China Today (1972)

Movie №7173, 9 parts, Duration: 1:30:29 Black-white


The film tells about the national culture of China, about the life of the Chinese people, about the domestic and foreign policy of the country's leadership.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Rural landscape, river view.

Mountain landscape, panorama of hills, view of part of the Great Wall of China.

Views and panoramas of different sections of the Great Wall.

Dilapidated and preserved sections of the Great Wall, one of the entrances to the Great Wall.

Battlements and steps of the wall.

Fragments of the Great Wall, loopholes.

Types of walls from loopholes.

Sections of the wall going down and rising up, towers of the wall.

A stream is flowing.

Buddhist temple in the forest thickets.

Buddha statues at the walls of the temple.

The upper parts of the statues.

Bas-reliefs on the wall of the temple (panorama).

Fragments of bas-reliefs, images of Buddha.

Statues of Buddha in the temple, fragments of statues.

Types of reservoirs near the Imperial Palace in the Forbidden City in Beijing, water lilies and lilies on the water.

Types of pagodas.

One of the buildings of the Imperial palace complex.

The bell on the cornice.

View of a part of the garden (from above).

View of the pagoda.

Wooden bridge over the pond.

Lilies blooming on the water.

An altar with a statue of Buddha in one of the temples, the head of the Buddha.

A fragment of the interior decorations of the temple, a statue of Buddha.

A dragon figurine, the head of a statue.

Fragments of carved ornaments of the Buddha's throne (panorama).

Statue of a deity playing a musical instrument, fragments of a statue.

Statues of various deities.

A sword in the hand of one of the statues.

Patterns decorating the statue.

A fresco on one of the statues.



Shooting locations:

China Peking



Reel №2

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Views of the Forbidden City territory in Beijing.

Sundial on the platform in front of one of the palaces.

Views of the territory of the museum complex of the Imperial palace, fragments of carved ornaments on the walls of buildings and arches.

Figured carved door handle.

Panorama of a part of the palace complex.

Decorations on the cornices of buildings in the form of dragon figures.

Panorama of the square in front of the main imperial palace.

Gilded statues of lions at the entrance to the palace, fragments of statues.

Sculpture of a turtle on the territory of the palace.

Lion statue.

Giant bowls-cauldrons on the territory of the palace complex.

The steps of the staircase leading to the entrance to the palace.

Panorama of the square of the palace complex in the Forbidden City.

View of the building of the main Gugong Imperial Palace.

The main staircase of the palace.

Carved decorations on the platforms of the stairs leading to the palace, a view of the stairs.

Carved ornaments on the stairs.

Types of parts of the building of the main imperial palace, fragments of decorations and architecture of the palace, carved images of deities and dragons.

The staircase leading to the imperial throne.

Sculpture of a stork at the throne.

Interior views and decorations of the throne room.

Vessels decorated with patterns, fragments of patterns.

Caskets decorated with patterns and figures of lions and dragons.

An elephant statuette decorated with deer antlers, a statuette head.

A carved chest is on display at the museum.

Fragments of carved ornament.

Interiors of the palace premises, furniture made of jasper.

Museum exhibits.

A painting on the wall.

Patterned lamps standing on a table.

The works of Chinese artists of the Ming era, made on canvas and carved from bone and presented in the museum's exposition.

Samples of stone carvings, fragments of carvings.

Decorations on tableware, vases and bowls.

Interiors of the imperial cabinet.

A dragon-shaped rook carved from bone, figures of rowers.

A mock-up of a pagoda tower carved from bone.

Figures of people on different levels of the tower.

View of the tower from the bottom up.

Vases painted with patterns and images of dragons.

Artistic carving on one of the vases.

A large vase decorated with a painting.



Shooting locations:






Reel №3

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Trees in the park.

Houses in the old town.

Panorama of a tiled roof.

Figurines decorating the cornices of buildings.

Sculptures of a dragon and an elephant.

View of the gazebo with carved decorations.

Samples of stone carvings.

Views of part of the park and garden.

Flower beds laid out in the park.

The faces of artists making sketches.

A blooming flower.

The artist makes a sketch of a flower.

View of one of the paths of the park, sculptures of lions and other animals along the path.

Fragments of stone sculptures of lions.

Sculptures of camels installed in the park.

Stone horse head.

Sculptures of horses installed along the road leading to the museum.

Sculptures of ancient warriors.

Sculptures of elephants set against each other on the side of the road.

Sculptures of animals on the side of the road.

Buildings and architecture of the old quarter.

The stone bed is on display at the museum.

A bowl with a dragon painted on it in one of the halls of the museum.

The image of a dragon on the wall of a vase.

Arched passage between the museum halls.

Jewelry and jewelry in the museum's exposition.

Golden tea set.

Table setting items made of silver and gold.

Samples of jewelry and jewelry with precious stones.

Coins of various eras are on display at the museum.

Buddhist pagodas on the Yangtze River.

Entrance to one of the pagodas.

Carved decorations of the pedestal of the lion statue, fragments of the statue.

