You found 4286 newsreels for query "red geranium"

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"red geranium" newsreels and historical clips

Red Pola. 1990

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:25:37, published: 5/29/2014

Reel №1 Red Pola.

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Ural Mountains' Video Chronicle № 1 Real life of the emerald city. 2002

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:53, published: 12/26/2015

Reel №1


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... hall, bell sitting at the entrance.

Machine Halls.

Gas station, a story of women.

The man brings in a city apartment kitchen wood stove and melt.

Geranium on the window.

Factory buildings.

He tells ogranschitsa emeralds.

On the way, the bus rides.

Residential houses.

Man drowns stove and tells about ...


Fragments of the film "Three songs about Lenin" 1934

Footage, 8 footages, duration: 0:01:29, published: 7/20/2020

Scene №3

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Red square

Evening light

Scene №4

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Red square

Red Square 2000-2009

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 1:01:18, published: 1/23/2013

Scene №1 Red Square

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Empty Red Square with Lenin's Tomb.

Ivan the Great Bell.

Closed Spassky Gate, sentry at the gate.

Spasskaya tower chimes.

Graves near the Kremlin Wall.

Chimes show 09:58.

The Kremlin wall, the windows of the building of the Kremlin.

Five-pointed star on the Spasskaya Tower.



Russian ...

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... Russian flag on the building of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Empty Red Square with Lenin's Tomb.

Scene №2


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... entrance.

Chimes in the tower (10:20).

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky in the Pokrovsky Cathedral.


People come out of the mausoleum.

Empty Red Square.

The eternal flame at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Alexander Garden.

Sentries at the Eternal Flame.

Passers-by in Alexander Garden.

Zhukov ...

Moscow № 60 Red Presnya 1984

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:30, published: 3/25/2014

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Red Carnation 1983

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:08:59, published: 9/17/2015


The film tells about the activities of the youth Club of revolutionary and labor glory" in the study of red carnations as a symbol of the revolutionary movement.

Reel №1

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... stand near the performers of the main roles-Vladimir Kurdyukova, And V. Kosyh, M. Metelkin

Kind of prize.

Boys and girls engaged in the story of "red carnations" in the 'Club of revolutionary and labor glory" at the Central house of culture of students of vocational schools, get acquainted with the ...

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... girls.

Photos of meetings of club members with veterans of the Communist party, including with E. D. Stasova Invitation to a literary-musical evening "Red carnation".

Members of the choir club sings "La Marseillaise" (synchronously), the pioneers in the hall listening to the song.

The bas-reliefs and paintings ...


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... Leningrad, lies next to a bouquet of red carnations.

Boys and girls browsing the newspaper clippings.

Portrait of the Greek Communist Beloyannis N. and an article about it.

Photos Belojanis during the trial.

View of the stairs, the door opens a prison cell.

Red carnation on the stones of the prison ...

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... Belojanis with a red carnation in his hand.

Burn the eternal flame at the Champ de Mars.

Blooming roses, asters, carnations.

The cover of "History".

Rally participants are holding flowers, waving artificial red carnations, faces of boys and girls.

General view of the may day demonstration in red square (above) ...

Red Square 1981

Documentary, 3 films, duration: 0:22:51, published: 9/12/2013


The film tells about the history of Red Square, its role in the formation and development of the socio - political and cultural life of the country.

Reel №2

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... through Red Square.

Merchants with stalls on Red Square.

Panorama of a part of the festive bazaar.

Organ grinder with a parrot on his shoulder.

Trade in souvenirs and wooden toys.

The arrival of Nicholas II on Red Square, the emperor dismounts from his horse and accepts the report.

People on Red Square ...

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... during the revolutionary events of March 1917.

Detachments of Red Guards on the streets of Moscow.

Destruction of the imperial symbols.

View of the Spasskaya Tower damaged in the shelling of the Kremlin in October 1917.

Lenin V. I. speaks on Red Square in front of the troops of Vsevobuch on May 25, 1919 ...

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... walk along Red Square.

Parade of cadets of the 1st united school of them.

VTSIK in the Kremlin.

Frunze M. V. riding around the troops lined up on Red Square for the parade on November 7, 1923.

The cavalry passes through Red Square.

A rifle unit of the Moscow garrison on the parade on Red Square.

A delegate ...

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... Congress of the Comintern in July 1921.

View of a part of Red Square during one of the festive events.

