You found 15560 newsreels for query "Soviet-Japanese War"

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Roads of friendship 1985

Movie, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:33, Published 10/4/2016 11:55:26 AM


In June 1985, in Hokkaido took place "far Eastern meeting," the Soviet and the Japanese public. For this reason the film recalls some milestones in the development of relations between Russia and Japan.

Reel №1

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The Soviet delegation is being met on the island of Hokkaido.

A brass band is playing.

Demonstration of opponents of Soviet-Japanese friendship.

Meeting of the Soviet and Japanese delegations at the Hokkaido-85 conference.

450 delegates are participating.

The participants are welcomed by the Governor of Hokkaido.

Speeches of the participants.

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The Japanese delegation arrives in the Soviet Far East.

The Japanese delegation is planting a tree.

The Japanese visited a kindergarten.

Conference of the Soviet and Japanese public in Moscow.

Agreements are signed between governments.

A seagull over the sea.

Chronicle of 1921:


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A rally dedicated to this event.

The Japanese Ambassador thanks the Muscovites for the warm welcome.

The participants of the rally throw the pilots up.

The scientist tells about the first meetings of Russian people with the Japanese in Peter's time.

Vintage photos of St.


Photo of students who studied Japanese in St.

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Government Bulletin of September 3, 1882 with the announcement of the arrival in St.

Petersburg of the Japanese Prince Vice-Chancellor Arisugawa Nomiya.

Vintage photos of St.


Photos of St.

Petersburg University.

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Photo of a Japanese prince.

A collection of books donated by the prince from his personal library.

Vladislav Goriglad, Head of the Department of Japanese Philology at Leningrad University, tells.

A boat is sailing along the Neva River past St.

Isaac's Cathedral.

Chronicle of 1942:

Besieged Leningrad.

Reel №2


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Ships are shooting at the Leningrad roadstead.

Victory salute.

Remove the disguise of the Admiralty spire.

Photos of the keepers of the Japanese prince's book collection.

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During the blockade, all 3465 volumes of books from the Japanese collection were preserved.

Japanese artist collects ikebana.

The Japanese demonstrate folk costumes.

A delegation of Japanese businessmen is traveling through the Soviet Union.

The mayor of the city of Maizuru arrived in the city of Nakhodka.

The port of Nakhodka.

Container terminal of Nakhodka.


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Demonstration of the forces of the opponents of Soviet-Japanese cooperation.

Arrival of the Soviet delegation to Hokkaido.

Buses with the delegation go from the port to the city.

Meeting of the representative of the Soviet Far East with the mayor of the city of Maizuru.

Participants of the Soviet-Japanese Friendship conference Hokkaido'85.

Akado Toshiharo, a member of parliament from the Socialist Party of Japan, tells.

The plane arrives in Khabarovsk.

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A Japanese delegation headed by Akado Toshiharo, who arrived at the first Far Eastern meeting in 1984, gets off the plane.

The work of the meeting participants.

Participants are greeted with bread and salt.

The Russian folk ensemble performs.

In Hokkaido, the Soviet delegation gets acquainted with the tea ceremony.

Reel №3

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A park in Sapporo.

Kusamo Nikai Children's Society.

Children of the Japanese society are resting in Artek.

Tells a boy from the city of Kyoto.

The children board the ship and return to Japan.

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Japanese children sing Russian songs.

Japanese children feed pigeons.

Chronicle of 1961:

Streets of a Japanese city.

Says Stanislav Nosov, Director of Lesexport.

Chronicle of 1961:

Children with polio.

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Demonstrations of Japanese residents for the supply of vaccines from the USSR.

Says Dr.


Says Stanislav Nosov, Director of Lesexport.

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The arrival of the polio vaccine from the USSR.

Photos of vaccinations of Japanese children against polio.

Chronicle of 1961:

Japanese children.

Says Dr.


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The doctor accompanies the film crew.

Says the deputy of the House of Representatives of the Japanese Parliament from the ruling party Abe Fumio.

Says the chairman of the Soviet delegation, member of the CPSU Central Committee Alexei Cherny.

The Soviet delegation is sailing home.

