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"Open spaces" newsreels and historical clips

The only way out 1981

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:00, published: 7/2/2018



Reel №1


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... spacecraft in the cosmonauts Klimuk P. I. and Hermaszewski M. visited the Salyut-6 orbital station.

Work on the Salute-6 of the members of the Soyuz-40 space crew of cosmonauts LI Popova and Prunariu D. (Romania) and the crew members of the Soyuz-4 cosmonauts Kovalenka VV and Savinykh VP Members of the Soyuz-31 ...



Conquest of Space


Reel №2

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... spacecraft as part of cosmonauts Romanenko Yu. V. and Grechko GM Romanenko Yu. V. and Grechko GM check the equipment before going into space.

Astronaut Grechko GM works in open space.

Antennas and solar panels of the orbital station 'Salyut-6'.

Astronauts Romanenko Yu. V. and Grechko GM in the CPC them.

Gagarin ...



Conquest of Space


Create an astronaut 2020

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:45:46, published: 4/18/2022



Conquest of Space

Space programs



Millions of people dream of seeing our planet from orbit, but space opens up only to a select few.

Everyone has their own way to become an astronaut.

Preparing for a space flight is more than a job.

This is life itself.

Reel №1

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Yuri Gagarin's first flight lasted 1 hour and 48 minutes.

He proved that a person can fly into space, complete tasks and return safely.

This was the first invaluable experience, which became a serious impetus for the development of the world manned cosmonautics.

Over 60 years, the training system has ...



of the Soviet Union.

Titov G.S. - cosmonaut, 2nd Soviet man in space, Doctor of Military Sciences, associate Professor, Hero of the Soviet Union.

S.P. Korolev is a Soviet scientist, design engineer, general designer of the rocket and space industry of the USSR, academician of the Academy of Sciences of


pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation.

Herman A.V. - Test engineer, Head of the Department for Extreme Types of Cosmonaut Training at the Gagarin Space Center.

Belyaev P.I. - Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Leonov A.A. - Soviet pilot-cosmonaut


Soviet Union, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Russian Federation (since 2014).

Sigmund Yen is a pilot-cosmonaut of the GDR, the 1st German in space, Hero of the GDR, Hero of the Soviet Union, retired Major General of aviation.

Hazzaa Ali Abdan Khalfan Al-Mansouri is the first astronaut from the


lieutenant colonel of the Air Force Reserve, head of the department for the creation of complex simulators of the manned transport ship of the Gagarin Space Center.

space environment (№ 230 ) 17.04.2019 2019

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:09:16, published: 7/21/2022

Reel №1


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... "Soyuz-2" in Blagoveshchensk, the director of information Policy and public projects of FSUE "CENKI" Andrey Kazakevich spoke at the opening;

- ICI RAS, opening of the conference "Space Debris: Fundamental and Practical Aspects of the threat", comments by Irina Kovalenko, a researcher at ICI RAS and the Institute ...

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... launched the Arabsat satellite into orbit;

- Powehi Black Hole, comments by Sergey Popov;

- The first astronaut of the UAE is being trained at the Gagarin Space Center;

- Exoplanet Proxima C;

- Cosmonautics Day in Luxembourg.

Astrophoto of the week: dolphin and Jupiter clouds, Rosette nebula, Milky Way over ...



Space programs


big space (№ 26 ) 31.07.2021 2021

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:25:59, published: 1/20/2023

Reel №1


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... discovery of the Spectrum-RG Observatory, an interview with Alexander Shirshakov.

Opening of the Summer Space School-2021, interview with the head of the school Tatiana Miteva.

Roscosmos at the MAKS-2021 Aviation and Space Salon, special report by Anna Shentseva.

The plot starred Andrey Chibirev, an electronics ...




Space programs


Kosmos.What's next? 1989

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:39:08, published: 9/15/2015




The film is about the development of space programs, the need for further space exploration, scientific research in this area, the need to finance the space industry.

Reel №1

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Space station flight.

General view of the main hall of the Mission Control Center (MCC) (above).

