You found 3761 newsreels for query "Battle of Smolensk (1941)"

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Aus Dem Generalgouvernement Filmbericht №24178 1941

Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:00, Black-white, Published 10/24/2016 8:43:24 AM

Reel №2


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Vinnitsa in the hands of the Germans

The USSR.Boys in the Smolensk region.

Actions of German artillery in the Mogilev area.

German generals watch the course of the battle.

The infantry enters the rye.

Fires in Mogilev.

Soviet airfield after the bombing.

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Broken Soviet aircraft.

Trophy military equipment at the collecting point.

Column of captured Red Army men.

Fires in Smolensk.

Arrested group of men of civilian population.

Two Germans captured by the Germans were Soviet servicemen.

A vodka plant and a power station in the church building.


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A cloud of dust.

Peasant women who bless German soldiers.

Enters the tanks and infantry.

Fights in the Smolensk village.

It's burning.

Against the background of the fire, soldiers are coming.

Reflection of the raid of Soviet aviation.

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The downed Soviet plane falls and burns on the ground.

Air battle.

German soldiers are trying to break the flames that swept the fallen Soviet aircraft.

Infantry, cavalry, motorized parts on the march.

The Meeting On The Volga River 1972

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:56, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM


The film tells the story of Soviet-French meeting of veterans of the war, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Reel №2

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YF Pavlov - The hero of the Battle of Stalingrad

Soviet Army The Victorious Stalingrad [now the city of Volgograd] 1972

Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:25, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM


The film is about the importance of the Battle for the city of Stalingrad in the Great Patriotic War (Soviet people’s participation in World War II in 1941-1945) and about today's life of the Heroic City of Volgograd (the former Stalingrad).


Personnel military newsreels 1942-1943 years: the moments of battle, soldiers of the German fascist troops eat, cook in the field; moments of air battles; appearance in Stalingrad during the siege of the city, Soviet military leaders consider the map of hostilities. Map encircle encirclement Army F.<br/>winter of 1943. The streets of Volgograd. Memorial to the defenders of the city on Mamaev Hill. People laid flowers at the monument. Veterans of the Battle of Stalingrad talk during the meeting. Sculpture soldier on the bank of the Volga River.


Personnel military newsreels 1942-1943 years: the moments of battle, soldiers of the German fascist troops eat, cook in the field; moments of air battles; appearance in Stalingrad during the siege of the city, Soviet military leaders consider the map of hostilities. Map encircle encirclement Army F.<br/>winter of 1943. The streets of Volgograd. Memorial to the defenders of the city on Mamaev Hill. People laid flowers at the monument. Veterans of the Battle of Stalingrad talk during the meeting. Sculpture soldier on the bank of the Volga River.

Reel №1

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Landscapes wall - different.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

The onset of the fascist troops.

Fierce battles in the bend of the Don.

Animation: map with the plan of taking the Caucasus and capture Stalingrad.

The Germans on the Volga.

Construction fortified Soviet soldiers.

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Newsreel 30's.:

Stalingrad in the pre-war years - LS., PNRM.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Beginning of the battle of Stalingrad: German air action.

Animation: card with a plan by German forces capture Stalingrad.

Monuments-tanks in Volgograd.

Ludnikov monument on the island: the ruins of the mill, etc.

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Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Street fighting in Stalingrad: shoots Sergeant Pavlov.

Bald Mountain - site of fierce fighting.

Soviet divisions formed in the east, are flocking to the shores of the Volga River for battle.

Soviet counterattack plan, code-named "Uranus", developed by the Soviet High Command: massed forces of the Southwestern, Don, Stalingrad Fronts, which broke through the enemy defenses and closed the encirclement of three hundred and thirty thousand enemy.

Meeting soldiers Southwestern and Stalingrad fronts.

Reel №2

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Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Surrender fascist forces led by Field Marshal Paulus.

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In the ruins of Stalingrad - LS., PNRM.

Animation: newspapers with articles on the Battle of Stalingrad.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Parade of soldiers participating in the Battle of Stalingrad Stalingrad.

Place heavy fighting - LS., PNRM.

In the streets of Volgograd is a military band - LS., MS., PNRM.

Veterans of War, arrived in Volgograd on Victory Day.


