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"The gym" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign newsreels № 4345 1975

News, 7 footages, duration: 0:09:50, published: 7/30/2014

Scene №1

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Competitions gymnasts in the wheels in the gym.

Athletic Club "Torpedo". 1972

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:03, published: 11/14/2012


The story of gym work, "Torpedo" Moscow Likhachev automobile plant.

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45 minutes of physical education 1967

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:13, published: 5/17/2018

Reel №1


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The girl performs exercises on the uneven bars, the teacher monitors the performance, the boys ' classmates sit on the benches.

On the other side of the gym, girls are sitting on a bench.

Boys ' bench.

The teacher is engaged with the girl in the center of the hall.

The girl's face.

The girl performs an ...

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... followed by the girls.

Girls on a bench in the gym.

A girl throws a ball into a basketball hoop.

School class, the teacher in front of the students.

View of the classroom from the back rows, the backs of students at their desks, the teacher at the table.

Gym, students jump high over the bar, they are ...


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... and the teacher shows them how to move the leg.

In the gym, the guys, divided into two parts, perform a tug of war.

Tense and happy faces of the guys.

The scheme of building a physical education lesson in shifts, (animated video).

The students in the gym are lined up in two rows, the first row doing a somersault ...


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... physical education lesson.

The teacher watches the students.

The scheme of the physical education lesson by department, (animated video).

Panorama of the gym, students are divided into groups, throwing balls.

A group of girls, each taking turns throwing a ball into a basketball basket.

A girl with a ball ...



Lesson, students, gym, physical education, skiing, ball, school

Reel №2

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Part 2.

Physical education lesson in the school gym, boys jump over a goat.

The girls take turns doing the balance exercise on the log.

A girl under the guidance of a teacher is engaged on the uneven bars.

Panorama of the gym, the class is divided into groups, each group is engaged in its own sports ...

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... sports equipment.

Circuit training circuit, (animated video).

In the gym, several girls perform straight bends.

Girls climb on the Swedish wall and perform leg lifts, pump the muscles of the press.

The girls take turns walking along the log, keeping their balance, and another group of girls climbs onto the ...

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... Swedish wall.

A group of girls takes turns doing a somersault on the mat, another group is engaged on a log, the third-on the Swedish wall.

Panorama of the gym, a group of girls on the uneven bars, another group exercises on the mats, the third-on the Swedish wall, the fourth-on the beam.

The physical education ...

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... equipment, Animated video).

In the gym, the boys train on the crossbar in pairs.

Girls in threes perform exercises on the uneven bars.

In the schoolyard, boys in threes make long jumps.

Students jump into a sand pit located along the school yard.

Methodological techniques.

In the gym, the class is lined up in ...

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... measuring out the lanes with jumps.

The gym floor is divided into longitudinal segments, with balls arranged symmetrically in each segment.

Students of six people make a run, jumping over balls.

Circles are arranged symmetrically in the longitudinal segments on the gym floor.

The guys run so that the toe ...


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... empties.

Reel-to-reel tape recorder.

Panorama of the gym, students perform exercises with flags to the music.

Panorama of the gym, students perform exercises with a sports stick.

Panorama of the gym, students perform gymnastics exercises.

Panorama of the gym, a group of high school girls performs exercises ...

Faces of Russia "The Wrestler from Novosibirsk" 2000

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:52, published: 8/22/2014

Reel №1


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... the press conference.

Alexander Karelin, signing autographs.

The boys in the gym to workout in the struggle.

Alexander Karelin in training in the gym.

Alexander Karelin, with his trainer Vladimir Kuznetsov.

Workout in the gym - exercise boys and AA Karelin

Soviet Sport № 1 We are from Vladimir. Meet: Yuri Tarmac. In hockey team. 1973

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:43, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


1syuzh. - Street Vladimir.

Coach N. Tolkachev in the gym, the boy performs exercises, the coach gives instructions.

National Champion Andrianov jumps and performs exercises on the rings.

Andrianov and pushers are talking. 2syuzh. - Tallinn.

Yu Tarmac on training.

The winning jump Yu Tarmac at Munich

Reel №1

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... - churches, buildings.

Halls of specialized youth sport school gym.

Girls and boys of primary school under the guidance of coaches involved in the gym - different plans.

Head of School, honored trainer of the USSR NG Tolkachev in the gym during school hours watching the exercise, talking with coaches ...

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... coaches.

The pupil of the school, Olympic champion gymnast Andrianov talks with the coach.

Awards Andrianov.

Andrianov training in school gym - the horse does jump through the "revolution forward, flip-forward (from Rapid).

Talk Andrianov and N. Tolkachev.

Andrianov performs exercises on the rings.

Boys and ...

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... Munich.

Yu Tarmac trains in the gym at various gymnastic apparatus - different plans.

Address Yu Tarmac at the Olympics in Munich, Yu Tarmac on the podium.

Yu Tarmac and his coach PS Goikhman pass along the waterfront of Leningrad, considering the book in a bookstore.

In the gym, and P. Yu Tarmac Goikhman ...

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... Goikhman consider fotoraskadrovku jump Tarmac.

Yu Tarmac on training in the gym, P. Goikhman oversees training athlete.

Yu Tarmac - economics student at Leningrad State University - at the library wrote a term paper.

3. Emblem hockey tournament for the prize of the newspaper Izvestia -72.

New goalkeeper Alexander ...


Soviet Sport № 11 Athletes "LTZ. Climbers. At the gym the dais. Ahead - Mexico City. 1969

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:19, black-white, published: 11/14/2012

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Balashov textile workers 1991

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:47:41, published: 3/13/2018

Reel №5

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... hypnosis session.

Combine artists at work.

The pressroom.

Foreman V. V. Kulaev.

The work of the shop.

Dining complex.

The hostel complex.

The gym.

Classes of workers in the gym.

The celebration of pensioners and veterans of the plant.

The presentation of flowers and gifts.

Veterans sing songs, share memories ...



Footage, 15 footages, duration: 6:44:18, published: 12/12/2023

Scene №8 Military-patriotic club "Ilya Muromets"


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... assemble automatic machines.

The guys are working out in the gym.

Drill classes.

The head of the Ilya Muromets club, Leonid Melnikov, looks at the documents.

The faces of the girls in blue berets.

Operator with a video camera.

The cadet squad enters the gym in formation, greeting the captain according to the ...

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... The squad commander reports on the formation.

The department executes the build commands.

The faces of the female cadets.

The squad is marching in the gym.

Cadets take exams on knitting sea knots.

Roman Prokopenko shares his impressions of classes at the Ilya Muromets club.

Melnikov L.A. talks about his ...

Scene №1 Special edition of the "Orthodox Encyclopedia" for the Day of Astronautics in Russia

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Special Feature of Father Alexy (Uminsky) on the Day of Astronautics from the gym in the Star City.

Work of members of the cosmonaut corps on simulators.

Interview with cosmonauts.

Soviet Sport № 1 Fizkult-hurray! 1987

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:58, black-white, published: 3/25/2014

Reel №1

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Skiers in the woods, a gym, children in the gym.

Participants run a traditional relay race in Kishinev.

Correspondent for the Youth of Moldova "interviews in Chisinau physical education teachers (synchronously).

Article in the newspaper "Youth of Moldova."

A physical education teacher, DP Grossou conducts ...

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... conducts a lesson in a converted them to the gym.

Primary school children in sport.

Interviews DP Grossou (synchronously).

Chisinau PE teacher say about the problems of (synchronous) - different plans.

Men painted floor in the gym.

Children swinging on swings.

Abandoned Playground: potholes on the asphalt ...


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