United News №182 1945

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:46, Black-white, Published 10/24/2016 8:35:21 AM

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Truman, Attlee and Canadian Prime Minister King

USA. Construction of houses for the American war veteran


Japanese war criminals


The opening of the Japanese Americans hidden gold reserves

Ключевые слова

world war 2
Japan war criminals

Guarding the USSR 1931-1932

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:04:54, Published 6/27/2016 7:38:12 PM

Scene №1 Guarding the USSR

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Japanese artillery spotter watching the enemy through the telescope, sitting on the roof of the building.

General view of the roof of the building with a Japanese observation post.

Japanese and Chinese troops are fighting during the Manchurian incident in September 1931.

Panorama captured Japanese Chinese armored train.

Japanese officers and soldiers captured sorted firearms seized during the fighting in Manchuria.

Panorama of the destroyed industrial enterprise in Mukden.

Damaged buildings in the fighting on the streets of Mukden.

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Map areas of Manchuria, captured by the Japanese.

Map of Soviet Area in Southeast China and promotion of Japanese troops to it.

A column of Soviet heavy tanks moving on the road.

View of the bow turret Soviet warship.

Waving Soviet naval flag.

The commander of the Red Army oversees the conditional enemy in the telescope during the exercise.

Waving Soviet naval flag.


To Stregthen Neighbourliness And Cooperation 1976

Movie, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:03, Published 12/21/2015 10:53:01 PM


About the Soviet-Japanese cooperation (history and present days).


shots chronicles devoted to the events of the Second World War, the atomic bombing in Hiroshima. Landscapes of Japan. Type Bay Heda. Bust of Admiral Putiatina. Museum of Japanese-Soviet friendship. The arrival of Soviet ships in the Japanese port of Yokohama. Unloading timber at the port. Presentation<br/>Tchaikovsky. Speech by Japanese athletes, a Japanese musical ensemble (synchronously). Customer service in restaurants in Japan, which serves Russian cuisine. Trade in Russian publications in a Tokyo bookstore. Classes in Japanese schools (synchronously). The work of the Japanese missions in Moscow. Negotiations<br/>Negotiations LI Brezhnev with representatives of Japanese business circles. A stay of Japanese tourists in the Soviet Union. Types of Volgograd, the construction of industrial enterprises in Siberia. Work in one of the ports of the Far East. Types of Khabarovsk. Classes of schoolchildren in the section


shots chronicles devoted to the events of the Second World War, the atomic bombing in Hiroshima. Landscapes of Japan. Type Bay Heda. Bust of Admiral Putiatina. Museum of Japanese-Soviet friendship. The arrival of Soviet ships in the Japanese port of Yokohama. Unloading timber at the port. Presentation<br/>Tchaikovsky. Speech by Japanese athletes, a Japanese musical ensemble (synchronously). Customer service in restaurants in Japan, which serves Russian cuisine. Trade in Russian publications in a Tokyo bookstore. Classes in Japanese schools (synchronously). The work of the Japanese missions in Moscow. Negotiations<br/>Negotiations LI Brezhnev with representatives of Japanese business circles. A stay of Japanese tourists in the Soviet Union. Types of Volgograd, the construction of industrial enterprises in Siberia. Work in one of the ports of the Far East. Types of Khabarovsk. Classes of schoolchildren in the section

Reel №3


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Russian language lesson in the society "Japan-USSR".

Interviews with passers-by on the street (synchronously about the Soviet Union).

International Cultural Center.

Exhibition about the Soviet Union.

Visitors at the layout of Red Square.

The Red Square.

Guests from Japan are queuing at the Mausoleum.


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Leonid Brezhnev on the podium (synchronously).

Signing of a cultural agreement between friendship societies.

One of the representative offices of Japanese companies in Moscow.

The head of the Moscow branch of the Japanese company Mitsubishi Shoji, Mr.

Orito (synchronously).

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Chronicle: L.I. Brezhnev's meeting with Toshio Doko, President of the Japanese Federation of Economic Organizations.

Japanese tourists in the USSR.

Japanese tourists descend the ladder of the ship.

Japanese tourists in the cabin.

Japanese tourists descend the plane ramp.

Japanese children.

Reel №1

On the Soviet-Japanese cooperation (Past and Present).

Reel №2


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Chronicle: Meeting of Mr.

Ikeda and A.N.Kosygin in Moscow.