Battle for Moscow. The Unknown War №2 1979

Movie, 6 parts, Duration: 0:49:03, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM


The second film of the epic is about a battle for the city of Moscow in winter of 1941-1942.


in the sky, antiaircraft guns, searchlights, air raid: the people running the shelter, down in the subway. Sleeping in the underground people. Air battle. Women do grenades, shells. Firefighters extinguish a fire. Hitler in a plane, a map. German soldiers were shot from a cannon, ferried across the River<br/> 4h. - The funeral of General Panfilov: coffin lowered into the grave, the volley of rifles, a wreath on the grave. Parade on Red Square on Nov. 7, 1941: are soldiers, says Stalin. Hitler and others visiting the soup kitchen, tanks passing mark by 27 km (from Moscow). 5h. - Zhukov at the map. The Soviet


in the sky, antiaircraft guns, searchlights, air raid: the people running the shelter, down in the subway. Sleeping in the underground people. Air battle. Women do grenades, shells. Firefighters extinguish a fire. Hitler in a plane, a map. German soldiers were shot from a cannon, ferried across the River<br/> 4h. - The funeral of General Panfilov: coffin lowered into the grave, the volley of rifles, a wreath on the grave. Parade on Red Square on Nov. 7, 1941: are soldiers, says Stalin. Hitler and others visiting the soup kitchen, tanks passing mark by 27 km (from Moscow). 5h. - Zhukov at the map. The Soviet

Reel №1


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Military train departs, an orchestra.

The pre-war life - Moscow, flower shop, cars on the streets, the children on the carousel, a cafe on the street selling flowers.

Grand Theatre - dancing Galina Ulanova.

Summer 1941 - German offensive: explosions, are the German tanks, military vehicles passing.

Military Moscow - the streets, the people are placed bags.

Driven balloons.

Women dig barrage strengthening.

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People to read the ruling.

Fighting in the Smolensk region - burning German tanks, shoot guns, burning city, a German machine gun.

Reel №3


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Guderian and the German officer.

Soviet tanks T-34 passing through the city.

Defense of Tula: people running, shoot guns, armored train rides, shooting an armored car, a burning tank.

Photos cadet who died in the battle of Tula.

Reel №5

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Newsreel - Zhukov and members of the Military Council of the card war.

Training of Soviet troops to attack: aircraft preparing for battle, tankers sit in the tank, skiers, horse rides, carry guns, the soldiers go, go trains.

On a city street riding tanks, are skiers.

Zhukov at the telegraph.

Kalinin Front commander, General Konev.

The Soviet offensive: shooting guns, explosions.

General Rokossovsky and others.



anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the USSR and Romania. Types Desnogorsk town in the Smolensk region. Building nuclear power plant. Work on the station. Production processes at the Leningrad Production Association "Nevsky Plant". Construction<br/>Construction of gas pipeline in the Tyumen region. Types of Volgograd. Rally in the square in honor of the fallen fighters 40-th anniversary of victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. Milking cows and caring for them in the near Moscow State Farm. Lenin. Meeting in the Hall of Columns of workers' representatives in


anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the USSR and Romania. Types Desnogorsk town in the Smolensk region. Building nuclear power plant. Work on the station. Production processes at the Leningrad Production Association "Nevsky Plant". Construction<br/>Construction of gas pipeline in the Tyumen region. Types of Volgograd. Rally in the square in honor of the fallen fighters 40-th anniversary of victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. Milking cows and caring for them in the near Moscow State Farm. Lenin. Meeting in the Hall of Columns of workers' representatives in

Reel №1

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1. The grand meeting in the House of Unions, dedicated to the 35 th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the USSR and Romania.

2. Smolensk NPP,

Types Desnogorsk town in the Smolensk region.

Building nuclear power plant.

Work on the station.

3. Production processes at the Leningrad Production Association "Nevsky Plant".

4. Construction of gas pipeline in the Tyumen region.

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5. Fortieth Anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Types of Volgograd.

Rally in the square in honor of the fallen fighters 40-th anniversary of victory in the Battle of Stalingrad.

6. Milking cows and caring for them in the near Moscow State Farm.


Milkmaid AS Gidalova.

7. Days Prague to Moscow.


At the command of Rokossovsky 1941

Footage, 2 footages, Duration: 0:00:42, Published 5/21/2020 3:54:13 PM

Scene №1 At the command of Rokossovsky

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To the West, July-August, 1941 the Commander of the 16th army of Lieutenant General Rokossovsky discussing with the command of the plan of cooperation between various armed forces in the upcoming battles.

