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"Russian North" newsreels and historical clips

Through the Silence (Charmed by the Arctic) 1987

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:45, published: 3/24/2023



d Deep Creek Vologda province, where he was born,

Solovetsky monastery,

USSR Academy of Arts in Leningrad,

halls of the Tretyakov Gallery,

The Russian Museum.

AA Borisova photos for different years,

including members of polar expeditions to Novaya Zemlya,

in the exhibitions of his paintings in Parispaintings AA Borisov.

Photos teacher AA Borisov:

artist Ivan Shishkin, AIKuindzhi.

Landscapes of the Vologda region, neighborhoods Solovkov, the Arctic North.


About a painter A. Borisov who devoted his creative work to the Arctic and the Russian North.

His paintings are in the Tretyakov Art Gallery, in the Russian Museum; his personal Exhibitions have been held abroad.

Reel №2


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... the Academy of Arts (photo).

Photos of the Arctic of the late 19th century.

The Fram team (photo).

F.Nansen (photo).

A.Borisov's book about the Far North.

The Arctic.


The route of A.Borisov's expedition to the Arctic (animation).

The house built by A.Borisov on Novaya Zemlya (photo).

Photos ...

Reel №3


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Newspapers with announcements about exhibitions of A.Borisov.

Paintings by A.Borisov.

Photo by V. Gilyarovsky.

Photo by A.Borisov.

The storerooms of the Russian Museum.

Photos of A.Borisov at exhibitions in Paris, London, New York.

Paintings by A.Borisov.

Borisov's paintings from the cycle "Winter Fairy Tale" ...


Our region № 14 1970

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:12, published: 6/9/2017

Reel №1

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... streets of the city.

On a commemorative pedestal is a British tank "Mark V", produced in 1918, participating in the battles of the White Army in the Russian North.

The chronicle of 1918: military equipment, the landing of the White Army and the Entente military from ships to earth, the military on the streets ...


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... plant.

Production buildings of the plant.

3.50th anniversary of the liberation of the North from the invaders and the White Guards.

A solemn meeting dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the North.

Speech by the First Secretary of the CPSU of the Arkhangelsk region B.V.Popov from the ...



Russian North, White Guards, Entente, intervention, paper mill, penal colony, monuments to the heroes of the Red Guards

Film-travel almanac № 183 1983

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:57, published: 3/3/2015


1. The plot of the Kolyma highway and its significance in the life of the Russian North.

2. The plot of the monastery "Optina" and Leo Tolstoy museums and Fyodor Dostoevsky on its territory.

The plot №3 «Beauty inherited"

The plot №4 «Youth Meskheti"

Reel №1


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... John the Baptist, Museum of Leo Tolstoy.

Photos of Tolstoy on the walls of the museum, interior, grand piano.


The wooden house where they lived, Russian writers.

Commemorative plaque with a portrait of Dostoevsky's house.

Desk, desk Dostoevsky.

The manuscripts of the novel "The Brothers Karamazov." ...



Russian cities and regions

Automobile transport

Sectors of the economy



Towns and countries

Geography and Nature


Sectors of the economy

Social life

Persons of arts


Culture and Arts


Reel №2

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Russian cities and regions

Folk Art


National culture


Towns and countries

Geography and Nature

National culture

Culture and Arts

Persons of arts


Visual Arts

Russian Thebaid 2014

Documentary, 2 films, duration: 0:52:51, published: 12/26/2016


Russian cities and regions




National culture

Towns and countries

Geography and Nature

Culture and Arts

Persons of arts



Social life


The film "Russian Thebaid" - is not only and not so much the historical review in depth

ages, not just the story of the great ascetics of the Russian North.

This is largely an attempt to relate the story to the present, an attempt to understand what we are like our ancestors XV - XVII centuries.

ThisThis link between generations and traditions and create something

boundless space from Vologda to the White Sea, and creates Russian Thebaid.

