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"hydraulic press" newsreels and historical clips

Experience maintenance excavator EO - 3323. 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:49, published: 12/24/2015

Reel №1


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... the hydraulic system, the coolant level in the radiator is checked.

The bucket joints are lubricated.

Camel on the background of historical buildings of Samarkand.

Checking the operation of the excavator.

The excavator rides through the streets of the ancient city.

The excavator has two hydraulic supports ...

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... excavator No. 1 is carried out.

It is necessary to lower the working equipment to the ground, stop the engine, turn off the mass, relieve pressure in the hydraulic system, set the levers to the neutral position.

A set of tools supplied with the excavator.

Other operations to prepare the excavator for maintenance ...


Maintenance of bulldozers on the basis of tractor T-130 1979

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:40, published: 11/10/2015

Reel №1

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... bulldozer has a powerful blade with hydraulic skew, a reliable 160 hp engine, ripping equipment.

A bulldozer moves rocks.

Daily maintenance.

First of all, during an external inspection of the bulldozer, the completeness of the assemblies and parts, the tightness of the hydraulic drive are checked, the bolted ...

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... ripper earring, the pushing bars of the trolley are tightened.

It is necessary to check the oil level in the engine, the level of working fluid in the hydraulic system tank, the water level in the radiator.

If you need to refuel.

The ATU AM4822 maintenance unit helps in this.

The level of diesel fuel is checked ...


Reel №2

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... water and other operations are added.

Bearings of tension wheels, supporting and supporting rollers, ring bearings of semi-axes and ball bearings of hydraulic cylinders are filled with oil.

After 960 hours of work in stationary workshops, maintenance No. 3 is carried out.

The bulldozer is transported on ...

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... oil is changed in the gearbox of the starting unit, in the on-board gearbox housing, in the hydraulic system tank, in the gearbox and the bevel gear compartment.

Mesh filters, hydraulic system filter, hydraulic tank breather, gearbox breather and other parts are washed.

The density of the electrolyte ...


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... removed from the magneto engine and checked.

The filter elements of the fuel fine filter must be replaced with new ones.

The maximum pressure in the hydraulic system is checked.

The carburetor is removed from the engine and washed.

During seasonal maintenance, water is drained from the cooling system.

The ...


Hydro Electric Power Station "Sigalda" 1978

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:11, published: 11/14/2012


Hydroelectric Sigalda River Tungnaau.

Soviet and Icelandic experts are studying the drawings, are involved in the installation and commissioning of hydraulic equipment.

Installation, adjustment of the generator.

Engine room hydroelectric power, the control panel.

Production of turbines for hydropower Sigalda

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New machinery for the construction of power 1984

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:44:59, published: 3/24/2023

Reel №4

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... using wire ties.

The valve is fed by a crane manipulator to the upper cornice.

Tightening the beam of the reinforcement element into the channelizer.

Hydraulic jacks.

Arrangement of reinforcement bundles in cylindrical and dome parts of the shell (animation).

Welding works.

Welding machine for welding vertical ...

They were assisted by Lenin 1978

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:59, published: 7/18/2014

Reel №2


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... hand.

Storage of extracted peat.

Hydraulic method of peat extraction (fragment of the film"GOELRO-Hydrotorf".

Photo of the inventor of the hydraulic method R.E. Klasson with a group of engineers.

A fragment of the d / film "GOELRO-Hydrotorf", peat extraction by hydraulic method, newsreel alternates with ...

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... with portraits of Lenin.

The text of Lenin's letter about the need for the widespread introduction of the hydraulic method of peat extraction.

Portraits of Klasson and Lenin, alternating with newsreel footage of peat extraction in a hydro-mechanical way.

Photo of engineer Glavtorf Radchenko.

The text of ...


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... "Ignatiev cutters" in agriculture on plowshares, cultivators, combines.

Harvesting of fodder corn.

Peat extraction by hydraulic method.

Portrait of engineer R.E. Klasson.

The work of modern hydraulic guns on the extraction of peat, coal and ore.

Sub-caliber projectiles invented by E.A. Berkalov.

Newsreel of 1943-1944: ...


The Road Leading to Boguchany 1980

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:24:51, published: 11/19/2012




Dams Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilim and Bogu HPS. Passes IP Petukhov said.

Chronicle: construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric station. Hydraulic Engineering at work.

Boats pulling a barge.

By GK Sukhanov. 2h. - Chronicle: Delegates of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR at the conference in

Reel №1


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... be blocked by Angara - LS.

Figure Boguchanskaya hydroelectric dam - CU. impact.

Boat in the fog - MS.

Runs along the bank of the Angara chief hydraulic unit Bratskgesstroy IP Petukhov - MS. PNRM. (Winter).

IP Petukhov talks about his work (synchronous) - MS.

Photo by IP Petukhov - MS. impact.

Newsreel ...

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... LS. PNRM.

IP Petukhov talking with the captain at the dock riverine, with hydraulic engineer in the office talking on the phone with an employee (synchronous) - MS.

Unloading boats at the dock in Ust-Ilimsk - LS.

Hydraulic engineering at work - MS. PNRM.

Boat on the Angara - MS.

Shipping boats - ...


LMZ. 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:52, published: 4/10/2023

Reel №1

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... power Bratsk hydroelectric power station.

Technological processes in the shops of the Leningrad Metal Plant for the production of steam, gas and hydraulic turbines of various types and capacities.

Plant designers work with drawings, discuss drafts of new turbines.

Power plant in Greece, Morocco, Brazil ...

Gas Dynamics Laboratory 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:07, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Gas Dynamics Laboratory


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... working with equipment.

Schemes with indicators on the wall.

In the frame of young scientists and academics Adolf V. Misha

Head of Department of Hydraulic Moscow State Construction University.

Roscosmos, archive. About space 2022

Footage, 6 footages, duration: 0:50:45, published: 6/23/2023

Scene №5 Mikhail Kotov about Anna Kikina's flight on the Crew Dragon ship

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Kikina A.Yu. - hydraulic engineer, test cosmonaut, Master of Sports of the Russian Federation in polyathlon and rafting.

here and now 27.03.2001 2001

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:10:08, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1

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Vasilenko Vasiliy Anatolyevich - Minister for Press Affairs of the Chechen Republic.

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