"Soyuz" on the screen in the main hall of the Centre.

Those employees of the Centre.

Ryumin VV, VA Soloviev, Chertok observe what is happening on the screen.

The screen in the main hall of the Centre.

People ...


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... (animation).

Types of space.

Detail stellar atlas depicting constellations.

The astronauts while working on the space station.

Cosmonaut watch the Earth's surface.

View the surface of one of the ocean from space.

Astronauts in a state of weightlessness, conduct research aboard the space station.

Photographs ...

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... Photographs of astronauts during orbit.

Artificial crystal grown in space.

The crew of the International Space Station while in orbit.

Astronaut during a spacewalk.

Astronauts working in space.

Academician PV Simonov gives interviews (synchronously).

View of the exposition of the Zoological Museum.

Simonov gives ...


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... the moon.

Newsreel 1969: residents of one of the American cities welcome motorcade returned from space astronauts.

Mongolian postage stamp dedicated to landing a man on the moon.

Astronauts aboard the space station, among them - the GM Grechko


Heroes of Space




Sergei Pavlovich Korolev - designer of rocket and space technology

Yuri A. Gagarin - cosmonaut

Reel №3

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... Scientists watch on the monitor station sends "Vega" data.

View of the space station in space, astronaut spacewalks.

Antenna, cling to the station.

Cosmonaut in open space unhooks the antenna from the station body.

Antenna flies into space.

Type orbital stations in flight.

Newsreel 1985: Cosmonauts Janibekov ...


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... top).

Academician VA Ambartsumyan gives interviews (synchronously).

Academician Migdal AB gives interviews (synchronously).

View of the earth from space.

Forms part of an industrial enterprise, passing train.

Type of contaminated coastal areas.

Types of landfills.

The cosmonauts in Star City after a ...


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... site.

View the launch pad with the spacecraft (above).

Start spacecraft.

View of the stadium during the concert.

Space station flight.

Mounting knots orbital station on the ground.

Space station flight.

Janibekov astronaut aboard the station "Salyut-7".

Astronauts during work on board the orbital station ...


Heroes of Space




Reel №6

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... office at work.

Animation showing the operation of the space robot.

Type of equipment units to create a space robotics.

Conducting experiments with prepared samples and prototypes of space robots.

Types of working parts and components of space robots.

Space robot executes the commands and create the structure ...

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... People watching the monitor screen with the data of the robot.

Pictures taken in space.

View of one of the halls of the Mission Control Center.

Cosmic body of the hall on the screen.

Astronauts during work in the open space.

Director of the Institute of Philosophy of Stepin VS gives interviews (synchronously) ...

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... (synchronously).

People see the exhibits in the exhibition halls of the future space-based architecture.


Those visitors.

Promotional brochures exhibitions are on the table.

Professor of the Moscow Architectural Institute VI Loktev gives interviews (synchronously).

Yuri Gagarin Photo and SP Korolev ...



Conquest of Space


Reel №1

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Land (from space) - MS., PNRM.

Photo of Earth - CU., PNRM.

Cosmonaut Grechko with the camera - CU., PNRM.

PNRM. with sculptures in front of the Museum of Cosmonautics in Star City on greeters - MS.

Pass astronauts - MS., PNRM.

Pass N. Rukavishnikov and Ivanov with flowers - MS., PNRM.

Photojournalists ...


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... others pass on Star City - MS.

Brezhnev, Shatalov and other laboratory Cosmonaut Training Center - MS.

The exhibit - MS.

Fidel Castro sits in a space capsule - MS., CU.

Image of Fidel Castro on TV - LS.

Shatalov explains guests device models - MS., PNRM.


Travel to other newspapers - ...


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... Gagarin - CU.

Yuri Gagarin with his wife and daughter - CU., PNRM.

Image of Yuri Gagarin on TV (voice-over Gagarin) - MS.

Meeting after Yuri Gagarin's space flight - LS., PNRM.

Model of the future of Star City - LS., PNRM. (Top).

PNRM. with trees in Star City - MS.