People are looking at and buying books.

Japanese language lesson in the 20th Moscow school (synchronously).

Streets of Tokyo

Rickshaw on Tokyo street.

Automobile interchange.

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Cars, people on the streets.

A fragment of the performance of Soviet artists in Japan.

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Classes at the Tokyo Ballet School.

Judo classes in Moscow.

Gymnastics competitions.

Performance of a Japanese vocal and instrumental ensemble with a Russian song in Japanese.

The cuisine of a Russian restaurant in Japan.

Restaurant hall.



Rewarding former warrior-internationalist Novichenko highest awards for heroism in Korea fighting for the liberation of Korea from the Japanese militarists (DPRK). Cambodia: History (1975-1979 gg.) And the date. Enterprise Leviteks (textiles) in Levice (Czech Republic). Demonstration of protest against


Rewarding former warrior-internationalist Novichenko highest awards for heroism in Korea fighting for the liberation of Korea from the Japanese militarists (DPRK). Cambodia: History (1975-1979 gg.) And the date. Enterprise Leviteks (textiles) in Levice (Czech Republic). Demonstration of protest against

Reel №1

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Awarding of the Soviet soldier-internationalist Novichenko who caught a grenade thrown at a demonstration in the direction of the tribe HN, participated in the liberation of the country from the Japanese militarists.

The peaceful life in the country after years of civil war with the Pol Pot regime.

Textile business Soviet-Czech friendship "Leviteks." "Bloody Sunday" in Belfast.

Police massacre of peaceful demonstration.

Oil spill from a tanker near the Peruvian Lima.

Nena was polluted beaches, vast water expanses.

Enterprise work MOCA, producing porcelain and ceramic ki on the best examples of the Chinese masters.


The defeat of militarist Japan. Year 1945 1945

Movie, 7 parts, Duration: 1:06:19, Published 9/2/2024 6:03:39 PM

Reel №1

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Expansionist policies of the Japanese military from the early 20th century, the aggression against the USSR. Liberating mission of the Soviet soldiers who defended the interests of the Soviet Union and all the countries attacked by the Japanese invaders.

Ключевые слова

The Second World War (the Soviet war with Japan)

United News №97 1944

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:15, Black-white, Published 10/24/2016 8:38:00 AM

Reel №1


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Presentation of awards to the families of Japanese Americans who were killed in battles with the Japanese

The largest salt mine, working on war

Girls - members of the rescue service in Australia, replacing men

The bombing by American aircraft of the Japanese ships and airfields.

The return to their bases

Ключевые слова

war 2 world
War World 2
World War 2
World War 2
World War 2

United News №173 1945

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:08, Black-white, Published 10/24/2016 8:35:33 AM

Reel №1

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Presentation of Japanese diplomats in Washington surrender terms.

The release of the American prisoners.

The trial of General Yamashida.

Japanese generals arrested

The trial of the Quisling

The occupation of Vienna.

Soviet troops on the streets of Vienna

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Americans in Tokyo.

The arrival of General MacArthur in Tokyo

The history of the liberation of France.

Liberation of Paris.

German prisoners of war in camps built by the Germans for the prisoners.

The Allied forces freed prisoners.

Fifteen Ukrainian boy, whose parents were killed by the Germans.


Ключевые слова

war 2 World
world war 2
World War 2
prisoners of war

Japan in wars 1905-1939

Footage, 3 footages, Duration: 0:06:37, Published 12/16/2017 1:38:38 AM

Scene №1 Japan in wars

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The parade of the Japanese army in 1904.

Japanese tanks and infantry break through the Chinese positions during the war of 1931-1937.

Japanese soldiers plant a banner above the gates of the palace in Beijing.

Japanese artillery calculation fires at the enemy.

Japanese planes are flying.

Episode of air battle.

Officers at the observation post.

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Soviet tankmen surrendered (staged).

Episodes of air battle.

Japanese youth marching in the ranks during military training classes.

Japanese pilots are instructed before the combat flight.

The pilots take places in the cockpits of the aircraft.

Scene №3

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Japanese aircraft dive on the target during the fighting in the Pacific Ocean in 1941-1943.

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Japanese pilots are discussing tactics of combat between combat sorties.

The pilot sits down in the cockpit of the plane, the screws rotate.