Panorama of a part of the building - a sample of ancient Chinese architecture.

Decorations of ancient buildings, patterns and paintings on columns and cornices.

Dragon figurines on the edge of the roof.

Vessels decorated with ornaments on the site in front of the house.

Dragon statue.

Peacock sculpture.

Views of the park of the palace complex in the Forbidden City.

Panorama of the roofs of ancient buildings.

Bridges over canals with gazebos built on them.

Views of the embankment.

Views of the Great Wall of China.



Shooting locations:

Peking China



Reel №4

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Views and panorama of parts of the Great Wall of China.

Conducting military exercises of the self-defense unit in one of the rural communes.

Peasants with a rifle take up a firing position.

The detachment of soldiers imitating the enemy forces one of the peasants to cooperate, the officer sends forward a sapper with a mine detector.

Working out guerrilla actions by peasants.

A strip of simulated explosions along the edge of the field.

Gathering of residents of the commune and local pioneers on the square.

Armed with machine guns and rifles, the militia in formation in a column, one by one, scatter to the positions.

Boys and girls on the firing line are loading rifles and preparing to open fire.

The targets are turned over as a result of hits, the girl is firing.

Young men with carbines with fixed bayonets stand at the firing line in full height.

Hit targets.

Schoolchildren with rifles take a position on the firing line, prepare to open fire, the girl loads the weapon.

Schoolchildren start firing.

Schoolchildren stand up to their full height, take a step back, pull back the shutters and present weapons for inspection.

The commander of the militia unit gives an interview to a foreign journalist, the militia are in formation.

The faces of the militia of different ages.

A foreign journalist starts asking questions to a girl with a rifle standing in the ranks.

The face of a girl, children with rifles in the ranks of the militia.

View of one of the rice checks.

There are peasants with rockers on their shoulders.

Rural landscape (panorama).

Peasants carry baskets on rockers.

Two children are sitting on a bridge over an irrigation canal.

Water flows from the pipe of the irrigation system.

Peasants work in a rice field.

Planting rice shoots in a flood field.

The work of one of the sections of the irrigation system.

Rice seedlings in the aspic field.

panorama of flooded rice fields in one of the rural communes of China.

The production process in the open-hearth shop of one of the industrial enterprises of China.

The face of the foreman of steelworkers.

Issuance of the next melting of steel, steelworkers observe the process, containers with hot steel.

The process of steel smelting.

Interior view of the engine production shop, transportation of finished engines.

Truck assembly on the conveyor of the Chinese automobile plant, cab installation.

The installer at work.

The faces of the workers.

A passenger car assembled on a conveyor belt with an engine installed.

Engine adjustment.

Trucks assembled on the conveyor go to the site of finished products.

New passenger cars follow to the site of finished products.



Shooting locations:




Reel №5

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New passenger cars are leaving the factory.

A foreign journalist interviews a worker and his family members sitting at a table, the faces of children.

The head of the family answers questions, lights a cigarette.

The faces of a foreign journalist and children, the head of the family continues to answer questions and talk about his life, the faces of children and the wife of a worker.

The mother adjusts the clothes on the youngest of the sons.

The head of the family continues to answer questions from a foreign correspondent.

New trucks are passing through the territory of the automobile plant.

Production processes at the confectionery factory, the face of the worker.

Finished products of the factory, packed in metal boxes.

Packing sweets in boxes.

Loading of the vessel in the port.

Cargo ship under loading at the berth.

Vessels on the Yangtze River near Shanghai.

A traffic light with a traffic controller's booth at one of the intersections.

Motor transport on the streets of the city.

Types of streets of Chinese cities, people and urban transport on the streets.

Traffic controller at the intersection.

Young people are passing by on a moped.

A poster on the wall of the house.

Portrait of Mao Zedong above the entrance to one of the rooms of the medical institution.

Medical workers with Mao quotes in their hands, the faces of girls reading Mao quotes aloud.

Performing a surgical operation.

An anesthesiologist at work.

The course of the operation.

A mock-up of a human ear with an indication of acupuncture points.

Performing an operation to restore the auricle.

Entrance to the clinic.

The chief physician is at the desk in the office.

The doctor talks to the patient.

The doctor conducts an acupuncture session.

Sticking needles into points on the patient's back.

The doctor puts the jars on the patient's back, the doctor's face.

The patient's face, the jars on the patient's back.

The doctor removes the cans.



Shooting locations:

China Shanghai



Reel №6

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People during a rest in the city park.

Piglets graze on the lawn.

People are standing at the entrance to the building.

Women rinse their laundry in the stream.

An elderly man passes by.

A chicken runs among the trees.

A woman leads a child by the hand along the path of the park.

Types of dwellings in working-class neighborhoods, girls pass by houses.

Panorama of tiled roofs of residential buildings in one of the provinces of China.

The girls are in the room.

One of the girls is reading a book, posters and photos on the wall.

The girl is sitting on the bed and darning linen, part of the interior of the room.

The girl's face.

The interior of the living space.

The girl in the kitchen at the stove begins to cook lunch.