Star City (with motion) - MS.

Panel ...


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... and Ivanchenkov with crystals in space - MS.

Crystals - CU.

Schedule astronaut - MS., PNRM.

Astronaut sets the device in space - CU.

Hand tighten the screws - CU.

Astronaut in space at work - different.

Hand tighten the screws key - CU., PNRM.

The inscription "Space Research Institute» - CU.

The ...


Reel №2

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... LS.

Talk and G. N. Kamanin Coast - MS.

Shatalov from a special pool, allowing astronauts gidronevesomosti able to practice the technique of in open space - MS.

Diving suit - CU.

The spacecraft under water - LS., PNRM.

Astronaut working under water - CU., PNRM.

Scientists watch - MS., PNRM.

General ...


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... monitoring from space - CU., PNRM.

Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov makes an entry in the ship, PNRM. for another astronaut.

Soviet and American astronauts at the press conference - CU., MS.

PNRM. for photographers.

Astronauts go up to the ship, waving their hands - MS., CU., PNRM.

Docking in space - LS., PNRM ...

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... PNRM.

Cosmonaut Eliseev - CU.

Astronauts greet and hug in the ship - MS.

Earth from Space (evening) - MS.

Exit astronaut into space - CU.

Star City (evening).

Monument to Yuri Gagarin - MS. (Displacement).

Lift-off - LS.

Extending the life of film prints. 1984

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:25:53, published: 9/26/2015

Reel №1


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... film storage room.

The scale of the thermometer.

The keeper notes the daily value of the air temperature and humidity.

Boxes of film on the shelves, open space under the shelves and between them.

A rack located at a distance of one meter from the heating device.

Employees of the film archive at the reception ...


Satellites, ships, stations. 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:49, published: 12/22/2017



Conquest of Space

Childhood and youth


Social life

Reel №1

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The spaceship is at the launch.

Children's drawings dedicated to space exploration.

A schoolboy runs out of the entrance, runs down the stairs and paths of the park to school, an astronaut going on a flight, on the TV screen, a spaceship launching on the monitor screens in the Mission Control Center ...

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... conducts a tour with schoolchildren.

Faces of schoolchildren.

Photos of Grechko and other cosmonauts during a space flight and after landing (behind the scenes, Grechko's story about space flights, the works of Tsiolkovsky and Korolev S. P. sounds (synchronously).

Views of the MCC hall, specialists ...


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... the earth by a spacecraft and a flying satellite (synchronously).

A satellite in outer space.

View of the museum's exposition, models of spacecraft.

Model of the lunar rover.

The dog Laika, who flew into space, on the monitor screen.

Portrait of the Queen.

Visitors to the Museum of Cosmonautics ...

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... Cosmonautics view and photograph the exhibits, behind the scenes Grechko's story about the role of satellites in scientific research, the improvement of space technology (synchronously).

Grechko in the museum tells students about one of the spacecraft, standing at the lander "Vostok-1" (synchronously).

Newsreel ...



Heroes of Space

Museums and exhibitions



Culture and Arts


Korolev Sergey Pavlovich - designer of rocket and space technology

Gagarin Yury Alekseevich - the pilot-cosmonaut

Reel №2

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Pilot-cosmonaut Grechko G.M. tells schoolchildren about security in space, explains the purpose of a space suit, talks about changes in the design of a spacesuit (synchronously).

Photos of cosmonauts in spacesuits.

Start the spaceship.

Types of the control room of the MCC.

The girl performs the song ...

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... ship.

The space crew works under conditions of weightlessness.

Ground training of cosmonauts in zero-gravity conditions.

Portrait of Yuri Gagarin with awards on his tunic.

Photos of Gagarin in different years.

Schoolchildren answer questions Grechko about the following after Gagarin space flights, called ...

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... Tereshkova V.V. before the flight into space and after landing.

Students talk about flights of Soyuz spacecraft and the Interkosmos program (synchronously).

Grechko tells schoolchildren about a series of space ships "Soyuz" (synchronously).