A flying plane.

The Japanese army on the march during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

Panorama of the Japanese fortified area in Manchuria.

Preparation of heavy guns for shooting.

Calculation of a heavy gun is firing.

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Russian officers in one of the Manchurian villages during negotiations with the Japanese.

The captured Russian soldiers.

A Japanese military band is playing.

Japanese ships in a combat campaign.

Deck guns and torpedo tubes fire.

Explosions on enemy ships.

Awarding one of the Japanese generals.

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Parade of the Japanese cavalry.

Scene №2

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Japanese tank at the training ground during the exercises.

The face of the commander of the tank.

Infantry with the support of tanks takes a fighting position, preparing to fire.

The tank takes a position, the arrows lead fire from rifles and machine guns.

The tank is moving.

The officer podpet command subordinates, infantrymen are running into the attack.

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Attacking Japanese tanks overcome wire obstacles during maneuvers.

The tank commander in the tower gives commands.

Tanks with caterpillars destroy wire barriers.

The Japanese infantry during the exercises, the calculation of the machine gun fire.

The officer raises the soldiers into the attack.

Infantry attacks with the support of tanks.

Episode of air battle.

The Khalkhin-Gol River: the Undeclared War 1984

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:58, Black-white, Published 11/10/2012 12:58:00 AM

Reel №1


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The body of a downed tank in a grassy trench.

Broken Soviet tanks in the trenches, grass sprouts through the tanks.

A shell hole in the side of the tank.

Monument to Soviet tankmen who died during the fighting on Khalkhin-Gol.

View of the monument from above.

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Japanese jet planes fly through the sky.

Pages of a Japanese history textbook.

Japanese students in the classroom during the lesson.

Newspaper articles in English about Japanese aggression in China.

Newsreel of 1937: Japanese soldiers in Nanking.

Mobilization of Koreans in the Japanese army.

Demonstration in Japan for the return of the Southern Kuril Islands.


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A student at a Japanese school in the 1930s answers a lesson while standing at his desk.

Kindergarten students during a war game.

A samurai sword in the hands of an officer.

Japanese soldiers in the ranks.

The faces of the soldiers.

A flag with a Nazi swastika is raised on the flagpole.

Hitler greets the troops passing in front of him, and Goering stands next to him.


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Japanese soldiers on the streets of Shanghai in 1937.

Cars and rickshaws with Japanese flags.

Japanese soldiers bury civilians alive in the ground.

The face of a Japanese officer.

Soldiers shoot at the windows with a machine gun.

The Soviet border patrol goes along the border.

Speakers speak at a rally against Japanese aggression in the area of Lake Hassan.


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Japanese soldiers cross the river in an inflatable boat.

Japanese troops cross the Khalkhin Gol in May 1939.

Japanese tanks are being transported.

Soviet commanders watch the enemy's actions through a stereo tube.

The machine-gun crew is firing.

The Soviet infantry conducts defensive battles.

Removal of the wounded from the battle.



Hideki Tojo - Japanese statesman and political leader

Reel №2

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Newsreel, 1939: view of the Khalkhin-Gol.

Japanese vantage point on the river bank.

Soviet tanks boost Khalkhin Gol.

Soviet artillery crew firing at the enemy.

The tank is on the attack.

General view of the battle field (above).

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Soviet artillery fire.

The explosions of shells on Japanese positions.

Japanese positions, broken Soviet artillery.

Captured Japanese flags.

Broken artillery Japanese.

GK Zhukov and Mongolian Marshal H. Choibalsan during a visit to parts of the Soviet troops.

Choibalsan talks with Soviet leaders.


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The Japanese team funeral brings corpses.

Head funeral team ordered his subordinates.

Handling corpses of Japanese soldiers in the truck.

Passing Japanese truck with corpses of soldiers, the road is the Soviet adjuster.

View the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin.

View of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

Interior view of Stalin's office in the Kremlin.


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The German and Japanese flags in the hands of the people.

Japanese Foreign Minister Matsuoka and Ribbentrop ride in an open car.

The motorcade turns to the Brandenburg Gate.

View the Brandenburg Gate with the Nazi and Japanese flags.

Flying German aircraft.

View the burning of the village (above).

German soldiers are on the streets of the city.


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