The girl lifts the braided hood and demonstrates the ready-made dishes.

Bowls of meat and rice with gravy.

Young people answer questions from a foreign correspondent, the faces of boys and girls.

Harvesting tea by hand, tea leaves are poured into baskets.

Women work on a tea plantation.

Type of tea plantation.

Collecting tea leaves.

Women pour the collected tea leaves into a common basket.

Ripening millet.

Tea pickers return from work, types of tea plantation.

Dazybao on the street of one of the Chinese cities.

The workers of the refinery are on shift, a worker passes with an open umbrella.

People on the street of the work settlement.

Types of one of the petrochemical enterprises in China.

The production process in the fertilizer production shop.

Storage of bags with fertilizers.

View of a stack of bags of fertilizers.

The face of the driver of the car.

Transportation of bags with fertilizers by means of a car.

The girl's face.

Internal view of the computing center of the enterprise.

Scales of control and measuring devices, an employee records the readings of the devices.

Schoolchildren are walking down the street to classes.



Shooting locations:



Summer Autumn

Reel №7

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Chinese schoolchildren go to classes.

The teacher writes hieroglyphs with chalk on the blackboard, turns to face the class and asks a question.

The students of the junior class answer the question in chorus, the faces of the children.

Students draw a hieroglyph with their fingers in the air.

Students at their desks write in notebooks.

Writing hieroglyphs notebooks.

The faces of students writing hieroglyphs.

Copying by students of a poster posted on a blackboard in a drawing lesson.

Ball game in the school yard.

Children play badminton, jump over a rope during recess.

Schoolchildren play various games during recess, the faces of schoolchildren.

Playing table tennis.

A political literacy lesson in one of the senior classes.

The faces of high school students repeating Mao Zedong quotes after the teacher.

A badge with a portrait of Mao Zedong on the jacket of one of the girls in charge of the lesson, the girl's face.

Teachers and students answer questions from a foreign correspondent.

Schoolchildren go on a hike, those in front carry a red banner and a portrait of Mao Zedong, the faces of the participants of the hike.

Types of a column of schoolchildren walking along the road.

Performance of an amateur school team with a military-patriotic composition.

Children march on the stage with a red banner, singing songs.

The faces of the participants of the composition reciting poems.

Schoolchildren are marching on the spot, shouting the words of chants.

Performance of a dance with red panels and ribbons.

Young people with open umbrellas walk along the shore of the irrigation canal, the faces of young men and girls walking.

Portrait of Mao Zedong on the wall, young sculptors are working on a model of a sculpture group on a military patriotic theme, the faces of sculptors.

Sculpture lesson in one of the classes of the art school.



Shooting locations:



Summer Autumn

Reel №8

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Artists paint porcelain figurines.

Interior view of the art workshop.

Coloring bird figurines.

Coloring of porcelain figurines.

Packing in round boxes of terracotta figurines.

An employee lights the stove.

Extraction of round boxes with terracotta and porcelain figurines from the furnace at the end of the firing process.

Packaging of ready-made souvenirs.

Artists draw a pattern of flowers.

drawing a picture on a fabric using various technologies.

Ink drawing on fabric.

The process of dyeing fabrics and fixing the pattern on them, the faces of the workers.

Finished fabric with a pattern.

A worker at the loom.

Production processes at the silk-weaving factory.

Production of silk-based posters on an automatic machine.

Samples of patterns for application and embroidery on fabrics, interior view of an art workshop.

Artists at work.

Creating a sketch of a pattern.

Making paintings on fabric and tapestries by hand, the faces of the masters.

Interior view of a part of the tapestry workshop.

Masters at work on stuffing patterns.

Cleaning the embroidered pattern with scissors.

Samples of carpet factory products.

Weaving patterns of straw.

Making straw handbags, hats and other souvenirs, craftswomen at work.

Embroidery of the pattern on the headdress by hand.



Shooting locations:


Reel №9

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The process of embroidery of colored patterns on handbags and other straw products.

Embroidery floss, the masters embroider the image on the fabric, looking at the sample on paper.

The process of hand embroidery of pattern elements.

Landscape on the wall.

Hand embroidery of a cat image.

The face of one of the embroiderers.

The process of hand embroidery patterns on fabric.

Interior views of the embroidery workshop.

Portrait of a European man in 17th century clothes, as a sample for embroidery.

Portrait of a man, embroidered on fabric according to the pattern.

Paintings embroidered on fabric by hand.

Embroiderers at work.

Portraits of Mao Zedong and the leaders of the Chinese Revolution, as samples for embroidery.

Portrait of Mao Zedong, hand-embroidered on fabric.

The production of embroidery by several masters based on a painting depicting a meeting between Mao Zedong and workers.

Embroiderers at work, the process of hand embroidery.

A panel with a portrait of Mao Zedong, hand-embroidered on fabric, fragments of the panel.

A student of the art school presents his work - a sculpture group at the art council.

The faces of the students.

Statuettes made by student sculptors.

The artist paints a full-length portrait of Mao Zedong from a photograph.



Shooting locations:


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