Photos of Red Square during the funeral of Lenin VI in January 1924, alternated with newsreel footage.

Photo of the temporary Lenin Mausoleum, built on Red Square.

Newsreel January 27, 1924: the leaders of ...

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... installed, the columns of the funeral demonstration pass by.

Persons of Budyonny S. M. and Frunze M. V.

Red Army soldiers in the guard of honor at the coffin of Lenin, installed on the platform on Red Square.

The face of a sentry standing guard at the mausoleum.

View of the wooden mausoleum, built in 1924 ...

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... 1924.

People enter the mausoleum.

Members of one of the delegations leave the mausoleum.

View of the granite mausoleum on Red Square, built in 1930.

Sailors lay a wreath on the wall of the mausoleum.

Laying wreaths by members of one of the foreign delegations.

The faces of people entering the mausoleum ...


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... demonstrators.

Demonstrators carry banners with slogans.

Demonstrators greet the leaders of the USSR.

View of Red Square during one of the demonstrations in the 1930s.

Participants of sports parades pass through Red Square, carrying banners and bouquets of flowers.

Participants of the May Day demonstration pass by ...

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... father's shoulders.

Newsreel of 1941: panorama of a part of Red Square on November 7, 1941.

Units of the Red Army pass through Red Square.

Pass the divisions of the people's militia divisions.

Anti-aircraft machine guns and heavy artillery on parade on Red Square.

Stalin I. V. speaks from the rostrum with a ...

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... through Red Square.

Artillery pieces on display in the museum.

Wehrmacht awards and captured banners in the museum window.

Banners of the guards units of the Red Army in one of the halls of the museum.

Newsreel of 1945: a festive salute over Moscow on the evening of May 9, 1945, people on Red Square watch ...

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... watch the salute.

Troops on Red Square before the start of the Victory Day Parade on June 24, 1945.

The faces of the parade participants.

Stalin I. V., Budyonny S. M., Voroshilov K. E. on the podium of the mausoleum.

Consolidated regiments of the fronts pass through Red Square.

Marshal of the Soviet ...



Political figures

Parade on Red Square

November 7

Victory Parade


Generals and war heroes

The revolutionary events of 1917



World War II



Social life

Society, social activities and community organizations

Reel №3

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View of Red Square (from above).

Pioneer solemn line on Red Square.

Welcome to the pioneers on Red Square, senior pioneers tie ties to join the pioneer organization.

Young pioneers give a salute.

Newsreel of 1924: members of the pioneer organizations of Moscow and the Moscow province on Red Square after ...

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... group goes to Red Square.

The faces of the pioneers, pronouncing the words of the oath.

Take-off of a balloon from Red Square on July 27, 1920 during the celebrations in honor of the 2nd Congress of the Comintern.

The balloon rises above the building of the Historical Museum.

Panorama of Red Square and ...

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... and landing in Vancouver on June 20, 1937.

Demonstration on Red Square in honor of the first human flight into space on April 12, 1961.

Yuri Gagarin on the podium of the mausoleum, view of Red Square during the demonstration.

Cosmonauts on Red Square.

Students of the Moscow Military Music School open the ...

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... parade on November 7.

View of the mausoleum grandstand.

On Red Square, students of military academies pass, the cameraman is shooting.

A unit of military sailors passes through Red Square.

Foreign military attaches are taking photos.

View of Red Square during the passage of military equipment (top).

Tanks ...

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... Tanks pass in front of the mausoleum.

Panorama of the demonstration on Red Square.

Banners and banners over the columns of demonstrators.

The clock on the Spasskaya Tower.

The pendulum of the clockwork, the next change of sentries goes to the mausoleum.

Change of sentries at Post No. 1 at the mausoleum ...

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... Wall to the sound of the chimes.

Tourist buses pass the parking lot by St.

Basil's Cathedral.

Tourists on Red Square.

Tourists listen to the story of the guide, the faces of tourists.

Views of Red Square.


Heroes of Space



Parade on Red Square

Childhood and youth

International cooperation



Society, social activities and community organizations

Social life

World War II


Movie №1 Red Square

The history of Red Square, the historical and architectural monuments.

Pokrovsky Cathedral (St.

Basil), a monument to Minin and Pozharsky, etc.

The relationship of these monuments to the history of Russia.

Red Carnation. 1979

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:30, published: 11/14/2012


The story of the VII International Youth Song Festival "Red Carnation", held in Sochi from 1 to September 10, 1979.