Календарь: 1941

Foreign newsreels №2091 1969

News, 6 footages, Duration: 0:13:38, Published 3/10/2017 2:44:46 PM

Scene №3

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3. Bulgaria - Partisan Museum of the First Rebel Operational Zone, established in 1943.

Meeting at a historic place in the Rhodopes, where September 2, 1941.

The battles of the partisan detachment Anton Ivanov began.

Tanks and artillery in battle 1941

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:01:10, Published 2/13/2015 8:30:56 PM

Scene №1 Tanks and artillery in battle

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Календарь: 1941

At the Kursk Curve 1983

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:07, Black-white, Published 11/10/2012 12:53:13 AM


About the battle at the Kursk Curve during the Great Patriotic War (Soviet people’s participation in World War II in 1941-1945).


1 hour - 40 th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk. Memories of veterans, local residents, newsreel. 2h. - The Battle of Kursk - chronicle.


1 hour - 40 th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk. Memories of veterans, local residents, newsreel. 2h. - The Battle of Kursk - chronicle.

Reel №2


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Evening Landscape Kursk - MS., LS.

Barbed wire - MS., LS.

A soldier looks through binoculars - MS., LS.

The night before the battle of Kursk - MS., LS.

Soviet soldiers in the trenches - MS., LS.

Military equipment in readiness - MS., LS.

Nervous Jerry - MS., LS.

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Tanks "Tiger" and "Ferdinand» - MS., LS.

Fragments battle of Kursk: dogfights - MS.; Fly planes - MS., LS.; Shooting guns - MS., LS.; Explosions - MS., LS.; Soldier throws a grenade - MS., LS.; Burning tanks - MS., LS.; soldiers are fleeing the tank - MS., LS.; shoot "Katyusha» - MS., LS.

The collapse of the operation "Citadel" - run by German soldiers - MS., LS.

Commander of the Voronezh Front General N.F.Vatutin, commanding general of the Steppe Front IS Konev, Commander of the Central Front General KK Rokossovsky, commander of the Bryansk Front General Popov - at command posts - MS., CU.

Animation: Map of military offensive of the Soviet Army in the Kursk, Orel and other directions - CU.

Newsreel 1943:

Soldiers boost river rafting - MS., LS.; Carry weapons and ammunition - MS., LS.

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Explosion stables - LS.

Simultaneous attack tanks and aircraft of Soviet aviation in the Battle of Prokhorovka - MS., LS.

They run the tanks soldiers - MS., LS.; Diving plane - MS., LS.; Pilot in the cockpit - MS.

Burning village - MS., LS.; Running and shooting soldiers - MS., LS.

Eagle liberation: fighting in the town, burning houses - MS., LS.; Explosions - MS., LS.; Lights broken appliances - MS., LS.

Soviet tanks in the liberated city of Eagle - MS., LS.

Residents meet soldiers-liberators, kiss, cry - MS., LS.


Reel №1

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Kursk region.

May 9.

Memorial to commemorate the victory of the Soviet Army in the Battle of Kursk - MS., LS.

To the plate with the names of those killed in the war lay flowers - MS.

Stands an old woman - MS.

Veteran, in uniform sailor salutes - MS.

Trenches - LS., PNRM.


A Spring of the Victory 1974

Movie, 3 parts, Duration: 0:31:01, Black-white, Published 11/14/2012 12:00:00 AM


About the final battles of the Great Patriotic War (Soviet people’s participation in World War II in 1941-1945) in 1944-1945.

Reel №1


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Newsreel 1941-1945.:



Inside view of bunkers "Wolfsan" (Wolf pit "), where in 1941, 44gg.

Hitler's headquarters command.

German guns firing, soldiers.

The Soviet offensive.


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Danzig (Gdansk), reduces operator B. Mikosha.

Sunk by a German ship.

Soviet tank on the Baltic Sea.

Fighting for the capture of Koenigsberg - shooting guns, soldiers running into battle, climb the slope of the ladder, Soviet tanks enter the fortress.

Come out of the building captured German officers, including Commandant General Lasch Konigsberg.

It takes a column of German prisoners of war.

Broken military equipment on the battlefield.


Reel №3

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Newsreel 1941-1945.:

German planes in the air, the pilot is tracer fire.

German soldiers knock the door of the house, burning haystacks.

Woman comes out of the shelter with a dead child in her arms, the woman in the ruins.

Soviet people drove into slavery in Germany.

On Red Square are soldiers going off to the front.

Of plant leaves military factory tank.


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