The Soyuz spacecraft in outer space on the MCC monitor screen, docking ...

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... aboard the spaceship.

The spacecraft in space after undocking from the station.

Schoolchildren answer Grechko's questions about what an astronaut should be able to do, about the first man's exit into open space, about actions when going out into outer space, work in space (synchronously).

A newsreel of 1965 ...

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... 1965 on the screen of the monitor: a spacewalk Leonova AA

The space behind the ship's porthole.

Children's drawings dedicated to the exploration of outer space.

Children's ensemble performs a song.

Specialists in the hall of the MCC.

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Heroes of Space

Museums and exhibitions



Culture and Arts




Around the USSR № 185 Soviet space program. 1982

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:21, published: 11/14/2012


The development of Soviet space exploration, from Gagarin's flight to modern achievements (Mission Control Center, Star City, orbital stations).

International cooperation in space exploration (joint flights to the U.S., Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and other countries).


Journal of the main stages of development of Soviet space exploration.

Reel №1

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... flight.


Yuri Gagarin in space (on television).

Land (from space) - CU., LS.

Moscow, Red Square, the people welcomed Gagarin, Gagarin on the mausoleum.

The launch - MS.

Remote control - MS.

Titov in space (on television).


Valentina Tereshkova in space, the people welcomed Tereshkova ...

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... Tereshkova.

Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova in other countries.

Mission Control Center - MS., LS.

Alexei Leonov in open space - CU.

George Shore in the cockpit spaceship "Soyuz» - MS., CU.

The astronauts in the rocket - MS.

"Soyuz" in orbit - MS.

Nikolaev and V. Sevastyanov flight aboard the "Soyuz-9» - MS ...


Reel №2

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Newsreel 70s.:

Mission Control - LS., PNRM.

Eliseev at the Center.

Arrival of the visiting astronauts to the space station - MS.

Astronauts do exercises - MS.

Arrival cargo ship "Progress" at the station, unloading - CU.

Cosmonaut takes guitar - CU.

Cargo ship is removed - MS.

The antenna of the radio ...

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... astronauts V. Lyakhov and B. Rumin, it receives flowers - LS., MS.

The launch of a spacecraft "Soyuz" rocket in the sky - MS.

American ship "Apollo" in space - LS.

Link-up - MS.

Luke spaceship - MS. (On television).

Portraits of Soviet cosmonauts Alexei Leonov and V. Kubasov and U.S. astronauts - Stafford ...

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... astronauts in the cockpit, watching the objects floating in the air - MS., CU.

Gubarev and Czechoslovak cosmonaut Vladimir Remek before flying into space - MS.

Astronauts on the TV in the center of the flight control - LS.

Cosmonaut GDR Z. Yen before the flight - CU.

Rocket at the start, start - MS.

Soviet ...

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... commander of the "Soyuz T-6" V. Dzhanibekov, Soviet cosmonaut Alexander Ivanchenko and French test pilot Jean-Loup Chretien before sending it to the space station "Salyut-7» - LS., PNRM.

The launch - MS.

big space (№ 20 ) 05.06.2021 2021

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:22:56, published: 12/2/2022

Reel №1

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... fragment of an interview with cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko.

Presentation of joint projects of Roscosmos in the field of popularization of cosmonautics "Your space".

Interview: Oleg Kononenko, Dmitry Rogozin, Maxim Ovchinnikov, President of the Unity Charitable Foundation Alyona Kuzmenko.

Vostochny, successful ...


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... event organizer Yan Troyanovsky, engineer Veronika Pavlyuchenko, Timur Balakishiev and other participants of the event.

Popular science conference "Space, open conversation", the plot of Vlad Mironov.

Interview: Alexander Kaleri, Vladimir Surdin, Anastasia Stepanova.

Objects of the universe: M-20 is a triple ...



Space programs



popularizer of science, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR.

S.P. Korolev is a Soviet scientist, design engineer, general designer of the rocket and space industry of the USSR, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, twice Hero of Socialist Labor.

Yu.M. Rost is a Russian writer, actor, journalist

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