


Farewell to Vladimir Lenin 1924

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:12, Published 3/18/2015 6:01:54 PM

Scene №1 Farewell to VI Lenin

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People on the streets of Moscow queue awaiting passage in the Column Hall of the House of Unions to bid farewell to Lenin, VI Red Army soldiers pass through the Hall of Columns, followed by mourning delegations are wreaths.

Ulyanov Lenin's older sister sister Anna AI with adopted son Lozgacheva In honor guard at the tomb.

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Ulyanov Lenin's younger sister MI in the honor guard.

AV Lunacharsky in the honor guard at the tomb of Lenin.

Delegates to the 11th Congress of Soviets in the honor guard.

MV Frunze standing in the guard of honor, it is replaced by Peter G.

Delegates to the Congress of Soviets in the honor guard.

Chubar VY in the honor guard.

Delegates to the Congress of Soviets in the honor guard.

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Radek KB standing in the guard of honor.

Representatives of the peoples of Central Asia in the Column Hall of the funeral of Lenin.

Zetkin K. sits on a chair in the Hall of Columns, pulls a handkerchief, wipes tears.

Lenin in his coffin.

People walk past the coffin.

MI Kalinin in the honor guard at the tomb of Lenin.

Kalinin face.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Kalinin and Lashevich MM stand in the honor guard.

Stalin IV in the honor guard.

People are in the Hall of Columns.

Is mourning delegation with a banner.

Pass children.

Funeral delegations go through the Hall of Columns.

All in the Hall of Columns moves on the streets of Moscow.


Funeral of German soldiers in Latvia 1941-1944

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:00:57, Published 3/20/2014 3:12:14 PM

Scene №1 Funeral of German soldiers in Latvia

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German Cross.

Honor guard.

Representatives of the German occupation regime are wreaths.

Honor guard.

Women in traditional costumes.

Officials lay wreaths.

Crosses. Honor guard and a woman in national costume.


Farewell to the SM Kirov 1934

Footage, 4 footages, Duration: 0:09:19, Published 1/1/2015 9:53:50 PM

Scene №1


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Man and woman in the guard of honor at the coffin of Kirov.

SM Kirov in a coffin in the Hall of Columns.

Stalin IV in the honor guard at the tomb of Kirov.

Stalin and Kaganovich LM in the honor guard at the tomb of Kirov.

Stalin and Zhdanov AA in the honor guard at the tomb of Kirov.

Zhdanov in the honor guard.

Members of the Politburo in the honor guard at the tomb of Kirov.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Kaganovich, Stalin, GK Ordzhonikidze, Voroshilov KE stand in the honor guard.

Kaganovich in the honor guard.

Stalin, Kaganovich in the honor guard.

Ordzhonikidze, Voroshilov in the honor guard.

Voroshilov in the honor guard.

Ordzhonikidze in the honor guard.

VM Molotov in the honor guard.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Stalin in the honor guard.

Scene №4

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Members of the Politburo in the honor guard at the tomb of Kirov.

LM Kaganovich, Stalin IV, GK Ordzhonikidze, Voroshilov KE stand in the honor guard.

Kaganovich in the honor guard.

Stalin and Zhdanov AA in the honor guard.

Zhdanov in the honor guard.

Stalin in the honor guard.

Stalin and Kaganovich in the honor guard.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Marcus Kirov ML sitting on a chair, crying.

People walk past the coffin of Kirov.

Honor guard at the coffin of Kirov.

People walk past the coffin of Kirov.

The street is an honorary military guard with a banner.

Honorary military guard accompanied the hearse with the coffin of Kirov.

People walk behind the hearse.


Scene №3

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Pilot in the helmet is in the honor guard at the tomb of SM Kirov A woman puts flowers in the coffin of Kirov.

Marcus Kirov ML sitting on a chair surrounded by relatives and friends.

Face Marcus Kirov.

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Marcus Kirov Kirov says goodbye to the body, kissing him, crying.

Kirov in the coffin.

Banners, bowed in mourning.

KE Voroshilov tanker and a leather jacket standing in a guard of honor.

Stalin IV in an overcoat and cap standing at the coffin of Kirov.

Suitable Molotov VM Zhdanov AA, Voroshilov.

The illness and death of Lenin, VI 1922-1924

Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:11:26, Published 3/18/2016 12:54:21 AM

Scene №1 The illness and death of Lenin, VI


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MV Frunze in the honor guard at Lenin's tomb, he replaces Peter G. Lenin in his coffin.

LB Krasin in the honor guard at Lenin's tomb.

IV Stalin in the honor guard.

EM Yaroslavsky in the honor guard.

MI Kalinin in the honor guard.

K. Zetkin stands at the tomb of Lenin, wiping tears.

KE Voroshilov in the honor guard.

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Lenin in his coffin.

Budyonny in the honor guard.

Medics delivered unconscious people in the medical center.

Doctors are beginning to provide assistance to one of the victims.

People walk past Lenin's tomb.

A doctor in the infirmary gives the victim to smell ammonia.

People walk past the coffin.


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Children walk past the coffin.

A man stands in the guard of honor.

Lenin in his coffin.

An elderly woman and a military honor guard.

Women walk past the coffin with Lenin's body.

Lenin in his coffin.

Past military coffin pass.


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The man in the guard of honor.

Woman in the guard of honor.

The person old man with a beard.