Movie №1

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Orthodox monastery, temple, church, attractions, iconostasis, wooden architecture, ancient Russian architecture, restoration work

Movie №2


Russian North, sunset, Orthodox monastery, temple, church, Solovki, service in an Orthodox church, monks

Die Deutsche Wochenschau № 588 1941

Newsreel, 4 parts, duration: 0:33:03, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №4

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... supported the attack.

The tank should be infantry.

Captured Russian village near Moscow.

Tanks burst into the village.

Burning houses.

Soldiers searched one of the houses.

Captive Commissioner.

A column of Russian prisoners.

North Africa.

Map of military operations.

Data on losses of the allies ...



Soviet Union, world war 2, soldiers, tanks, prisoners, artillery

North Africa, world war 2 tanks, prisoners, weapons, air force, desert, allied forces

Georgy Sedov 1962

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:19, black-white, published: 4/6/2023


A film about the great Russian polar Explorer G. Y. Sedov and his expedition to the North pole 1912-1914.

The story of the first Russian expedition to the North pole under the command of G. Sedov.

Reel №1


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... and pencils on the table, behind the scenes the voice of Admiral leading the meeting on the question of the equipment of the expedition Sedov to the North pole and report Sedov (synchronous), the types of table in the Admiral's office, motionless figures of officers and sailors in the waiting room, the ...



Nicholas II-Russian Emperor

Reel №2

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... the mourners, says a few parting words.

The people on the pier greeted the Sedov.

Sedov thanked the mourners, stand near students with the tri-color Russian flag.

General view of the schooner "St.


Sedov says goodbye to the mayor and members of the Arkhangelsk city Duma on the pier.

Sedov, on Board ...


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... trek to the North pole on dogs, collect warm clothes.

Photo of the participants of the tour to the pole of G. Linnik, Pustoshny, A., Sedova G. Ya., an entry from the diary of Sedov 2 Feb 1914.

Newsreel 1914 : General view of the camp of the expedition of Sedov.

Participants hike to the North pole go to ...


here and now 03/06/2001 2001

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:09:59, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1

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The guest of the program is Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Ilya Klebanov.

Comments to the vote of no confidence, put forward by the State Duma of the Russian Federation to the government.

Evaluation of the fulfillment of state orders in the military-industrial complex.

Export-import ...



Klebanov I.I. - Russian statesman, State Councilor of the Russian Federation, First Class, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North-West Federal District (2003-2011).

here and now 15.02.2000 2000

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:09:52, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1

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The teleconference with Khankala: the commander of the group of Russian troops in the North Caucasus, Viktor Kazantsev, on the reasons for closing the free passage through Grozny.

Forecast of actions of bandit formations in the period until February 23, 2000.

Statistics on the seizure of weapons and ...



Kazantsev V.G. - Russian military leader, retired army general, Hero of the Russian Federation.

Giornale di Guerra № 295 1942

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:30, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1


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... prisoners of war in the march.

The award ceremony of Italian soldiers and officers who distinguished themselves during the winter campaign on the Russian front

North Africa.

Fortified Italian battle stations on the northern coast of Africa.

Plaque Anglo-American Aviation.

The fighting with the advancing ...


Volga lights № 23 Faith Hope Love 1990

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:16, black-white, published: 2/9/2018

Reel №1

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Ancient Russian wooden boats heading to Palestine, at the Saratov pier.

Panorama of the Saratov embankment.

People on the dock.

Bow decoration of the rook.

Faces of residents of Saratov, gathered on the pier.

Pilgrims on Board the boat.

One of the leaders of the pilgrimage expedition talks about its ...

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... which began in the Russian North, about the opening of the road to the Holy Land for believers (synchronously).

A copy and pages of the "Sensible Bible".

Photos of mount Sinai and the Dead sea valley.

The man tells about the organization of the expedition, about the help from the Russian Orthodox Church ...



Russian cities and regions

Towns and countries

Sea and river transport

Towns and countries

Geography and Nature


Sectors of the economy

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