Reel №1

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... the windows of the concert hall "Festival").

Concert hall.

People near the cash registers and posters of the VII International Festival of Youth Song "Red Carnation".

The festival jury. A.N.Pahmutova.


Members of the jury.

People at the entrance to the hall. A.Ferreyra rehearsing the song ...


Red mist 1941

Documentary, 4 parts, duration: 0:40:56, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1

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About planting of Soviet rule in the Baltics.

Through the mist PNRM. by regions.

Map of the Baltic states.

Chronicle: The Red Army, combat arms, infantry, cavalry, armored train, ship, cannon.

The members of the Soviet government: Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, Mikoyan and others

Lithuania ...


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... the mask, the face underneath the Jew

Litva.1940 year.

Tank crushes the ground.

Aerial view of a column of tanks.

Demonstration in support of the Red Army.

Dancing, the crowd mixed with the soldiers.

Go trucks with soldiers


The newspaper published it zam.narodnogo Commissioner for Foreign ...

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... Vilnius residents greeting Soviet Embassy in Lithuania Videyshesa area.

Photos of the Lithuanian government ministers.

Seeing young Lithuanians in the Red Army.

Printing prints the newspaper "Thiès", an article on the legalization of the Communist Party of Lithuania.

The text of the manifesto.

Portrait ...


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... army, the political instructor

About planting of Soviet power in Pribalkike.

Through the mist PNRM. areas.

Map of the Baltic states.

Chronicle: The Red Army, combat arms, infantry, cavalry, armored train, ship, cannon.

The members of the Soviet government: Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, Mikoyan, and others ...


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Takes off the mask, the face underneath the Jew. 1940.

Tank crushes the ground.

Aerial view of a column of tanks.

Demonstration in support of the Red Army.

Dancing, the crowd mixed with the soldiers.

Go trucks with soldiers.

The newspaper published it zam.narodnogo Commissioner for Foreign Affairs ...

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... Vilnius residents greeting Soviet Embassy in Lithuania Vileyshisa area.

Photos of the Lithuanian government ministers.

Seeing young Lithuanians in the Red Army.

Printing prints the newspaper "Thiès", an article on the legalization of the Communist Party of Lithuania.

The text of the manifesto.

Portrait ...



Lithuania, the Red Army, troops, weapons, cavalry, military equipment, Gos.deyateli, personalities, Stalin troops Chronicle

Lithuania, the press, Gos.deyateli, personalities, President, Gos.akt, photos

Lithuania, the troops, the population

Lithuania, the Red Army, the population, soldiers, weapons


recruits, the Red Army, the president of the delegation, the pioneers, the orchestra, the Communists, Gos.akt

USSR visit, the President, the promotion, demonstration, children gos.deyateli, personalities

Lithuania, elections, music, radio, population, Gos.simvolika, photos, documents, the Red Army generals


generals, teaching

The Soviet Union, Lithuania, Stalin, demonstration, rally, election, president, Red Army delegation gos.simvoly, agitation, tour, military leaders

Reel №2


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... and Lenin.

Stalin book "Problems of Leninism".

Poem about Stalin Lithuanian poet


Article Vytautas Eydukaytisa of the Bolsheviks, of the Red Army, poetry.

Bust of Stalin, Lenin, their portraits.

It works by sculptor.

The flag with the hammer and sickle.

Portrait of Stalin on the building ...


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... of Stalin and Lenin.

Stalin book "Problems of Leninism".

Poem about Stalin Lithuanian poet.

Article Vytautas Eydukaytisa of the Bolsheviks, of the Red Army, poetry.

The busts of Stalin, Lenin, their portraits.

It works by sculptor.

The flag with the hammer and sickle.

Portrait of Stalin on the building ...



Lithuania, photo, Stalin, Lenin, music, soldiers, entertainment

Lithuania, Gos.simvolika, press, Jews, Literature

Lithuania, literature, the Red Army, sculpture, skultory, personalities, Stalin, Lenin, photos, Gos.simvolika, cinema, theater, radio

Lithuania, Gos.deyateli, press, photo, celebrities

Red square 1980-1985

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:45, published: 6/6/2019

Scene №1

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General plans of red square, St.

Basil's Cathedral, Spasskaya tower, the queue to the Lenin mausoleum, changing of the guard.

Panorama of the Kremlin and the regions adjacent to red square.

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