The sailors stand in the guard of honor.

Through the hall is a military band on the run playing a funeral march.

Pass sailors with rifles.

Pioneers are in the honor guard.


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Members of one of mourning delegations go through the Hall of Columns.

Lenin in his coffin.

Pass mourning delegation.

The sailors stand in the guard of honor.

It takes a military band.

Pass sailors with rifles.


chief of Lenin's guard Felix Dzerzhinsky - the state and political figure Petrovsky Grigory Ivanovich - state and political figure Leonid Krasin - state and political figure

Scene №2


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Are the Red Army with the flag and a portrait of Lenin.

Mourning procession of the coffin of Lenin moves from Gourock to Gerasimovka station.

Belenky AY It is in front of the coffin, the coffin among carriers - Lashevich.

Employees of Lenin's guard with rifles walk beside the coffin, the funeral procession moves.

Red flag flying in the wind.

View of the Kremlin towers.

View of the Moscow area, in which the funeral procession moves (above).


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Lenin in his coffin.

AI Rykov in the honor guard at Lenin's tomb.

Lenin in his coffin.

Stalin in the honor guard.

Lenin in his coffin.

MI Kalinin, Voroshilov KE in the honor guard.

NK Krupskaya, Tomsky, Kalinin, Rudzutak YE, MI Ulyanov standing at the tomb of Lenin.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Lenin in his coffin.

Dzerzhinsky in the honor guard.

Krasin in the honor guard.

MV Frunze in the honor guard.

Lenin in his coffin.

Funeral delegations pass through the columned hall.

Pass children.


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Woman in the guard of honor.

The man in the guard of honor.

Woman in the guard of honor.

Representatives of the peoples of Central Asia in the honor guard.

Lenin in his coffin.

Pioneers in the honor guard.

Pass mourning delegation.


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Funeral demonstration moves through Red Square past the pedestal on which the coffin with Lenin's body.

General view of the pedestal with the coffin.

View of the memorial meeting (above).

Guard of honor on a pedestal at the tomb.

Kremlin Clock shows 16:00. artillery battery commander gives the command.

The coffin with Lenin's body will wear a temporary mausoleum.

The artillery and rifle salute funeral.



chief of Lenin's guard Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin - state and political figure Alexey Rykov - state and political figure Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin - state and political figure Kliment Voroshilov - statesman and political leader

Farewell to the GK Ordzhonikidze 1937

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:41, Published 1/1/2015 9:13:31 PM

Scene №1 Farewell to the GK Ordzhonikidze


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Ordzhonikidze in a coffin.

KE Voroshilov Stalin IV in the honor guard at the tomb of Ordzhonikidze.

VM Molotov LM Kaganovich and in the honor guard.

AI Mikoyan in the honor guard.

Ordzhonikidze in a coffin.

People come to the Hall of Columns.

MI Kalinin in the honor guard.


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Pass people.

Ordzhonikidze in a coffin.

An elderly woman in the honor guard.

Woman in the guard of honor.

Are people, and carry the banner of mourning wreath.

NK Krupskaya face People are mourning wreath.

Ordzhonikidze in a coffin.


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

NS Khrushchev in the honor guard.

AA Zhdanov in the honor guard.

Ordzhonikidze in a coffin.

Junior commander of armored forces in the honor guard.

Ordzhonikidze in a coffin.

VM Molotov LM Kaganovich and in the honor guard.

Ordzhonikidze in a coffin.


Funeral of political and public figures 1924

Footage, 1 part, Duration: 0:03:26, Black-white, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Lenin's funeral: a queue of people to the Hall of Columns of the Union House.

People walk past the coffin.

Lenin's sisters: Maria and Anna Ilinichna Ilinichna in the honor guard.

Lunacharsky, Frunze, Radek and others in the honor guard at the tomb of Lenin.

Lenin in his coffin.

Place children.

Kalinin near the coffin.


Ribbentrop's visit to Moscow 1939

Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:01:42, Published 1/1/2015 9:49:13 PM

Scene №1 Ribbentrop's visit to Moscow

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Caption: "In the diplomatic world."

German passenger plane lands at the airport.

German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop down the ramp.

Honor guard, built in honor of the arrival of Ribbentrop.

Soviet diplomats welcome Ribbentrop.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

German military and diplomats Atmosphere.

Rank of honor.

Ribbentrop shall report the chief guard of honor.

Face chief guard of honor.

Ribbentrop, Deputy People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs VP Potemkin and members of the German delegation to go to the car.

Ribbentrop gets in the car and drives away.

The arrival of Mao Zedong in Moscow 1949

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:02:18, Published 7/28/2016 6:00:05 PM

Scene №1 The arrival of Mao Zedong in Moscow


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The Chinese ambassador in anticipation of the arrival of Mao Zedong.

Molotov and Bulganin talk with diplomats.

Arriving by train, Mao Zedong at the Yaroslavl station.

It should honor guard.

Mao Zedong out of the car.

Molotov and Bulganin greet Mao Zedong and his party.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Story honor guard.

Head of the guard of honor reported.

Fluttering state flags of the USSR and China.

Mao Zedong, Molotov, Bulganin and their attendants are on the platform along the guard of honor.

Mao Zedong pronounces the welcome speech in Chinese (synchronous), there are a number Molotov, Gromyko AA, Bulganin, listening to a speech by Mao Zedong.

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